All Chapters of The Rise of Thomas Miller;the unwanted son-in- law: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
152 chapters
ANOTHER FIGHT The following week Thomas knew he had a lot to do fighting for his position as the heir to all the fortune and wealth left for him by his grandfather. Even though Pa Al Thani is still alive he has everything signed in Thomas’ name. He had given Thomas the ultimatum and the ball is now in his court whether or not he needs to make the old man proud. His phone rang in his pocket as he was about to leave the house and he answered quickly. “Hello sir. I will be with you shortly”. He spoke in a hushed tone before leaving the house. With his rugged hoodie he strolled out of the estate and just a few blocks away the car was waiting for him. A black SUV. Thomas got into the car and sat at the back with Sir Larry. “You tried to meet up with your time today”. He said with a little smile gracing the corner of his mouth. “Yes sir. I did my best so I don't miss out”. Thoms replied. “Well, that's good. Today is your second day. Stage two of the fight and I trust you have done qu
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Chapter 62
THE BIG PLANMeanwhile at the Taylor's company there is a big chaos. No one knew what was happening. They had successfully made Maven agree to follow them and since it was her grandmother's order she had to obey without thinking.The day Thomas came out of prison Maven marveled because he didn't even spend up to two hours there. When she asked him he told her the mayor didn't find him guilty of any of those allegations and so he was miraculously released. Victoria wasn't happy that he came back to her house yet she had no option but to let him stay since he does most of the chores in the house without even complaining. Meanwhile the morning before he left for his fight he didn't bother to check up on Maven because he knew that she would be fine with uncles at the Al Thani tower. And here she was sitting in her incles car while he drove her to the tower to sign the document. She didn't say a single word to him because she knew Thomas was out of the prison she feared he would rot in.
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Chapter 63
I CAN MAKE YOU FOODMaven is skeptical about the call. So she left it to ring for a while. She looked at it and then sighed before picking up.“Hello grandma”. Maven spoke into the phone.“Yes. Maven I was wondering if you could send me a list of all the investors we have in the company”. Grandma said.“I'm sorry granny. I am no longer the one in charge. Call David I think he has the answer you are looking for”. Maven told her Grandma plainly. “Well, it's fine”. Grandma said and ended the call abruptly. Maven walked up to her room and slammed the door. For some reason she had internal joy at what happened at the Al Thani tower earlier. She smiled to herself and laughed at the humiliation her uncles received.“Why was he angry though?” She spoke to herself loud enough for anyone who was in the room to hear. “Why was he angry?” The door creaked open and Thomas walked in.“Whoa! You should learn to knock "What if I was naked?”. Maven asked“Aren't you my wife any more?” Thomas asked j
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Chapter 64
A THREATUnder the scorching midday sun, the car fired up, and with an outburst of speed, it ripped away from the complex. Wavering in the daylight, the vehicle flawlessly met into the progression of road traffic on the highway.The distant buzz of the engine continuously fuzzed as the vehicle embraced the open street, a glaring contrast to the clamoring daytime atmosphere vastness of the open street.The tall building lined up on the left and right of the street with their shadows casting a unique pattern on the pavement. Cars zip by in a rhythmic flow, honking occasionally in the hustle of city life.They arrived at Victoria's mini mansion in about fifteen minutes. When they got out of the car. The men stood behind the car thinking through what they are about to do."I have doubts if she's home at this time". Mr. Patrick said before quickly adjusting his suit. Then suddenly his eyes caught the Ferrari parked there."I hate her for having that car, look at it?" He pointed to the car
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Chapter 66
ANOTHER REJECTION Maven had just received bad news from her PA, Grace. She walked the room up and down trying so hard to comprehend what the lady had just told her. Just a few minutes ago Grace had called to inform her that all the good staff she had hired only anyway ago had been laid off and most of the offices were empty. She held her phone up and all she wanted to do was scream but she kept her cool since they had decided to kick her out. “What is the matter with these men? They are going to ruin everything before it's too late and Grandma isn't even saying to help. She suddenly remembered she hasn't seen Thomas all through the day so she picks up her phone and calls his number. His presence meant a lot to her at this point in time. Her uncles and grandmother were going to make her run mad with their decisions each time at least if he is here she could find solace in his words, even though they literally don't make sense to her most of the time. Just then she heard a knock on
