All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
188 chapters
51 – To Stop the Madness
Cody and Jeff departed a few days later, once Cody had rested and made the plans. He bid farewell to the Bellucci Sisters, who would care for the farm.“Big Joe, huh?” Jeff looked at the giant zombie walking behind them. “With that thing, I feel like we’ll be able to beat Paul Michaels easily.”Cody, who was driving, nodded. “He’s that strong, huh?”“Yeah, he can always fight a horde of zombies with his abilities.” Jeff sighed. “He used those horrible creatures he had, though.”“So, he also lured you and your friends to join him, then he turned you guys into his works of art?”Instead of answering right away, Jeff remained silent with his head down. Cody glanced and raised an eyebrow at him.“There’s a detail I left out, Cody.” Jeff sighed. “Paul is one of my group. In fact, I’ve known him for a long time, before this zombie apocalypse happened.”The revelation triggered Cody to be speechless for a few moments. “Why didn’t you talk ab
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52 – Jeff
As they continued their journey the next day, Cody found Jeff unable to calm down. Jeff repeatedly adjusted his sitting position, and turning his head in various directions many times. The further they traveled, the worse Jeff’s condition became. “I-I’m sorry, Cody.” Jeff’s breathing was getting heavier. “Maybe my mind couldn’t calm down because Paul’s house too traumatized me. And we getting closer to that place, I… I… Once again, I’m sorry.” “It’s okay.” Cody answered with a smile, trying to make Jeff as comfortable as possible. It makes sense, Jeff said that. However, Cody’s guts say something was wrong with this man. Despite Jeff’s non-threatening behavior, Cody felt the need to be more watchful of his traveling companion. Their journey continued, and when evening finally arrived, Jeff pointed to a large house in a luxurious residential area. Cody stopped his car, and also Big Joe was behind them. He observed the house from a distance and found noth
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53 – Paul
With just one hand movement from Jeff, the strangely shaped creatures came forward to attack. However, Cody was prepared for them.Instead of focusing on one of them, he used Big Joe to hold them back, while the other three zombies made attack after attack.Yes, Cody found it very easy. Not because he had a lot of fighting experience. That might help, but there is a more crucial factor than that.Jeff has provided various information about those creatures, and Cody has made plans for them.And everything Jeff told him was true, from their abilities to the way they moved. Cody grabbed the giant centipede from behind, then twisted it many times until many parts broke.It’s the same for other creatures. Cody can defeat them relatively easily.“What do you really want?” Cody confronted Jeff in a high tone. “Why are they the same as what you told me!?”Jeff should have made them do something different from wha
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54 – Deep
Cody woke up in the morning after sleeping for a while, but couldn’t find Jeff.“Jeff, where are you?” Cody rushed out of the house with the zombies.Before long, he heard a zombie growled from the house nearby. Cody moves there and finds Jeff doing something.“Don’t worry, you will be exquisite.” Jeff was cutting a zombie into pieces, and a very wide, creepy smile appeared on his face.“Jeff, are you crazy?” Cody’s question made Jeff wince. “Well, you are crazy, but…. Damn, I’m lost for words.”Jeff sighed. “That’s why you have to kill me. Have you found the right way?”Instead of answering, Cody shot Jeff in the head with a gun. Jeff tumbled with a hole in his head and wide eyes.Cody watched him for a few minutes. The bullet in Jeff’s head expelled itself, and the wound closed. He then got up.“Why do you do that?” Jeff sighed
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55 – Challenge
Cody couldn’t get his mind off Jeff. Not only because of his guilt for leaving Jeff in eternal darkness, but Cody still can’t understand that man’s thoughts.Jeff obliterated the crazy person concept in Cody’s head.Cody hoped he would never meet someone like that again. Apart from confusing him, humans like Jeff also waste his time, even though Cody also gets various weapons because of that man.Cody had entered the road leading to the farm, and suddenly a warning appeared on his system menu.[Another system user detected]Four Zombies emerge from the bushes. From their movements, Cody knew that those walking corpses were being controlled by someone.—Randy OwensRole: Zombie Body Manipulator Attack: B+Defense: BStamina: C—Cody gets out of the car, while making all of his zombies ready to fight. Regardless of who it was, Cody believed he had to remain vigilant.
