All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
188 chapters
21 – A Sweet Nightmare
“No, Gwen.” Cody let go of the blonde-haired woman’s hand. “This is wrong.”Instead of giving up, Gwen kept trying to prevent Cody from opening his system menu. A struggle erupted due to that.“I won’t let you do it!” Gwen becomes hysterical. “You’ve been given this happy life. Why would you reject it!?”“This is just an illusion!” Cody was still trying to open his menu system. His heart felt that what he was experiencing was real, but his brain didn’t. “We have to return to reality!”The fight continued until they fell out of bed. Cody got up, lifted Gwen’s body, and slammed her on a table so hard it shattered.“Sorry, I have to do this.” The young man then scanned again.Gwen rose to her feet, but this time didn’t fight back. She smiled at Cody, yet tears welled in her eyes. “Even if this is fake, it’s fine, right? Isn&rs
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22 – The Transmitter
Name: Carla FairchildRole: Zombie Transmitter [Stats]Attack: FDefense: FStamina; S++.—Cody looked back and saw a ginger haired girl. Her body is so skinny, and hunched forward.Like the survivors in that broken world, she also wears ragged, dirty clothes“Your attack and defense are only F.” Cody said. “But you can create an illusion as great as this. I admire you.”The young man discovers that system user statistics are unreliable for predicting their danger level.“You have not answered my question.” The system user, Clara Fairchild, stared at Cody with her green eyes. “Why were you able to escape the influence of my illusion? Previously, there was nothing like this. Is it because you don’t really believe what you see? I don’t think the answer is that simple.”Cody stepped forward. “This is just my guess. People in this world are so
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23 – A Monster
Two zombies appeared behind Cody and blocked the attack.“Ooh, you feel like this is just an illusion, but why are you blocking it?” Clara asked cynically.Cody opened his system menu while walking backwards away from his opponent. “You can make people unable to feel hunger and thirst. So, I thought you could also give me genuine pain.”Clara laughed. “Yes, and maybe the pain I give you can kill you! Have you ever heard of someone who felt unbearable pain and died as a result?”That woman tried to attack Cody again, but his zombie still held her back. A fierce fight took place. The woman’s scratches seemed damaging, but Cody was certain they were not real.It’s just that, because the ones receiving the attack were zombies, they couldn’t feel the pain.“It looks like the party is over.” Cody looked into the backyard again, and didn’t find the skinny zombies. “Emily,
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24 – Sacrifices
“You think you can beat me with something like this!?” Clara let out another scream. “I won’t let you ruin what I’ve done!” “You sacrificed innocent people, Clara Fairchild.” Cody replied. “I can’t let you keep doing that.” Clara tried to free herself, but the grip of the Cody’s zombies only got tighter. And then one of them hit the female monster on the back. “No! You can’t do this!” she screamed again. That zombie kept hitting that part until something became visible there. At first glance, Cody could see a zombie perched on Clara’s back. That’s what allows Clara to maintain her monster form. Not only that, a few moments ago Cody saw that woman’s legs shaking. She was carrying an invisible zombie with her very thin body all the time. Cody then possessed one zombie and hit Clara on the back several times. And when that walking corpse came into view again, he pulled it away. “Don’t!!! Don’t do it!!!” Clara looked like she was going to cry. Of course, Cody didn’t care about that
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25 – The Walls
Cody’s scream attracted the giant zombie’s attention. It turned its head back and growled when it saw Cody.The young man jumps down, then lets his zombies fight.Cody’s first target was the feet of the giant walking corpse. He made his machete holder zombie attack the enemy’s heels.However, it proved to be a greater challenge than he had imagined. That giant zombie dodged.A fierce battle ensued. The giant zombie can block or avoid attacks that come at him. Several times it even punched Cody’s zombies.However, the number of Cody’s minions was an advantage. They pushed the giant zombie away.While the undead continued to fight, Cody approached the man whom the giant zombie had been chasing. The black-haired man with a thick beard remained sitting on the asphalt with his mouth open, too amazed at what was happening.“It’s okay.” Cody held out his hand. “I think we’re s
