All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
129 chapters
The Apology
Seeing the scene was attracting more onlookers and the pentad billionaires were looking humiliated being filmed groveling before Mr Doe, a less in class, August decided to add more heat to the fire.“What did you say, Mr Turner? I think Mr Doe didn’t quite hear you clearly. Could you come again?” August asked slyly.He knew how embarrassed and angry Mr Turner felt saying those words, he wanted him to repeat it again so that he would feel even more embarrassed. Mr Turner clenched his fist very tight like he was about to throw a cricket ball, he felt like getting to his feet and punching the hell out of August before going back to the apology he did not want to offer in the first place. But he knew Mr Kane would not take it lightly if he learns he punched someone he assumed to be nothing more than a driver or PA to Mr Doe.His misconception saved him his life, Mr Kane would have skinned him and his entire family alive; if he had punched the Gibson heir!After hesitating for a few seco
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Apology Accepted!
“Mr Kane is calling,” Tina exclaimed out. Hearing Tina say the call was from Mr Kane, the four men on the ground panicked terribly; their entire lives depended on that phone call and they knew it.“No, please don’t answer,” Mr Turner said quickly crawling on his kneels to intercept Tina just in time before she could answer the call. “Please don’t answer the call, Tina,” he pleaded desperately. Tina and Mr Doe were puzzled; why would he not want her to answer the call?“He is calling to ask whether we have apologized to you or not. If you tell him you’ve not forgiven us, then we are as good as dead,” he explained quickly.It now made sense to Mr Doe and her daughter: the pentad billionaires were groveling on the ground pleading for their forgiveness because Mr Kane had instructed them to come do so or face his wrath. No wonder they were pleading like their lives depended on it, it actually depended on it!“Please forgive us before answering the call,” his voice trembling. Mr Doe and da
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The Threat
****Back at the Turners mansion, Mr Turner was seated in the living room fuming with anger as he watched himself on the news for the most humiliating reasons. “No! No way! I can’t take this,” he growled angrily kicking his leg against a couch.“Calm down, dad,” Tom said as he hurriedly strode into the living room. In his hand he held his phone playing the viral video of his dad and the other pentad billionaires. “Mr Philip told me everything that had happened, you had no other choice. Everyone knows how powerful the Gibson’s are. It was just an apology people will soon forget it ever happened,” Tom consoled.“But I will never forget!” Mr Turned yelled angrily. “I control the streets and underbellies of Aurora Bay, more than have of the population of this city wet their pants by just the mention of my name. But I can’t brag about that anymore: the most dreaded man in the city was recorded kissing the ground in front of Mr Doe and his daughter. The Does, for Christ sake!”Mr Turner see
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At The Cemetery
The next day, August set out for the cemetery where his parents were buried. Today marked the eighth anniversary of their passing.As he had done for the past years, he purchased flowers and candles to honor their memory and paid a remembrance visit at their gravesite.He usually bought cheap roses worth less than $10. Gone are those years, he was extremely rich now; he almost emptied the floral store. In fact, a pickup truck was full with all the different expensive flowers he bought.At the time his parents passed away, he was merely a mid-teenager and could not afford to pay for a standard cemetery, so they were buried at a local municipal cemetery in the outskirts of the city. Not a place for a Gibson to be buried, the thought of this caused him to feel a sudden surge in anger towards his grandfather.The thought of removing their remains from the graveyard and reburying them at a more standard modern cemetery crossed his mind, but he quickly waved it off out of respect for his pa
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Kingpin Of Eastern Aurora
“What?” August startled jumping to his feet. “Why would he do that? Don’t he know this cemetery houses over five hundred graves?” August asked exasperated.“Of course he does, but he insist that the cemetery is the only suitable land he wants to build his production site on, since it is close to his company,” the man explained dejectedly.“What nonsense! This is illegal, why haven’t you informed the police of his wicked plans?” August asked with furrowed brows. “I did, but they did not want to get involve when they learnt it was Mr Clark. In fact, I went to the city council but they refused to attend to me when I mentioned his name. Even the Mayor is afraid of him,” Mr Hayes disclosed.Popularly known as ‘The Kingpin of Eastern Aurora’, Mr Clark controlled a significant portion of the Eastern part of the city. Even the politicians and government officials feared crossing paths with him. Once you did, your only exit from the city’s east would be as a corpse!Not only was he a wealthy
