All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
188 chapters
161 - Where is She?
Cody sat in the living room with Freya, and both were silent.“I’m sorry, on this happy day, we’re facing a problem.” Cody mumbled after a few minutes had passed.Freya patted Cody’s back. “It’s okay, Cody. We didn’t know this was happening, right? Besides, I was already feeling happy today. Gwen is your best friend. It’s only right that you look for her.”Cody covered his face and took a deep breath. Everything that happened was completely beyond his prediction.Not long after, Helena entered the house with Jane, Stella, Luna, and Emily.“Why did you stop the search by the special zombies!?” Helena snapped at Cody. “No one has found Gwen! We still need them to look for her!”Instead of answering, Cody closed his eyes. Meanwhile, Luna lowered her head, and that caught Emily’s attention.“What’s wrong with you, Luna?” Emily asked.Luna lifted her face and approached Cody. “I think we have to tell them. You can’t keep hiding this.”“What?” Helena frowned. “What really happened?”“I alre
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162 – Inside
Cody stood near the place where he had first met Gwen. However, he couldn’t see the house. There was a giant black box with blue glowing lines covering the place with such massive size. Several smaller boxes seemed to slide along the lines that formed like a series of electronic circuits.Cody touched the surface of the box, and he could feel the signal of someone inside it getting stronger. Gwen’s signal had been detected just yesterday.“Are you mad at me, Gwen?” Cody mumbled. “For what I did to you? For everything that happened? If that’s what made you like this, I’m sorry.”There was no answer. Cody only heard the soft mechanical creaking of the box that looked like an alien building.“How do you feel now, Gwen? Did Zeno force you to do this? If you don’t like it, I’ll try to save you. You don’t have to follow his orders.”Gwen still didn’t answer, and Cody’s eyes shed tears.“I didn’t want it to end like this, Gwen. I don’t care who you are. To me, you are Gwen Belluci, my best f
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163 – A Tool
“I’m sorry for rarely being by your side, Freya.” Cody said to his wife on the rare occasion he returned to the farm. “I don’t have any excuses. I just want to apologize.”Freya patted her husband’s shoulder with a smile. “I don’t mind at all. As I often say, Gwen is your best friend. You’ve even known her longer than me. Besides, I’ll be sad if you’re sad too. So, I’ll always support you in this matter.”“Thanks.” Cody smiled back, and just then, someone knocked on his bedroom door from outside.When he opened the door, Cody found Helena standing in front of him with a sharp gaze.“Do you still want to meet Gwen?” Cody sighed. “I told you, you don’t have to do it. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”Helena’s eyes filled with tears. “You should know, separating someone from their family is sad. Do you still remember when you helped Gwen reunite with me? You went to great lengths to make that happen…” she sobbed. “Please, Cody. It’s been too long.”It’s been two months since Gwen got trapped i
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164 – Her Identity
“Greetings, candidate. I am the fifth commander. My official name is project number 74. My job is to be your last tester. You may know me as Gwen Bellucci, the singer.” A woman’s voice echoed from inside the box building. Although it sounded robotic and flat, Cody recognized it as Gwen’s voice. “Come in to proceed to the last test. Prepare yourself as best you can, because you have to go in alone with no help from anyone else. And once you’re in, you can’t get out until the test is over. You also won’t be able to get help from outside.”Cody looked at Helena, who had just come out of the tent. “Leave it to me, Helena. You just wait here.”Helena wiped away her tears. “Please, bring my little sister back.”“I’ll try.” Cody sighed, then walked through the gate of the box building. At first he saw pitch darkness, but brighter bluish lines of light appeared on the walls.Thanks to the lights, Cody could see boxes of various sizes and heights in that place, and among them was Gwen, who was
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165 – The True Purpose
Cody jumped back again. “Okay, if that’s what you want. I guess I have no other choice.”He knew that if he took no action, he would die and accomplish nothing. So, this time, he attacked using his sword hand.A fierce battle ensued. They jumped, dodged, blocked, and attacked each other at high speed. This time, Cody didn’t hold back. The power of his attack even made giant scratches on the walls of the building and even destroyed the boxes there.However, when he felt that his attack had hit Gwen, Cody gasped and stopped. He found that the woman’s left upper arm was already gushing fresh blood.“What’s wrong, candidate?” Gwen asked in a flat tone again. “Why did you stop? You have to complete this test in order to proceed to the next stage.”Cody cried again. “I don’t want to hurt you, Gwen. Please, come back.”“As I said, my identity as Gwen Bellucci is to make you close to me.” Gwen walked to Cody. “Nothing less, nothing more. This test has actually been going on since I first met
