All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
188 chapters
151 – The Big Search
After resting for a few days at the farm, Cody traveled to the beach in the south. However, because he didn’t know which part of the south he meant, he searched with a vehicle made from special zombies.He had been walking along the beach for quite some time, but he found nothing that caught his attention. The location was deserted, and he occasionally found traces of tourists visiting several tourist spots. The sight was eerie, but for Cody, who had seen many things, it was something common.He had even tried to make some of the special zombies swim in the seawater. However, because they weren’t designed for that, Cody had difficulty controlling the special zombies when he tried to make them swim in the seawater.It had been the third day since Cody had been searching along the beach that was thousands of kilometers long. He had intended to return to the farm to make a new plan and perhaps try to interpret Aronis’ words. Maybe the fourth commander had another meaning in his words.Bu
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152 – Different Apocalypse
“So, one day the male mermaids suddenly became hostile and attacked the women?” Cody concluded after hearing Alena’s explanation.Alena was still leading the way. “That’s it, Cody. They started attacking us mercilessly. They became mindless. Finally, the female mermaids gathered in one place and since then, we have been trying to survive from them. Unfortunately, as the days went by, the male mermaids killed us and our numbers decreased.”Cody felt this situation was like the zombie apocalypse on the surface of the earth, but with some different aspects. One of them was that Cody did not feel that the male mermaids were zombies.He had a suspicion that only their minds were disturbed. As for who did it, Cody already had a guess. This was Aronis’ doing who was giving Cody a test.Cody wondered if other system users also got tests like this? Maybe they had to expel other sentinel beings on earth, not always mermaids.“We were so desperate, and we also had difficulty contacting other kin
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153 – Spying
Luna could only lower her chin after listening to Cody’s explanation.“I’ll repeat it once more.” Cody smiled at that woman. “I ask you to become a zombie, then I will change your body to survive in seawater. Your job is to make the male mermaids that I have turned into humans back to how they were before.”It took a while for Luna to respond. “Sorry, but I still can’t comprehend this well. Mermaids? Make me able to survive in seawater? It’s... All of that is too overwhelming.”“I’ll give you 3 days to prepare before we carry out this plan.” Cody patted Luna’s shoulder while widening his smile. He did not ask for Luna’s approval to avoid rejection. “Don’t worry, you can still turn back into a human, right?”Luna flabbergasted again, and Cody frowned.“They came for the female mermaids.” He hissed, then walked away from Luna. “Bye, I have to lead the defense for their place.”Not waiting for a response, Cody continued walking into the house. As he passed Helena and Freya, he said. “I’m
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154 – Closed Room
Cody checked the defenses for the female mermaids. This time, he used a new formation that he had optimized to withstand attacks from the male mermaids. Not only that, Cody had also changed his special zombies a little, hoping they would be more effective fighting in the water.Shana had asked Cody to bring in more troops, but Cody couldn’t afford that. Many of the special zombies in the big tree had not yet reached full maturity.This time, Cody paid more attention to the surroundings while patrolling. The female mermaids no longer paid attention to him and showed nothing suspicious, except for one.Cody found some of them carrying a sack towards one of the rooms attached to the coral at the bottom of the settlement. When using his small zombie fish to check what it was, he didn’t have time to enter because the door to the room was closed too soon. He didn’t find a single window or gap to peek through.Getting information that Alenna had come to the body he used in the sea, Cody re-p
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155 – The Bad King
“I am a bad king because I can’t activate the special skills of the royal lineage properly.” The king closed his eyes with trembling lips. “I can only activate the male mermaids as soldiers at random times and for a limited duration, and even then, only a small portion. During sunrise, I can’t even do it at all.”Alenna looked at the king with teary eyes. “Is that why you send them in small numbers from time to time? To save people like us whose minds haven’t been completely contaminated?”“Yes, along with those I made mindless and attacked you all, I also sent those who can detect the female mermaids whose minds haven’t been completely contaminated.” The king smiled again, but this time, it was bitter. “People like them are the ones who still have a chance to recover.”Alenna gulped. “Do the male mermaids love the women that much? This isn’t just a matter of denial from the men, is it?”The king nodded and said, “Our kingdom’s foundation lies in the powerful love of its people. Even
