All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 chapters
11 – A Man’s Reason
Cody’s zombies manage to catch Mike.“You think you can stop me with this?” After Mike said that, he possessed one of Cody’s zombies’ bodies.Then, he jumped off the building.“Sh*t!” Cody cursed. His Zombies are now down to two.Mike possesses another Cody’s zombie, but this time Cody commands his remaining zombies to pull Mike away and throw him into the middle.“You intend to leave just one zombie and leave none for me to control, right? And with that zombie, you will attack me, right?” Cody asked. His eyes focused on Mike with his zombie body.Mike rose to his feet. “Sorry, this is what I have to do to get stronger.”Then Mike ran back to the edge of the roof. Like before, Cody controlled his zombies to restrain Mike. However, Mike possessed one of Cody’s walking corpses again, then jumped off the building.Cody gets his only remaining zombie to throw Mike back into the center a second time.“You won’t stand a chance, Cody.” Mike spoke again. “I appreciate your help. But I have to
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12 – The Lucky One
“Did you guys hear that?” Cody pointed his flashlight in various directions, but found nothing.Emily also did the same thing. “Yeah, I can hear it, but don’t know where it’s coming from.”“How is it, Cody Wolfe?” The voice continued. “Did you enjoy the system I gave you?”Cody frowned. “If you really gave me this power, then I thank you, Zeno. But can you show yourself?”“You don’t need to see me until that time comes.” Zeno continued. “Eventually, we will meet. That is, if you can survive until the end, Cody Wolfe.”Giving up on looking for Zeno, Cody lowered his flashlight. The voice emanated from multiple directions. It would be difficult to find the exact source.“What is your purpose in giving me that power?” Cody hissed. He felt uncomfortable hearing that voice.“The thing is, I’ve lived for thousands of years on eart
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13 – A Farm
Three days have passed since they met Mike. Cody controlled four zombies to defeat several other walking corpses in front of a mini market on the edge of town. Two of Cody’s zombies use shovels as weapons. One uses a baseball bat, while the other uses his bare hands. Opponents showed no resistance, because they were unaware of Cody and others hiding behind a distant car. “Soon we can check that place.” Cody said as he peeked out from behind a car. Not getting any answer, he glanced at Gwen and Emily, who had blank expressions and said nothing. Gwen still experienced trauma after shooting Mike, while Emily’s thoughts remained focused on her hometown in the North. It was natural that they were reluctant to talk. Cody can only hope that their condition doesn’t drag on and endanger their own mental health. [Level Up] Cody obliterated all of those zombies and was now level 7. During the few days of travel, he has exterminated quite a lot of zombies.
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14 – Hand Touch
“A system user, huh?” Jason asked as he led Cody and the others to the farm area. “My and Tommy’s father, Albert, are also a system user. Because of him, our consciousness could return.”There’s only Jason. Tommy had run to the main house to inform Helena of Gwen’s arrival.“So, you guys spread the transmission so that people gather here?” Cody responded.Jason looked back and smiled. “We used to go around using cars to do mobile transmission, but we don’t do that anymore because we run out of gas. In fact, the car you use is the one we usually use.”“I see.” Cody glanced at a pig pen near to them. Those pink animals still looked healthy, and they were being guarded by a zombie.“Are you guys still scared? That’s why you don’t talk much, right?” Jason adjusted his hat and smiled once again. “Well, it feels strange living with zombies li
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15 – The Awakener
That night, in one of the small makeshift rooms made of wooden planks, Cody arranged his things, waiting for Helena’s arrival. Upon hearing a knock, he opened the door a bit and found the zombie woman accompanied by Emily and Gwen.“Let’s go.” Helena hissed. “Before the ones on patrol come this way.”“Alright.” Cody nodded, then followed that woman with his two female comrades.“Don’t separate from me. Zombies like me can see in the dark like this,” Helena continued. “And we have to be quick. I chose a time and route that those on patrol wouldn’t cross.”Gwen gulped. “You haven’t told me about why we had to run away. I know this place is suspicious, but…”“We’ll talk about that later.” The big sister cuts Gwen off. “We’d better focus on escaping.”Emily then glanced at Cody, who was using his system. “You really can’t control those awakened zombies, Cody?”“Unfortunately, no. I’ve tried it.” Cody explained, then narrowed his eyes.