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Chapter 67
GRANDMA IS DISAPPOINTED Patrick couldn't move his body due to the shock he got. The most compelling thing he had was confirmation that he was able to consent to this arrangement with the association. He sorted out some way to take a few to get back some composure. He took a full breath and got his pack. He left the work environment with his eyes down.At the point when he got to his home before long, his mother and kin were in his home.Grandma Clara kept things under control for him to come in before administering her attacks on him."I understood you would not be respectable, you and your kid," she said with such a ton of shock. "I would prefer not to truly acknowledge that something in opposition to what you ensured is the thing that is occurring for my association." She conversed with torture."Mother, the course of action with Al Thani's didn't go as planned because...""This is a consequence of your insufficiency," she yelled, eliminating him from anything that he had tweaked t
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Chapter 68
THE LAST FIGHT Now Thomas got on the ring for the final stage, he was by then used to the norms. This time, he will not permit anyone to hit him with a crush. With his mind set on the book, he imagines all of the moves and uses them on the side of himself. He had as of late gotten up before a crowd of people when his opponent came to the ring. Rapidly, the whistle came on, and the fight began. Especially like him, his enemy has all of the tricks and systems to obstruct the kicks and punches. It didn't take a long time before Thomas sent a punch to the man's nose. A comparable man who pestered him several minutes back in the developing room. The lively field pulsated with energy as Thomas wandered into the spotlight, his adversary glaring across the ring. The ear-penetrating roar of the gathering reverberated through the air, making a concerto of cheers, whistles, and drumming enthusiasm. Thomas, wearing his conspicuous, sequined military craftsmanship clothing, had a great
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Chapter 69
THE VICTORYThomas' instance of success has spread out across the city rapidly. Also, for the past two or three weeks, he has been the topic of discussion at the activity place.This was his fourth week, and he has really squashed four foes at the match, making him move from the most negligible circumstance to the momentary level.Here most striking and skilled people like him missed it. In any case, Thomas had his own. His legitimization behind testing was much more grounded than the deterrents and weakness that sabotaged his regular life.In spite of the way that he had shown up at the moderate level, which is irrefutably the last level before the last match, he didn't terrify anyone at the rec focus with it. Rather, several distinct accomplices who had been there before him for the most part looked for approaches to humiliating him out of desire.On this day, he had as of late walked around the restroom to ease himself before the match while a get-together of influential men envelo
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Chapter 70
The central concern Thomas would insight as she journeys to search for reality with respect to his people's destructions is getting a clumsy perception of the mission his father had occurred before his demise.Sir Larry didn't know such a lot about it since his kin never educated him in regards to the goal.Thomas stirred with a load in his heart. He has had the choice to fulfill all of the tasks left for him except for this, which is the huge clarification he battled enthusiastically to get the zest. Plunging the means, he went straightforwardly toward the kitchen to search for food since Sir Larry's culinary master had gotten to report that she would be late today.Thomas isn't perfect at making meals; the essential day he had a go at making hotcakes, his grandma turned out horrendous. With his tremendous feet running into the floor, he rearranged down, pushing open the kitchen doorway to find his uncles sitting on a seat close to the table."For sure?" Sir Larry asked without raisi
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Chapter 71
THE JOURNEY The men were outside holding on for Thomas when he got away from the house. Sir Larry had two or three hours left for his social event. "Take the south course; it's speedier like that." He told Thomas."Nonetheless, uncle, I'm interested in the regular course, likewise the south." Thomas complained. He knows inside him that he can't manage a vehicle on his own on the south course inciting South Swinton.He has never taken that course in his life, and as of now the task demands that he drive down with an aide he could hardly understand. Thomas had recently given up when Sir Larry showed up before the design with his pants detached in the mid-region, pulling imperceptibly into white innerwear. His belt head hangs close to one another as he pushes ahead."Macho will drive; I called him at this point; he should be here in a moment." His words had barely shown up at the ground when a boom came at the doorway."Goodness that is him." Thomas watched the vehicle drive in with suc
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