All Chapters of The Rise of Thomas Miller;the unwanted son-in- law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
152 chapters
Chapter 72
THE JOURNEYMalcolm uttered a sound as though to talk; he checked all of us with his developing eyes as we tuned in with family interest. Each point he has referred to is fixed in my frontal cortex."The journey isn't exactly all around as dangerous as you normally suspect it is. The Zygars are an extraordinarily hazardous opposition pack. They never kept up with the idea that we ought to spread all through the country; their boss, Zanko, was second to the grandmaster, Chiffu, of the Sickle relationship for quite a while, and subsequently a contention broke out. Zanko knew all of the medications the chief had and all of the flavors to reestablish, kill, patch, and make weakened. He acquired the trick from his ruler and after a short time began to gather his master's lovers for himself. He later organized a defeat against his master, yet he was deceived by someone in his social occasion for a smidgen of money."."He was betrayed." Thomas asked. His tone was a mix of shock and bewilderm
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Chapter 73
THE RULES"A vow?" I considered it. My eyes widened in shock, yet the subsequent I went to Mancho, he didn't look flabbergasted at me. He had all the earmarks of being more like he was by then used to everyday practice."Are you completely ready?" Malcolm asked."For sure''. I answered. "I proved to be the best for the title for the latest confrontational strategies in my city." I added. The room exploded with laughter. I was bewildered about what I said. The older individual spun his seat and grinned at me."That is a good one, and I certainly have a few experiences with the award and the flavor. I was there myself, with my young fellows, to watch you. In any case, she wasn't energized. In other words, clearly, that it's an advantage to our focal objective, but no one goes to a disaster area unarmed. Zander would never have bombarded on that part. Your father was the best master marksman we had; he could kill anything with basically an impression. He had the eyes of a bird of prey."
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Chapter 74
THE BIG PLANThe past night was conceivably the most quiet night Thomas has ever had. The bumble bee from his phone made him toss on the limited scale framed bed.With his eyes shut, he associated the phone and put it in his ear right after swiping the get button."You need to stir, kid." Sir Larry's voice came impacting into the phone. I got the report last night. You were knocked off.".Thomas scoffed. He understood his uncle would constantly call to make jokes of him. He steadied himself on the bed and got up quickly. His voice really has a thick tone."I had no clue about what that was." He said he was cleaning his face. As he talked into the phone, he inspected the room. Mancho had gone out; the time on the wall showed 6:45 a.m. Thomas considered where Mancho could have gone during this time."We have very far to go, Thomas. Malcolm has asked that we train you properly. I will have Mancho show you in my place."."Is it probably true that you are leaving town?""No, I will be your
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Chapter 75
A SET UPThomas was in his room reminiscing his plans to get the killers of his father when his phone began ring.” Why is she even calling?’ he asked the question in his mind the moment he looked at the phone.There is no damn way he was going to let her manipulate his life like she had done when he was still dating her. His intention was to ask her to stop calling but when he heard her voice everything changed.“Tricia we are done and I already told you the last time you called, why do you keep bothering me?" he spat the words into the phone and the moment she heard his voice feigned a shallow cry in the background.“Thomas please I need your help, I am very sick and I am stuck here.” her voice held so much Panic in it. Thomas held the phone in his ear and listened to her whine.“I can’t understand a word you are saying” Thomas told her.“I am in danger Thomas and I need you to help me”. She began to cry and wail.“I am on my way, just don’t get into a fight with them”. Thomas told he
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LET HIM GO Thomas allowed them to move him like a criminal out of the hotel. “I am not what you all think I am”. He said but not one of them gave a hoot about what he had to say. Move it!” They yelled and smacked him on the back with the baton they held in their hand. George and Tricia came out laughing loudly with their friends and making mockery at him for going to jail just as they had planned but they never knew that a bigger plan awaits them. The officers shoved Thomas into the back of their patrol van and zoomed off. “The moment they got to the station. They kept him in a room all by himself and then in about Thirty minutes Sir Larry and Lucas stormed the police station for his release. Outside Thomas could hear the chaotic noise and increment of voices. “That’s Sir Larry’s voice," he said to himself as he got up from the little bench in the dark room. He had been kept there to wait for his fate. He rushed forward and held the bar of the prison. “Come get me out of here
