All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
230 chapters
A gift for the couple
As the audience erupted in thunderous applause, Clara allowed a smirk of triumph to spread across her features. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, a self-satisfied smirk gracing her features. Clara took a step forward, her mischievous grin widening as her gaze fell upon Ansel. She leaned in, bringing her face inches from Kelvin’s. With a sly wink, she turned her focus back to Ansel, a wicked glint in her eyes as she watched him clap along with the rest of the audience. After successfully talking down on him and making him take the blame, she had expected him to hide his head in shame, but surprisingly, he wasn't doing that.Her lips curved downward a little as she saw him wink back at her, his eyes flashing with mischief.Clara wasn't expecting him to be this calm after all she had said. No matter what she did, her ex-husband didn't seem to give her the satisfaction that she wanted."Ahem" Clara heard Ansel clear his throat, his hands up in the air, as if trying to calm t
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Do you like it Clara?
Ansel's grin was more of a smirk, his hazel eyes glistening with mischief. His voice had a husky quality as he offered up the gift box, his words challenging. "This is my little gift to you," he said, chuckling. "Open it, if you think you can handle it." His jaw was set, the muscles of his arm tense as he held the box steady.Clara gave him a suspicious look, she was a little reluctant at first but she soon accepted it, thinking to herself that he must be playing some kind of games with them.Her hands skillfully unlocked the little box and a little red button came into view.Clara’s grip on the gift box relaxed, releasing a breath that she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. Her chest rose and fell with the slow, steady rhythm of her breathing. She turned to Ansel with a mix of dissatisfaction and disgust showing on her face."I always knew you had no usefulness." Clara was about to throw the red button on the ground when she felt him hold her wrist with a tight grip.Kelvin,
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"Who are these men?""I think they are the police ""What is the problem again?"The guest whispered amongst themselves, eyeing the men as they walked past.It took them only a split second to realize who the leader was—none other than Captain Samuel Graham. Their facial expressions mixed with shock and surprise as their eyes widened with recognition. Graham’s presence was totally unexpected. It was an unanticipated development that left them uncertain of what was to come.Captain Samuel Graham was known for his discretion and his judicious use of his authority, only making appearances when the situation warranted it. Kelvin's face lit up as he saw the officers, thinking that one of the guests must have reported Ansel to the police.He knew who Samuel Graham was, who wouldn't know him?Samuel was very popular and even a child would recognize him at first glance.Kelvin knew that it was time to teach Ansel a lesson. He patted Clara on her shoulder and then walked to meet the officers
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Clara's voice caught in her throat as she watched, helpless, as the policemen tightened their grip on Kelvin, who thrashed and struggled against their hold. "Wait, please!" she pleaded, her words filled with disbelief. "This is just a misunderstanding. I'm sure of it!" she stammered, her breath catching as the scene before her unfolded in slow motion. As Clara saw them take Kelvin away, the pain was too much to bear. Tears began to flow down her cheeks as she watched her husband being dragged away. She couldn't believe it, and it felt like her world was falling apart.Getting back her senses, she ran to Captain Samuel's side and fell down on her knees.She couldn't afford to face this shame, especially not in front of Ansel."Please don't do this to me. I just got married to the man of my dreams. You can't take him away from me so soon." Her hands clutched her cheeks as she wailed like a child.Samuel stopped himself from kicking the blonde haired woman away, he realized that she wa
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With trembling fingers, Clara flipped through the documents, her eyes widening in horror with each turn of the page. Her throat went dry as she struggled to swallow the hard lump that had formed, unable to believe what she was seeing.Each word she read was like a punch to the gut.The big red stamp on the document showed that it was indeed real and none of the details on the paper were fake.Tears welled up in her eyes and she felt a chill run down her spine.It was written on the documents that Kelvin was indeed a criminal.Was this why he had hidden his personal affairs from her?Her life was ruined and her hands instinctively traveled to her stomach.Clara's discovery was like a punch in the gut. She had been completely blindsided by the truth that Kelvin only cared about her money. What about their unborn child? Didn't he care about that?A tear of regret escaped her eyes and she found it hard to breathe. Her whole body felt like lead and she feared to turn or move.She didn't
