All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
54 chapters
1 – A Survivor
Cody Wolfe didn’t know how long he had been running. His legs and lungs were on the verge of giving up. But those three living corpses still chase him. The black-haired young man has no weapons. Even if he was holding one, he wasn’t sure he could fight with such extreme fatigue. Those zombies were only meters away from him. But they were not getting faster. Instead, Cody’s speed decreased because of the exhaustion. He would become their meal if things continued like this. Feeling he had no choice, Cody turned towards a house with an open door. “Damn it!“ Cody cursed as he discovered the broken doorknob, preventing him from locking it. Meanwhile, the growl of the zombies was so close. The zombies were still chasing him as he ran into the house. He entered a toilet, locked it, and then sat on the floor to catch his breath. That’s all he can do. He hid to rest for while seeking a solution. Running further was impossible, with little stamina remaining. But he won’t be able to sta
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2 – An Unexpected Encounter
Cody remained standing where he was, and his mind ordered his zombie to smash the opponent’s head into the floor.And of course, it doesn’t just happen once. Cody’s zombie does this several times, shattering the enemy’s skull.The young man then threw the stool in his hand next to the zombie, but the undead didn’t take it and instead continued to bang his opponent’s head.That zombie can’t hold a weapon, apparently.[Level up] This text appears just when Cody’s zombie blows apart the enemy’s head. Cody concludes that every time he defeats a zombie, he will get experience points, just like in video games.[Each level up, you can choose one skill. Each of your zombies can use this skill, except for certain types of abilities.]Several options then appeared on the screen, but two choices stood out to Cody.[Multiple Control: You can control two zombies at once.][Melee Weapon Holder: The zombies you control can use melee weapons.]Both could be useful in certain situations, so Cody could
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3 – Tough Day
The following day, Cody commanded two zombies to enter the room where he and Gwen hid. He had also collected several wooden planks, frying pans, helmets, and so on.Gwen grimaced when Cody tied these objects to the zombies’ bodies, making them look like they were wearing armor. “You can really control them?”“Yeah, right now I can only control two, though. I got this mysterious power yesterday.” The young man tied a thick book to the shin of one zombie.Unsure of the ‘armor’s’ effectiveness, he still believed it was better to equip the undead rather than not equipping them at all.Sighing, Gwen continued her work connecting various types of fabric into long ropes. It comprised the clothes they found in the room, as well as sheets and curtains.“Are you sure you are doing this?” Gwen hissed.“No.” Cody stood looking at the makeshift armor attached to those creatures. “But this is all I can think of.”When he looked at her, Cody discovered she had completed the rope.“No need to wait fo
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4 – The Puppeteer
Finally, Cody and Gwen escaped from the zombies. They are now in a large warehouse filled with luxury cars. “It looks like you didn’t have a broken bone, just a sprained muscle.” Gwen was bandaging the young man’s shoulder. “You’re good at things like this, huh?” Cody looked at the neat bandage. Gwen gave him a brief smile. “Well, I used to study to be a nurse, but something happened.” While grimacing in pain, Cody opened his system menu to check on his status. — Name: Cody Wolfe Role: Zombie Puppeteer Level: 3 [Stats] Attack: F Defense: F Stamina: E+ [Skills] Multiple Control: You can control two zombies at once. Melee Weapon Holder: The zombies you control can use Melee weapons. — Cody guessed that the system calculated attack and defense stats from the skills he possessed. Then, the stamina stat related to Cody’s endurance in controlling zombies, not his overall body stamina. “Do you have a destination, Cody?” Gwen asked while organizing her first aid kit. “For me
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5 – Bad Guys
The zombie bit the first man’s neck and making him fall to the ground while screaming. Instead of helping, the second man froze at that horror. His submission hold on Cody’s neck also loosened. Cody didn’t pass up the opportunity. He elbowed that man in the stomach and broke free. Then Cody slammed that man’s head into the hood of a nearby car. The second man’s head bled as he writhed in pain on the floor. Cody grabs the crowbar near the first man’s corpse while his zombie creeps to the second man. “No, don’t come to me!!!” The second man shifted on the floor until his back was against a car. “You look though, but you’re not, big guy?” Cody approached that man, who had a bald head and a thick beard. He trembled when the zombie was so close to him. “Help me! Keep me away from this monster! I’m actually weak and timid! I joined them just to survive!” Cody saw Gwen outside the car, glaring at the bald man. “He took part in my friends’ slaughter.” She hissed. Her tone was so cold.