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156 – The Terrible Thing
“Your life journey is quite interesting, young man.” The king stroked his beard as he and Cody sat face to face in an empty room.As usual, Cody kept some details to avoid any misunderstandings or anything.“So, with your incredible power, what do you intend to do?”It took a moment for Cody to answer. “Before that, let me ask you a question, your highness. What exactly are those monstrous babies?”“To be honest, we don’t know. There’s no record of it in your history. Well, I don’t know for sure, but that’s what I remember.” The king took a deep breath. “But I feel like it’s not something bad.”“Then, eventually, will the black mind affect all the female mermaids?” Cody asked again.The king folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes. “That’s it. This terrible disease won’t stop until it infects all the female mermaids. Especially if the infected individuals are near each other. That will speed up the black mind gripping our women.”So, they didn’t have the luxury of time. “
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157 – The Bloody Day
It didn’t take long for Cody and King to raid the female mermaids. As planned by both of them, some of the male mermaids took those who could still be saved.It couldn’t be called a fight anymore, but a massacre. The female mermaids had no power to fight back. They could only surrender when they were finished by the special zombies or the male mermaids.Cody wanted to leave the place immediately, but he felt responsible for seeing it unfold. But he was sure that he would remember these bloody scenes for a very long time.Because he had received tips from the king on how to fight effectively in the water, Cody could finish it quickly. To honor those who fell, he ensured they covered the bodies with cloth.After the massacre was over, Cody could still hear the cries of those who were saved and the male mermaids who were conscious. Cody tried his best not to go crazy because of the incident.He approached the king, who was hugging the body of Shana, his queen. However, Cody said nothing
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158 – The Three Monsters
Cody was still on standby in the palace, occasionally returning to the farm to check on the situation. They had yet to find the three hideous babies, despite an intense search. The king had even deployed more men because he didn’t need to keep his people idle anymore.The king kept what happened a secret and made up a story about a plague that killed women and made men unconscious. However, some people found various oddities, so they didn’t believe it.However, it didn’t become a big deal. After all, the people loved the king as their leader.The problem was that many of the male mermaids had lost the women in their lives. The social structure in the kingdom’s society was destroyed, and the king believed that restoring it would take a very long time.Not to mention the fact that there were only a few women left among them. That alone could cause problems.Cody wasn’t sure he could bear that much pressure if he were in the king’s position. Maybe he would break under the enormous burden
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159 – The Price of Being a King
The king and the monster continued to slide until they hit a reef. A massive explosion projected a dark liquid in multiple directions.Cody could immediately guess that the thing could poison anyone there if it were allowed to spread. So, Cody combined some of his special zombies into a propeller to suck up that thing. However, he made sure the zombies that acted as machines were covered in a thick layer so that it would not affect them.As the giant propeller spun, it threw the liquid away and flung it far from the special zombies and the royal soldiers.“Don’t come near! Hold back your desires!” Cody warned the soldiers, who already looked so eager to save their leader.After all the dark liquid was completely gone, the mermaids immediately approached the king, who was standing on a large crack in the reef. Cody was amazed because that man showed no signs of being injured. But that didn’t mean he was okay.The king’s breathing was already very slow.The king spoke to his soldiers, a
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160 – Like a Dream
Cody never imagined that would happen. Despite many limitations, he really got married to Freya. He also went through every stage like a normal wedding, from the preparations until he and Freya said ‘I do.’Everyone Cody knew also came, and some even shed tears. Not only that, Cody could also see their genuine happy smiles. It seemed like Helena was right. Marriage makes everyone happier.That night, they had a dance party with various types of food. Indeed, everything was still limited, but still no one didn’t smile.“I still can’t forgive you completely, Cody.” Jane spoke while holding a glass of wine in front of Cody, who was sitting with Freya. “But I can’t deny it. If you hadn’t taken over my power, maybe everything wouldn’t have turned out like this.”Cody chuckled. “Well, I have no comment on that.”Stella sighed. “To be honest, I even thought about sabotaging this party.”“You really think so?” Freya grimaced.Stella’s mouth let out a small chuckle. “Of course not, my former t
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