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Ansel’s whistle grew louder as he approached the gleaming Bugatti Veyron, its metallic body reflecting the sun’s rays like a million tiny diamonds. The car’s lustrous surface, aggressive lines and powerful presence commanded respect and admiration, drawing eyes from all around. Ansel casually threw the small bag in his hand, not caring much about it. As he walked, he silently chuckled to himself, like a guy who didn’t have a care in the world.The look on their faces was something he would never forget.Who could have thought that the Arlington's would one day get on their knees?Those were the people that always pressured Clara to divorce him.Calling him a useless and a good-for-nothing son-in-law.Even though he had tried to please them in the past, they made their hatred for him obvious and didn't bother to hide it.It was one of the reasons why he and Clara decided to move into their own apartments.Life was going great at first, but not until she changed and became a different
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A confident pauper
"Your driver almost bumped into my car, shouldn't you apologize for the damage that you almost caused?" Ansel smirked devilishly, the sun casting down on his face and making him look more hotter than he already was.Ansel recalled the moments leading up to the near-collision, and he was certain of one thing-the middle-aged man was clearly at fault. The road was divided into distinct lanes, yet the man had disregarded these boundaries, encroaching into the path of Ansel’s vehicle. His reckless driving had nearly caused damage, and Ansel was determined to make sure that the man took responsibility for his actions.The heat of the day had done nothing to cool Ansel's temper, and he felt fully justified in demanding an apology from the man.Jules clapped his hands together in an attempt to mock Ansel."If you knew who I was, you wouldn't be speaking to me as if we were equals. I owe you no apology, but maybe it’ll teach you some manners.” Ansel thought that the man must be crazy, he ha
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Grandfather pukes blood
Thora paced frantically across the room, her eyes rimmed with redness and her cheeks flushed and swollen, as if she had been crying for hours. She was torn and unable to make a decision.Standing helplessly, her gaze wavered between the phone lying on the table and her grandfather that laid motionless on the floor. With shaking hands, Thora lowered herself to her knees, her facial expression filled with anguish as she gently held her grandfather’s face in her palms. A single tear traced its way down her cheek as she leaned closer, her gaze scanning every detail of her grandfather's features."Please, stay with me grandfather, don't leave me." She patted him lightly on the cheek.Grandfather Kian struggled to catch his breath, his eyes were bulging wide open and he stared at nothing in particular.Suddenly feeling the urge to vomit, he felt a sudden force and spilled the contents from his mouth.The crimson red liquid dropped on the cold marble floor and Thora gasped in shock.Her e
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Using the acupuncture method
Grandfather Kian was stretched out on the king-sized bed, his chest rising and falling in erratic bursts. His eyes rolled back into his head, as if he were looking at the ceiling, but he seemed to see nothing in particular. Looking at the condition that he was in, it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to hold on any further."Please save my grandfather" Thora said with tears in her eyes, she couldn't take her eyes off her grandfather. Right now, Ansel was her only hope.Ansel remained silent, his focus solely on grandfather Kian. He knelt beside the bed, his fingers reaching out to feel for a pulse in the man’s thin wrist. A clear bag of fluids hung from a metal stand, connected to Kian’s hand by a thin tube.The drip was supposed to replenish the fluids in Kian’s body and bring some semblance of health back to him, but it seemed to be doing nothing at all. Ansel pulled out a medium-sized box from his bag. Inside was a collection of thin, metallic needles, arranged neatly in rows
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The old method worked
"Whoa there, doc. What did you just say?" Ansel asked, his voice as cold as a frozen lake. He locked eyes with the doc, his gaze daring the guy to repeat himself. "I didn’t stutter. You heard me the first time," Dr Quin growled, his words sharp. "If anything happens to grandfather Kian, it’s on you. You better pull out all the strings you have to save him, or else there’ll be hell to pay. Got it?" Dr Quin responded harshly and Chris, who had already harbored a dislike for Ansel, seized the opportunity to jump in, taking advantage of the rising tension between Ansel and Doctor Quinn.The sight of the acupuncture needles only added fuel to the fire, their presence unsettling to Chris, who viewed them with distrust and skepticism."What have you done to my grandfather? Treat him! If he dies then I will lock you up in jail." Chris threatened through gritted teeth.Thora tried holding his hands to stop him from acting rashly but he pushed her away gently and instead gave Ansel a challeng
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