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6 – A Remote House
Those guys didn’t even have time to raise their firearms when the zombies hit them with crowbars or fists. Chaos escalated, with dogs barking in the background. The humans still tried to fight, but the zombies overwhelmed them. “Don’t get too far behind me, Gwen.” Cody got out of the car and took a rifle that the house guard had been holding. He pointed the weapon at the guard, who swiftly crept away. “Was he also involved in killing your friends, Gwen?” Gwen gulped. “Yeah…” Cody shot the man without hesitation, and Gwen looked away. The weapon’s jolt caused Cody’s injured shoulder to feel as if it might detach, but he didn’t care. This ruined world doesn’t need someone like that guard. The young man turned his attention back to his zombies. The small one fell from a gunshot to his head, while the big one crashed into another man. While Cody was focused on other things, he could only give basic instructions to their brain. He couldn’t make those living corpses remember a series
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7 – The Manipulator
Cody’s zombie fell, but Brigg didn’t continue his attack right away.“Come on!” He shouted. “I want to have fun! Don’t fall so easily!”Cody controlled his zombie to tackle that man, but Brigg could hold it and lifted that being and slammed it so hard on the ground.Next, Brigg looks like he’s playing around. He laughed while giving punches and kicks to Cody’s zombie.Cody didn’t even expect himself to win this fight. His zombie cannot defeat Brigg. He was still thinking of other ways to finish that man.“You look for your sister, Gwen.” Cody hissed. “Let me distract Brigg.”“After that, we will run away?” The blonde-haired woman replied.Cody looked at that girl, silent for a moment. “No, you run away with your sister. I will try to kill him.”Yes, Cody couldn’t just let a dangerous person like Brigg wander around.“But…” Gwen looked hesitant.“Go!” Cody made a firmer voice. He handed the rifle to her. “Look for another door to the house! Don’t go through the front door!”Gwen held th
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8 – Their Wishes
“No!” Brigg broke free, but Cody was so close to him. Despite the unbearable shoulder injury, the young man threw the can with all his strength. The can flew and hitting Brigg’s body, dousing him with petrol. Then Cody shot that man with the gun. As the bullet hit Brigg’s body, an enormous explosion occurred. The impact threw Cody, and he landed hard on the ground. Meanwhile, Brigg screamed in pain, running in various directions with his whole body engulfed in flames. Turns out it’s true. Brigg’s skin can withstand bullets, but it won’t survive being burned. “Are you okay!?” Gwen ran over to Cody, who was having trouble standing up. Not only his shoulders, Cody’s whole body also felt pain. “I’m okay.” Cody’s attention drawn to the woman accompanying the blonde girl. “She’s your sister, Gwen?” She was too different from Gwen. Apart from her black hair color, her facial features are softer and his brown eyes appear smaller. Her appearance was like a mix of Caucasian and Asian. “
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9 – Asking for Help
“I don’t care. We have to go north.” Emily’s hands were shaking. “Or I will kill you.” Cody sighed. “You can’t think straight because you’re too desperate. Your words make little sense.” Emily’s tone got hoarse. “I have tried to go north alone, and I have faced many difficult obstacles. Like being kidnapped by that group… I can’t take it anymore… You have the power to fight evil humans and zombies.” “If you shoot me, it’s the same. I died and I couldn’t protect you.” Cody lowered his rifle. “Sorry, but Gwen joined me first.” Emily lowered the gun. “Gwen wanted to go south just to look for her one sister. Meanwhile, in the north there are my father and mother, as well as my younger siblings... There are more than one of them... They might still be there.” Cody just gave Emily an icy stare. “You have a family, right?” She walked over to the young man. “You should know how to worry about your family...” “No, my family died a long time ago.” Cody interrupted and put on a faint smile
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10 – The Possessor
“There are too many of them.” Emily hissed. “There isn’t even a gap between them.”Maybe the distance between the zombies was only a matter of inches. Even small children would most likely not be able to enter among them.“Yeah, maybe there are hundreds of them.” Cody hissed.Seeing a zombie coming towards them, Gwen was about to drive the car again, but Cody tapped her on the shoulder and shook his head.“I think it’s him.” Cody said that because the zombie knocked on the car window. There’s no way an ordinary zombie could do that.Cody opened the window a bit, and his hand held the rifle underneath.It won’t hurt if he’s on guard. He doesn’t know this system user yet, after all.“Is that you, friend?” Cody asked.“Yeah… My name is…. Mike….” The zombie spoke, also hoarse and almost inaudible. “Please, save me…. I’ve run out of food…. That place…. So scary…. I’ve already…. So desperate…”Cody took a deep breath. “It will be complicated. There are a lot of them.”He fell silent, looking
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