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166 – The World He Only Know
Cody kneeled down and continued to cry. He felt that all of this was meaningless without Gwen. She was the one who had been with him since the beginning.“We’ll take our leave too.”The man’s voice made Cody lift his face, and he found Gard standing in front of him, still wearing the appearance of a convenience store cashier. Meanwhile, Korre, Aronis and Exal, with their bodies the size of ordinary humans, stood a few meters behind him.Cody stood up. “Hey, if you can bend reality, you should be able to bring Gwen back.”“Unfortunately, she is an entity that must be gone for Zeno’s grand plan to succeed.” Gard’s body and the other commanders also began to deter like Zeno’s. “I will indeed reset this world back to normal, but without Gwen and everyone’s memories of her will be lost, except yours.”Cody grabbed Gard’s collar while still crying. “Do you think I will accept your excuse?”“And only you will remember all of this, from the zombie apocalypse until now,” Gard continued. “But d
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167 – She’s Back
Cody was in the middle of the forest alone while controlling some special zombies, although in theory they were not zombies, but really something else.It had been almost five years since the world returned to normal. Cody found his zombie tree was underground and still alive. He also retain some most of his powers.Cody wanted to train and develop his powers following Zeno’s prediction that something would invade earth after five years. However, it was very difficult for him.He had to do it secretly like this and could not do it in large numbers or it would attract attention. That would make the situation even more complicated. Not to mention he had to pay attention to his family.Yes, now Cody and Freya are married, and they were blessed with a son just a few months ago. Freya named her son Nigel like when they were in the world made by Gard.Freya’s action surprised Cody quite a bit. Was this just a coincidence, or did Freya still have some memories of those times in her brain?Bu
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168 – After so Long
Cody drove his car so fast, and Luna, who was sitting next to him, could only hold on while closing her eyes. It would be faster if Cody used his special zombies, but that would attract attention and would cause additional problems.As soon as he arrived at his apartment, Cody got out, followed by Luna. Several police had gathered and Cody found a yellow police line in front of the door of his residence.When he was about to break in, an officer blocked them, who was immediately speechless.“I believe you are Mr. Wolfe, right? I’m sorry to hear about the disappearance of your wife and son.” The officer asked, frowning, then looking at Cody and Luna in turns. “Have I met you two before? Your faces are quite familiar.”Cody looked at the officer’s name tag. “I don’t think so, Officer Owens. Can you tell me what happened?”“You still need an examination.” The officer, who was none other than Randy Owens, opened his cellphone. “Inside, we found this symbol. Do you know about this?”Luna t
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169 – Their Memories
Cody and Luna found Randy Owens unconscious in the car. Luna used her phone to call an ambulance.“We have to leave this place immediately, or we’ll get a lot of questions.” Cody continued to check on Randy Owens. That man was still breathing. “But we have to check on Freya and my son.”Cody looked at his car, whose wheels were no longer fit to be driven. Then, when Cody was about to run into the house, a truck sped out of the garage, breaking the closed door.“Sh*t!” Cody moved all his special zombies, who were still fighting to chase the truck, but their opponents held them back.“Cody!”The sound made Cody turn towards the door of the house and he found Freya running towards him.Freya hugged Cody and cried. “I can’t find Nigel anywhere! They took him!”“We can definitely find them and save our son.” Cody hugged his wife’s body back. “I promise.”Freya hugged Cody’s body even tighter. “And the memory is coming back, Cody. Whatever they did, I remembered those times when the world w
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170 – New Challenge
There was one big question that bothered Cody. Why did anti-Zeno release Freya and only bring his son?If he really wanted to use hostages to get Cody to do what he wanted, wouldn’t it have been better to use Cody’s wife and son? And why did anti-Zeno choose Helena and Emily?None of this made sense to Cody.For the umpteenth time, Randy looked at the two special zombies sitting in the back seat.“I don’t know if this is true or not.” The officer said. “But I feel like since they got into this car, I feel like my memories from that time are coming back to my brain more and more.”“I’m sorry, Randy.” Still driving, Cody sighed. “For everything I did in those days.”Randy was silent for a moment. “Honestly, I understand why you did all that. I was the first to challenge you to a life and death duel... Well, now I’m talking nonsense, even though I’m starting to believe it did happen... By the way, where are we going?”Cody continued driving to the coordinates indicated by Luna, who had c
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