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56 – Day of Patrol
“That’s…. I don’t know how to respond to that,” Randy spoke with his mouth full of spaghetti.Cody just talked about Jeff from start to finish. All of them who were eating dinner at the dining table could only remain silent listening to Cody’s story, occasionally gasping when they heard something that made little sense.Helena grimaced. “Seems like you have no other choice, huh?”“Yeah, like it or not, I have to do that or Jeff could do something crazy again.” Cody continued to eat his food.Meanwhile, Gwen just remained silent and chewed slowly.“You’re brilliant, Cody.” Randy grimaced. His plate was empty. “You deserve to be my rival. How about tomorrow we fight….”“No.” Cody put the rest of his food in his mouth. “Why would I fight you without a logical goal? You are not threatening me, my friends, or this place.”Randy snort
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57 – The Special Ones
Cody and the others were in front of the small house. After listening to Randy’s explanation about the zombies, Cody rubbed his face with trembling hands.“Are their faces scarier than ordinary zombies?” Cody asked, his expression darkened. “I mean,... There are a lot of features on their faces that... Ah, I’m having a hard time explaining it.”“Yeah, something like that.” Randy frowned. “Do you know anything, Cody?”Cody looked at the three people one by one, then took a deep breath. “Actually…”He explained about the zombie tree, which produces lots of undead in its parts. He also explained how massive that thing was and how dangerous it would be if the zombies in that thing came off.“How many zombies are there?” Helena swallowed hard.Cody shrugged. “Maybe we will never know. “Maybe this tree has deep roots that reach the bottom of the earth.&rdquo
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58 – Different Battle
The three special zombies spread out and ran in zigzags, making it even more difficult for Cody to shoot them. Then, a surprising event occurred. The leader zombie jumped high, and his body shot through the air like a rocket. It hit Big Joe hard, forcing him to fall with a loud rumble.Meanwhile, two other special zombies can attack Cody’s zombies fast. Their movements lacked the organization of true martial arts. Instead, they move like wild animals with punches and kicks.However, that doesn’t mean their movements aren’t precise and deadly.Big Joe had not yet fully stood up when the zombie leader tackled his leg hard, forcing him to fall again.“Sh*t!” All of it overwhelmed Cody. He couldn’t concentrate on just one zombie. It made him feel like he would lose, eventually.If only he could focus on just the leader zombie or those two special zombies, Cody was sure he would have a chance.“Randy!!! Can you hear
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59 – The Mother
Cody opens his system, intending to ‘restore’ this zombie’s consciousness. He didn’t know whether this being had a human mind, but he had never seen this zombie speak.However, he discovered he couldn’t use his awakener skill.“So, can you talk like us?” Cody asked.The zombie growled, then spoke in a tone like someone who had just learned to talk. “Yeah, I can talk.”“So, you came from that zombie tree, right?”“That’s right, I came from there. It was our mother who sent us in different directions.”Cody frowned, guessing that the ‘mother’ this zombie meant was Jane Harrison, someone who had the zombie tree role.“What did she send you guys for?” Helena also asked.The zombie growled again. “Our mother felt that the only thing that could free her was to defeat Zeno. However, she doesn’t know her fighting capa
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60 – His Suffering
“Say it, Cody.” The liquified zombie had wrapped Randy’s body. “Are the experience points you get from that special zombie more than usual?”Cody didn’t answer.“It seems my guess was correct. The special tags mean something.” Randy chuckled while his battle gear was hardened. “Then, I will become strong faster!”Randy dashed forward and attacked Cody’s zombies. The sounds of their weapons clashing echoed. Every time one of Cody’s zombies falls because of Randy’s sword swing, Cody makes his other zombies attack.This made the stream of attacks on Randy never stop.“You really great at fighting, Cody!” Randy laughed. “I already knew it! You may not have powers like me, but you can make the best use of what you….”Randy didn’t have time to finish his words because a slap from Big Joe sent him flying. However, Randy can use his wings to maneuv
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