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Chapter 77
REVENGE Maven it's not what you think it is believe me”. I opened my hands up in the air and tried to explain to her. She looked at me for a while and sighed. Did you go to the room or not because the pictures and videos are flying everywhere and you know how my family is. This is not going to be nice when Grandma gets to stumble on this disgraceful video. Look at you standing before a half naked woman struggling with her”. Maven spoke in a slightly harsh tone. I bowed my head to avoid her eyes.“Look at me when I am talking to you Thomas. This is not acceptable. If you see me going to live under this roof as my husband then you will do as I say. I want you to cut all ties with that evil ex of yours. It's disheartening that after all she made you go through in the hands of her new boyfriend and the school you still found a soft spot to go be with her in a hotel. What is wrong with you men? You can not control your emotions and the balls in between your legs”. She spat the words
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Chapter 78
THE DINNERMaven knew she would get a gig or at least meet some nice people who could help her get a different job in a well reputable company. Thomas was still in the kitchen making food for Lady Victoria when Maven entered.“Do you need help with the spinach?” she asked him with her eyes resting solely on the spinach displayed in a bowl before her.“Yeah, I would appreciate that”. Thomas answered her, The entire morning he has been busy with chores and this evening he decided to make a delicious meal for Lady Victoria before accompanying Maven to the dinner.“You know we have an event in the next three hours”. She reminded him. Thomas nodded and smiled at her.“I remember Maven, how can I even forget?” he stared blankly. “Well, it’s a meeting of great minds and men with all the wealth and affluence will be present. I need you to look your best so I managed to get a suit from my savings. I hope you like it though”. Maven says getting her hands busy with the onion.“Thank you so much
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Chapter 79
FIGHTING FOR HIMThe hall was filled with people when Thomas and Maven arrived. Her mouth was still poured when Thomas pulled the car into the venue.“You still upset at me cause I didn't notice your red lipstick on time? Thomas asked her as he took off the seat from his waist. Maven folds her arms across her chest and looks away.“But you never did until I asked”. She said deviantly.Thomas already knows that all of this attitude is because he didn't tell her she was beautiful when she finished dressing up. Maven is an only child and from what he gathered she was loved by her father even up till his demise and so she still hasn't grown out of the love that she received. Thomad shook his head and got out of the car. “My lady…I beg thee” he said in a playful way.Maven laughed at Thomas' attempt to speak in the old way. “You know you can't do that old English thing here right?” She told him as she gets out of the car.“Oh well, I think I should never have tried”. Thomad answered and
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Chapter 80
My day had begun with a pretty strange feeling. Even though it isn't new any longer. I am a bit overwhelmed from working far late into the night. I managed to roll outta my bed hoping I could still catch some sleep a little before it was time for service. I wouldn't miss service for anything in the world but this was definitely one of those days I don't feel like doing anything at all but lay in bed to all day long. I moved restlessly around my room picking up a few things I would be needing for the day. I have a bad habit when it comes to picking out what to wear. My closet is filled with all kinds of designer bags and shoes but I can't seem to figure out what to wear all the time. I rummaged through the closet then finally decided to go with a high waist army green skirt and a bell cropped top, then had my makeup lightly done. I left for church ********I stopped by Maven's apartment on my way from church. I honked my car in the usual fashion so She'd know I'm out her door. He
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Chapter 81
SHE FOUGHT FOR HIMYou should learn to speak to a man politely, I wonder how you were raised with such bitterness in you”. Maven cautioned Tricia.“I heard you framed him for something he didn’t do, yeah?. Is she the one?” Maven asked and Thomas nodded his head sharply. Maven took closer steps to Tricia who retreated backwards a bit, but her steps backwards didn’t save her from the third lap Maven had prepared. It landed on her face before she had the time to take one more step backwards.“This is what you get for trying to frame a married man. This man is my husband and I order you this minute to stay away from him or else you would hear from me”. Maven gave her a threat and Thomas was sure that she meant even word she spoke. “I will never trouble him again”. Tricia vowed and ran off with her hand glued to the spot Maven had slapped. “That was good, someone has learnt to fight for what is hers”. Thomas teased.“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked, staring into his eyes for a
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