All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
188 chapters
141- Some Persuasion
Even though they used a vehicle made from special zombies, it still took a few days to transport Gwen’s team of musicians and those who cooked. Cody couldn’t guarantee the safety and comfort of the thing, so he had to keep up the pace.Cody hoped that he didn’t waste the time spent.Arriving near that town, Cody asked the others to take a break. But the acoustic instrument holders who would accompany Gwen insisted on practicing.“That town is quite peaceful.” Gwen commented. Then she looked at the giant sphere.“Yeah.” Cody sighed. “If I didn’t need to destroy that thing and they weren’t affected by it, I wouldn’t have done this.”Gwen smiled. “I’m sure you made the right decision, Cody.”Cody was silent for a moment before finally continuing. “We’ve rarely talked since you lived at Akira’s place, Gwen. How are you?”Gwen chuckled. “I feel great, Cody. Especially now that I have a lot of friends to play music with.”“Glad to hear that.”They then fell silent and just looked at the tow
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142 – Is It Worth It?
Cody climbed onto the big Jordy’s head and shouted at the top of his lungs. “Korre, I know you can hear me! Come to me! I want to talk to you!”There was no answer. Cody shouted again, and he kept doing it, even for a very long time.“Alright, alright.” Finally, a round communication device the size of two human heads approached Cody. “What do you want?”Cody gave the communication device a sharp look. “I beg you, can you keep their food source going even though I’ve destroyed that big anomaly?”“Hmmm? Why should I do that? What’s in it for me?”Cody gulped. “I promised to give you a good fight. You’ll be satisfied fighting me.”“In the end, it’s the same. Wouldn’t you make the fight less fun if I refused your request?” Korre snorted. “That’s a silly bargain.”What Cody just said made little sense, but he was too desperate to save that town. He was sure that if he didn’t do something, he would feel so guilty towards Agatha and her people. Such a thing would be very difficult to erase
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143 – Drilling
Cody kept trying to forget what was happening on the surface and focus on drilling. Yes, he was worried and felt sorry for Agatha and the others, but he had to focus on his mission.The longer he drilled, the stronger Cody felt the signal. But he still hadn’t reached his destination.If this continued, Cody doubted he would reach Korre before his stamina ran out. That would be an absolute disaster for him.So, instead of continuing that, Cody rested to restore his energy. It was better than rushing and not being able to fight because he had no stamina.From behind the darkness underground, Cody found one of Korre’s communication devices approaching the big Jordy he was riding.“What do you want?” Cody was so annoyed to see the round object.Korre, through the communication device, chuckled. “Rest, huh? Well, I’m glad you decided on this. I want to fight you in maximum condition.”“You just want to tell me that?” Cody’s tone became sharper.Korre sighed. “You’re still cold to me. Well,
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144 – Deep to the Ground
Cody continued drilling after taking a long break. Because the surroundings were dark, he didn’t know how long he had been there.He felt he was getting closer to the destination because the signal was getting stronger. He just hoped that while he was gone, his friends could still be safe.Until finally, Cody felt something unusual. The surrounding darkness turned into a combination of very dense tendrils of light. Then, he no longer drilled the ground in front of him and his body was now floating.He was now running in a corridor of light.However, Cody didn’t panic. He knew this was supposed to happen. He had just reached the gate that led to Korre’s place.Because of that, he steeled himself for the next fight, even though he didn’t know Korre’s true form and his fighting abilities.Cody was in the portal for quite a long time until he arrived at a giant room with reddish natural stone walls. However, that wasn’t what caught Cody’s attention, but something in the middle of the room
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145 – After the Rest
A long time had passed, and Korre spoke. “We can start anytime.”Cody spoke. “Let’s do this then.”“Alright. I hope you’ve fully recovered.” Chuckling, Korre stood up and twirled his lance.The two of them then walked in circles, glaring at each other. Cody anticipated his opponent’s attack initiative. However, because Korre didn’t strike, Cody finally stepped forward.A fierce fight ensued. Neither of them wanted to lose. Cody launched a flurry of slashes from various directions, sometimes even spinning around like a dancer. Meanwhile, Korre was stabbing Cody.So far, neither Cody nor Korre had been able to land their attacks on their opponent. That made the fight faster and fiercer. The two of them jumped at each other, even using the cave walls as footholds before launching themselves at their opponent.“Ugh!” Cody screamed as Korre stabbed him in the chest and pushed him against the wall.“Why do you look like you’re in pain?” Korre asked while twisting his wound, making Cody winc
