All Chapters of ANSEL LUTHER'S RISE TO POWER: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
231 chapters
New medical facility
At the King's castle, inside the meeting room.Luca sat beside Ansel. Most of the elders had already been called to attend the meeting. While sitting, Ansel noticed a slight frown on Luca's face.He also noticed that Luca communicated with the elders through the mind link. Every few seconds, Ansel would see them shaking their heads disapprovingly, while some of them listened attentively with grave expressions.He sat quietly, after all, he didn't know what a mind link was, but he knew vampires used it to communicate amongst themselves. It wasn't like he could use it anyway.Soon, the king arrived, and the elders stood up to greet him as a sign of respect. Ansel observed their movements, they kept their heads bowed slightly.He noticed a weary expression on the king's face, the lines around his eyes and mouth seemed more pronounced than usual.Almost as if he hadn't had a proper night's rest.Ansel looked to his side and saw that Luca also sat down, seemingly unbothered.The elders
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A failed Clone
A sharp, rhythmic clicking echoed across the cold floor, the sound of high heels reverberating through the room. All heads turned, seeking the source of the noise, before finally falling on the woman who had entered.The woman's voice rang out, oblivious to the underlying tension in the room. "Can we start now?" she demanded.After seconds of unusual silence, she turned her head to see the two men staring daggers at each other.One of them which she recognized to be a doctor and the other turned out to be Mr Sel.Dr Elara instantly dropped her bag on the table before going in between the two men and parting her arms wide."Please don't do this here. We have to work together else this might end up being a failure." Doctor Elara warned.Aiden raised his hands up in surrender, his demeanor changing instantly as Elara's face came into view.Ansel also stood back, wiping his flared nostrils with his hands."We are here for a common goal so please try not to pick a fight. Aiden, I am disapp
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Shattering expectations.
Aiden could hardly believe his eyes, he hurriedly tried to create another but to his dismay, he had used all the blood samples given to him on his first try.Without more samples, he couldn't make another.When he saw the other doctors discard him like some piece of filth, he got on his feet and approached them.Pushing past, he finally got to see Ansel and his perfectly sculpted female clone."Your clone is not awake. Aren't you human? Shouldn't you know how to make a human clone speak? Then why is yours also a failure?" Aiden bombarded Ansel with questions and everyone thought Doctor Aiden made a point.Since the man in front of them was a human, he was the only one in the best place to make a human clone.The rest of them had failed woefully and when they stared at their half done clones, they bit their tongues in shame.Ansel hadn't expected them to come flooding his side.To make matters worse, they were all looking at him, as if expecting something to happen.He calmly said to h
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★★★Before the gathered crowd, King Atris declared, “With the successful creation of the human clone, our worlds can now coexist in peace.” Standing proudly in front of his castle, he continued, “As promised, I hereby seal our portal to the human world, ensuring our separation and mutual prosperity.” After saying that, king Atris triggered the portal's destruction.The villagers were stunned to see their king lavishing praise upon humans shortly after. Their scornful gazes began to soften. Surprisingly, Ansel saw them bow in unison His brows furrowed and Luca whispered in his ears. "They are wishing you all a safe journey."Ansel made an O sound with his mouth.He looked to his side to see every one of his teammates with a huge grin on their faces.Suddenly, he remembered something."Please take care of Robert and his human friend while we are gone. It's the last favor I will ask from you."Luca nodded his head and smirked proudly.Ansel also breathed out in relief.He was glad that
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An offer
The helicopter landed in a distant city, where Ansel and Vinny settled into a lavish suite's comfortable couch.During the helicopter ride, Vinny took the opportunity to thoroughly brief Ansel on the specific reasons that had brought them to this particular destination.Before Ansel had accepted to be a part of the mission, he had made the government promise him resources and an invitation was sent immediately after they arrived.A top government official wanted to meet Ansel personally as he had heard alot about him.Ansel glanced around the room.It was an exquisite 8 star hotel and everywhere was furnished perfectly.A beautiful female waitress carrying a tray of drinks walked over."Good afternoon, Mr Ansel and Mr Vinny. I have brought our finest wines. Is there anything else you would like?" She asked with a polite smile.Ansel nodded his head and Vinny did the same."No, we are fine. Tell Phil to get here as soon as he can." Vinny replied, before turning his attention to the win
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Old Mrs is ill
