51 – To Stop the Madness

Cody and Jeff departed a few days later, once Cody had rested and made the plans. He bid farewell to the Bellucci Sisters, who would care for the farm.

“Big Joe, huh?” Jeff looked at the giant zombie walking behind them. “With that thing, I feel like we’ll be able to beat Paul Michaels easily.”

Cody, who was driving, nodded. “He’s that strong, huh?”

“Yeah, he can always fight a horde of zombies with his abilities.” Jeff sighed. “He used those horrible creatures he had, though.”

“So, he also lured you and your friends to join him, then he turned you guys into his works of art?”

Instead of answering right away, Jeff remained silent with his head down. Cody glanced and raised an eyebrow at him.

“There’s a detail I left out, Cody.” Jeff sighed. “Paul is one of my group. In fact, I’ve known him for a long time, before this zombie apocalypse happened.”

The revelation triggered Cody to be speechless for a few moments. “Why didn’t you talk ab

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