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August Dug His Own Grave
Mr Hayes was too old to even stand straight, how can this feeble take on five young agile men by himself?Casper and his men stared at the man with contempt. “Come on old man, even if I had one arm and one leg, you will still be no match against me. I am the most feared henchman in this Eastern city, it’ll be an insult to my legacy to throw punches at you. So leave from here before I change my mind against you,” Casper spat with disdain.But the latter was not backing off, “most feared henchman?” Mr Hayes scoffed. “How can you be the most feared henchman when you are afraid to go punch-for-punch with an old man? To me, you are nothing but Mr Clark’s dog!” he mocked.Casper was exasperated, his brows furrowed and his face darkened immediately, this has to be the most insulting thing someone have ever said to him. Other henchmen tremble in his presence but this old man was confident enough to call him a dog!Casper’s eyes were scarlet red, he bit his lip tight for a minute almost like h
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A Message To Mr. Clark
After August effortlessly broke their leader’s arm, Casper’s men were convinced he was an exceptionally skilled fighter. They strategized carefully, advancing cautiously—closing in on him like a pack of hyenas stalking their prey.August had never fought one-on-one before; now, he faced the daunting task of confronting four men armed with laboring tools all by himself. The first and only time he had ever put his fists to work was yesterday; when he brutally beat the hell out of Albert. But that wasn’t even a fight, Albert was too feeble to address a man.Of course there was no way August could take on all the four men! But he acted a man and curled his hands into a ball, turning 360 as he did not have an eye behind his head to watch all the four figures surrounding him.The men exchanged knowing glances and nodded in unison— it was time to strike. But before they could even lift their tools, the air was filled with the sharp, rhythmic sounds of punches and kicks.Thud! Thud!August wa
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Khan's Group
The cemetery was a municipal one, and by far the cheapest in Aurora Bay, only the less privileged class buried their dead there. Since August’s parents were buried there, Casper was quick to assume his class— low class. He thought he was just another pauper with good fighting friends.“You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into. Mr Clark will not hesitate to cut off your heads when he comes to learn of what you’ve done to my men and I. You should apologize to me now and I will ask him to spare you,” Casper said arrogantly.The ’ace of the security man beside August darkened at once. He swiftly grabbed Casper on the floor, partially raising him from the ground he delivered a wrecking punch on his face. “Watch your tongue or I’ll rip it from that mouth of yours. How dare you demand an apology from my young master!” the man growled angrily and punched him again before dropping him to the floor.As if that was not enough, he continuously kicked Casper’s abdomen ten times as if it we
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Killing A Comedian
Mr Clark gazed at Casper perplexed. Just an hour ago, he had given Casper and his men the task of disinterring the cemetery, how come he showed up in his office looking like he was the one dug out of the ground. He looked terrible!“What happened to you?” Mr Clark asked, his eyes widened like he would hear with it.Casper hesitated, what was he to tell his boss, that two unarmed men beat the hell out of them and they could not disinter the cemetery? He was Mr Clark’s enforcer, shame would not allow him say it out.“I asked you a question!” Mr Clark growled beginning to loose his temper.Unable to stare his boss in the face, Casper disclosed. “…..” “What?” Mr Clark exclaimed, startled. “Are you trying to say two unarmed men did this to the five of you?” Mr Clark asked, disbelief crawling his face.“Yes,” Casper affirmed slowly with a nod, his face still facing the ground.“Unbelievable! How could you and your men be such weaklings to allow two men humiliate you this way?” Mr Clark was
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Two On Sixteen
“Let’s see if you can fight quite well as much as you talk,” Mr Clark sneered as his men surrounded August, his two security men and Mr Hayes. The men’s eyes had one thing in common, murderous.“I think you might want to reconsider this. Ask this dog for a thug of yours how it ended when he tried something similar,” August said gazing at Casper.Mr Clark sniffed, “I can see you are out of your senses; they are just four of you surrounded by sixteen men. Not the four on five as earlier”. Actually it was more of a one on four earlier!August and his security were still calm, not panicking at all. As a matter of facts, August stood unbothered, his hands wrapped in front of his chest like he was on a queue waiting for his turn to buy a burger. Mr Hayes couldn’t take in the sight of what could happen next, he closed his eyes and prayed his last. With a cold smirk, Mr Clark instructed: “Beat them to a pulp!” Not only were Mr Clark’s men having the number advantage, they were all armed wi
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