It was 7pm when Ansel arrived at the Castillo mansion. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the estate. Feeling exhausted and hungry, Ansel trudged his way into the kitchen. He rolled up his sleeves. His eyes became heavy as he searched for something to eat. In the kitchen, he was greeted by an unusual sight. The housekeeper rested her head against the cold metal surface of the fridge.Instantly alert, Ansel rushed to the housekeeper's side. His hand placed on her forehead as he checked for any signs of fever. Ansel's concern was evident as he spoke. "You need to rest, that's an order," he said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'll handle things from here. Go to your room and get some sleep, okay? You'll feel better by tomorrow." The old housekeeper flinched at Ansel's sudden touch, her body stiffening in surprise. She quickly regained her composure, mustering a weak smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "No, no, Mr. Ansel. I'm fine, really," she said, her
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The gifts
Thora sat there, eyes wide, mouth agape. She quickly brought her hands to cover her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from screaming.Ansel picked up the fallen towel. Series of curses ran through his mind as he berated himself for not drying off properly before leaving the bathroom.His cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he quickly wrapped the towel around his waist.Ansel walked to his wardrobe and pulled out a fresh shirt. He quickly put on a plain t-shirt and shorts.All while he was changing into his nightwear.Thora couldn't stop staring at him.She had never really paid attention to her husband’s before, but now she couldn't help but notice the bulging muscles and toned physique. And as her eyes drifted lower, she couldn't deny the presence of a certain, "package." He was like a real-life Greek god, with a body that any man would envy and any woman would appreciate. How had she missed this before?Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she recalled some naughty thoughts
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"I found a rich suitor"
After greeting grandfather, Claire went ahead to greet other members of the family, ignoring Ansel and Thora who she barely noticed.‘Of course she's still the same,’Thora thought to herself, unsurprised by Claire's coldness.In spite of the rumors of Claire's mother's affair, resulting in Claire's illegitimate birth, Thora always tried to be civil with Claire. But Claire's disdain for her remained the same and Thora was used to it by now.Years back, the Castillo's agreed to have a DNA test done, and the results confirmed what people suspected. Claire wasn't actually related to them. This truth was now undeniable.Even with that knowledge, the Castillo family accepted her into the family but never treated Claire and her mother like a true Castillo.Grandfather Kian had ordered that she and her mother be thrown out of the house years later but Thora had secretly begged grandfather Kian to let them stay.But what did she get in return?Claire had accused her of trying to get rid of he
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Shining Rolls-Royce
The dark clouds caught Grandpa Kian's attention. He cleared his throat, drawing everyone's eyes to him. "We should head inside. Looks like it might pour any minute.”Everyone nodded in agreement, but suddenly, Claire let out a dramatic wail. All heads turned towards her, their eyebrows raised in question."Grandpa," she whined, putting on her best puppy-dog eyes, "There are some super expensive presents here. I should take them inside with me. It'd be such a shame if the rain ruined them." She finished with an exaggerated pout, as if she was auditioning for a soap opera.Thora couldn't help but roll her eyes at Claire's over-the-top performance.She couldn't believe the nerve of this girl, claiming gifts from the L Company CEO as her own. The CEO didn't even know who Claire was!For a split second, Thora wondered if maybe, just maybe, the CEO did have a thing for Claire. After all, Thora was married to Ansel, and surely the CEO wouldn't go after a married woman.But she quickly shook
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Grandfather Luther's presence
It was the morning after the disastrous gift-giving incident at the Castillo mansion. Claire plopped down on the edge of her bed, still feeling the sting of humiliation. The L Company butler had returned the elaborate gifts, claiming the Castillo family was unworthy. She could hardly believe it. It was obvious that the CEO of L group had a thing for her, so why did he change his mind all of a sudden?As she sat there brooding, her mother, Sophia, walked into the room with a huge smile on her face. "Claire, what are you doing moping around? You need to get up and get ready." Claire looked up, puzzled. "Ready for what?" She said dryly.Ms Sophia gave a sly smile, amused by her daughter's ignorance."You're going to the L Company today, of course. I have a feeling the CEO has taken quite a liking to you.". She announced proudly, eyeing her daughter up from head to toe.Ms Sophia wasn't going to let all that happened yesterday slide by so easily.She was going to prove to everyone in
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