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146 – Curiosity
Cody made his fingers have curved claws for a better grip. He climbed the cave wall and jumped into the portal.He then held onto the wall of the tunnel he made with big Jordy. At the end, he could only see pitch black darkness, even though he used zombie eyes that should be able to see in the dark.He could already guess that the end of the tunnel was still very far away. After all, he himself made that thing.If he fell, someone like him wouldn’t even stand a chance. As soon as he hit the ground, he would be crushed.He hoped that, when he reached a certain height, he could connect himself with at least one special zombie to help him. The thing that couldn’t do that wasn’t because they were far apart. In the past, Cody could even control his special zombies from thousands of kilometers away.The signal from Korre was still there, blocking Cody’s connection with his subordinates. In other words, Cody had to get out of the signal range to control his zombies again.But he knew that wa
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147 – A Brief Stop
Cody didn’t know what the people used, but in just a few minutes after being bandaged, all his wounds had healed. Now he was in a comfortable room with very soft couches. Various things there, from the furniture to the wall decorations, all looked foreign to Cody.This was surprising for him, as he believed they would throw him into prison.After waiting for a long time and being served a glass of blue drink and cakes that also looked foreign, Cody found a woman entering the room and smiling at him.“Hello, I’m Tia.” The woman in military uniform, who was again foreign, extended her hand. “Forgive our treatment, Zeno’s child.”Cody felt as if a minor explosion had occurred in his heart. “Zeno’s child? I’m very sure that I’m not Zeno’s child.”“At least Zeno created you, right?” Because Cody didn’t shake her hand, Tia lowered her hand. Even so, she kept smiling.“I don’t think so.” Cody frowned. “How do you know Zeno?”Tia’s smile widened. “Because our ancestors created Zeno a long tim
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148 – Fallen
“I don’t know, Gwen, Freya.” Jane, still in the roots’ cage, took a deep breath. She and Stella had just heard about Cody’s experiences until he entered the underground. “But one thing is for sure, I haven’t been able to feel any signal from Cody since a week ago.”Gwen covered her mouth with a sob. Freya stared ahead with an empty gaze. Her tears were also flowing.“What about Cody’s actual body that’s there?” Stella pointed at the giant tree trunk. “Maybe we can open it and pull it out by force, then try to wake him up.”“You don’t understand, Stella.” Jane wiped her face. “Cody’s soul has moved to another body, not his actual body that transmits signals containing consciousness to another body. In other words, Cody’s real body, which is there, isn’t even connected to the body he’s using now. Moreover, it’s impossible to open the tree with our powers. Maybe only Cody can do it.”“But all of this should die if Cody is dead, right?” Gwen didn’t give up. “This giant tree, these roots,
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149 – Rain
“We have lost a great person. I often disagreed with him, but I can’t deny that my community would not have thrived without this man named Cody Wolfe.” Akira gave a speech in front of the farm residents, plus Jane, Stella, Emily, Shawn, and several people from his community and Agatha’s. “We can grieve for losing him. We can mourn to heal ourselves. But don’t forget his accomplishments…”The people listened solemnly, and occasional sobs could be heard among them. The others chose Akira to give the speech because no one else was able to do it. They were too sad about what happened.Akira continued his speech. After that, one by one, they paid their last respects by praying in front of Cody’s painting, because they didn’t have his picture. Some of them put things like wreaths and so on there.“I don’t know if I believe in God or not. I don’t even understand what God is, so I don’t know who to pray to.” Freya spoke when it was her turn. “My life may not have been long, but in my short ti
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150 – Home Again
After he had enough strength, Cody possessed one of the special zombies on his farm in the early morning. He noticed the small altar under a tree.“I’ve been gone too long, huh?” Cody muttered, looking at his painting that was still a little wet from the rain.“Cody, is that you?”The voice made Cody turn to the side, and he found Freya standing close to him. It seemed the woman was suspicious because one of the special zombies was acting differently.Cody changed his face to look like hers, then smiled. “I’m home.”Freya hugged her lover’s body and shed tears. “I thought you were gone.”“A lot of things happened,” Cody answered. “It’ll be a long story, but the important thing is that I’m back.”Cody thought maybe they were already prepared to live without him. After all, he had been ‘disappeared’ for quite a while underground.“I’ll have a lot to catch up on.” Cody let go of his hug, then kissed Freya’s lips. “How are you?”Freya smiled with tears still flowing. “Now, I feel okay.”“
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