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26 – From a High Place
“There’s no rule that says we can’t leave once we join them, right?” Cody, just out of the car, asked.Shawn shrugged. “Nope. They might try to convince you to stay if you’re important, but they’ll let you go in the end.”Cody glanced at Emily, who was pacing back and forth near the car.“I wonder what life is like inside.” Gwen muttered. She was still sitting in the driver’s seat.“It’s more normal than being outside.” Shawn replied. “But don’t expect it to be the same as your old life.”The gate of that place opened, and a few individuals emerged. Emily widened her eyes to find someone with short hair and a thin mustache among them.“Dad!” she ran to the middle-aged man.“Emily? Are you really Emily?” He then smiled and embraced his daughter’s hug.“I was really worried about you, Dad.” Emily sobbed,
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27 – The Combiners
“So, they are asking for your share of supplies and will destroy this place if you refuse?” Cody repeated the explanation from Shawn.The young man does not get notifications regarding other system users. He guessed because they were still far away.Akira rubbed his face and said, “Yeah, and they ask for quite a lot. If only that didn’t happen, then we could accommodate more people. Actually, we don’t mind sending food to them, if only they don’t ask for much. I’m not even sure if they can finish all that food before it spoils.”“They want to show their dominance.” Cody’s emotions overflowed. He couldn’t find a logical reason for the twins to do that. “I’m going to meet them to check something. When will you guys give those supplies to them?”“This afternoon…. But this is dangerous... Are you sure? If they get offended, they can kill you. I didn’t underestimate your speaking skills… Ah….” Akira rubbed his chin while nodding. “You’re going to use a
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28 – A Leader
The next morning, Shawn took a deep breath as he came to Cody.“Mr. Sakuragi asked me to accompany you to finish the zombies.” Shawn said in a tone devoid of enthusiasm. “He said, I am someone who knows this area because I am from here. Well, at least I can be with Gwen Bellucci. It was a win, I guess.”Gwen, about to enter the car, stood stunned.Cody felt Shawn was the person Akira assigned to watch over him. But Cody could only guess why Akira chose Shawn. Maybe the electrical team didn’t want Shawn anymore, and the others had to do their own jobs. So, only Shawn was available.“Let’s work together, then.” Cody smiled as he shook the man’s hand.Gwen asked when the two men entered the car. “Is your shoulder okay, Cody?”The young man moved his arm a bit. “It still hurts a little, but I think it’s okay.”“Gwen!!! Why did you go!?” Someone ran from a di
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29 – A Similarity
In the end, Cody left the community with Shawn alone. They chose an area far from the twins so that they would not interfere with Cody’s leveling.“So, you are a zombie puppeteer, and there are other roles?” Shawn, who was still sitting in the car, asked.“Yeah, but I think those who have other roles will be able to unlock zombie control skills when they level up.” Cody, standing outside the car, answered. He focused on his three zombies, who were engaged in a fight with a three meter tall zombie. The fight happened far from him.Shawn nodded. “That’s why that twin can control their own giant zombie. Will you be able to control them later, too?”“I don’t know.” Cody sighed. In fact, he didn’t know whether leveling up the possession skill could make his spirit moved to one of those massive zombies.And after he possesses the giant zombie and wins, a new problem will arise. What would happ
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30 – A Risky Visit
From the various information Cody got, he concluded the twins were childish and liked to play around. However, what they were playing was as dangerous as when they pulled Akira’s leg.This time, Cody drives his car, which has an electric engine installed, so he doesn’t need to control his zombie to push the vehicle. He just made them run beside him. That way, he can save his energy to control them.Cody felt that by showing his true form, the twins would be easier to persuade.Cody spoke to the twins on the roof after parking the car. “Morning. Let me introduce myself. I’m the zombie puppeteer who sent goods to you.”He wore a big smile to prevent his anger from being reflected on his face.“Huh? Why did you come here?” Ezra, the brother, spoke with his mouth full of food. “Today is not the schedule for delivering goods.”Eden stood up, her mouth also full of the food she was chewing. “You want
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