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16 - Sneaking
Cody felt weird when he used the zombie pig’s body to move. Yes, his vision became clearer, but he had to walk on four legs. He tried to use only his two back legs, but he fell.But no matter what, he had to keep moving.He continued to move, occasionally hiding behind large rocks, bushes, or trees while waiting for patrolling zombies to pass by. The pig’s small body was perfect for sneaking.After several minutes, Cody finally arrived at the outer fence of the farm complex. He used his speed and strength enhancing skills, then ran as fast as he could.When he hit it, he destroyed part of the fence. This triggered a zombie scream in confusion, but Cody continued to run.He had to find other zombies with human bodies to put up a fight, and he had to be fast. He had limited stamina in using that mode.He ran for a long time looking around, and he even arrived at the main street. But he couldn’t find what he was looking for.He almos
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17 – Family
The shot from Tommy hit Cody’s shoulder joint, making his grip on his sniper rifle loose. Cody’s bullet strikes Jason’s head.“Nooo!!! Jason!!!” Tommy screamed when his brother fall, but kept running while aiming at Cody. “How dare you!!! Die!!!”Cody ran zig-zag again, but several shots still hit his body.“Sh*t!” Tommy stopped to reload, and Cody was ready to tackle him.Out of nowhere, Albert on a dirt bike struck Cody from the side.Cody’s body flew, and Albert screamed. “Tommy, get on!!!”“But...” Tommy looked at Cody, who was getting up, clicked his tongue in frustration, then climbed up.Meanwhile, Cody was having a hard time getting up. Not because of the pain in his body. He couldn’t feel something like that while possessing a zombie.Instead, he felt extreme exhaustion. He also had difficulty getting the zombie’s body to fo
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18 – A Promise
In addition to placing a zombie guard up front, Cody must also secure the group from attacks on the sides and behind. “Kyaaahhh!!!” Emily screamed as a zombie grabbed her sleeve.  But Cody controlled Helena to repel the attacking zombie. “Are you okay, Emily!?” Cody shouted over the growls of the zombies. “I’m okay!” Emily raised her right arm. Her sleeves were no longer there. “Not even a stretch! It’s just my clothes that look weird because they only have one sleeve!” Then, another zombie jumped and hung on Gwen’s back, making her almost fall. But Cody dispelled that walking corpse, too. “It’s our supplies!” Gwen could only see her bag lying on the ground, looking as if it was getting smaller as they continued to advance. “Just leave it! The risk is high if we take it!” Cody shouted again. Feeling his consciousness dwindling even more, he slapped his own cheek. “What are you doing!?” Gwen and Emily exclaimed at the same time. It’s
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19 – Come Back
The next morning, Cody and the others use the car to return to the farm. During the trip, they didn't say anything.“You two just wait here.” Cody stops his four zombies from pushing the car.“But it’s still a long way off.” Gwen, who was sitting in the back seat, responded.“It’s okay.” Cody answered as his zombies walked forward. “Just me is enough to do this. I’ll leave Helena here to look after you guys.”Emily, who had been driving, sighed. “Ah, we’ll just get in your way, won’t we?”Cody doesn’t answer, and then possesses one of his zombies. He was no longer dizzy, and his stamina had returned, although not completely.But he knew wasting time would only harm him. He didn’t know how long his still tired body could survive using his system.True to his word, Cody left Helena near the car to look after Emily and Gwen.That’s not entirely true. Helena won’t be able to do complex things if she’s away from Cody
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20 – Beautiful Moment
Four days have passed since the event at the farm. As usual, Cody’s group boarded a car pushed by zombies to continue their journey. They headed north, according to Emily’s wish. “This is so strange.” Emily, who was driving, glanced around. “Since yesterday, we haven’t encountered a single zombie.” “Maybe we’ll find them soon.” Cody was scanning, and it’s taking so long. He then checked behind. Gwen was just silent with her head lowered, while the guitar was just lying nearby. Cody was wondering. Did he do something wrong? When he looked forward again, he lowered his chin. He no longer saw the rundown buildings and streets. Everything returned to normal. Even some ordinary people were walking around. They look clean, which doesn’t show that they were people who have to fight to survive in a broken world. “You have reached your destination
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