All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
129 chapters
Chief Of Police Force
“Slap me?” August snorted. “I already told you at the hospital that today will be your last day in this uniform. But am ready to put that behind me including the slap you slapped me at the hospital earlier, only if you drop on your knees and apologies to Tina for all the harsh words you said to her and for arresting her without getting a clearance from the doctor,” August added almost with a sneer.The Inspector and his men exchanged gazes and then erupted into laughter. “Did you hear him? He just threatened to have me sacked. Am scared already, he must be the Chief of police!” The inspector said sarcastically.“No, this delusional idiot thinks he is the president of the country,” one of the police officers chimed in causing the other to burst into laughter.While they were busy mocking and saying all kinds of disdainful things to him, August smartly noted the station number and the name of the inspector’s uniform.“For the last time, apologize willingly and I may consider allowing yo
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Slap Them A Thousand Times
The Chief was seethed with anger; his brows furrowed, and his teeth clenched so tightly they seemed ready to break. Inspector Jack was trembling; he had never been this scared in his life. He couldn't understand what he might have done to anger the Chief so much. He wouldn't dare ask, he would not want to receive another heavy slap across his face. So, he zipped his mouth and grabbed his swollen chin, shaking like a leave in wind.“What have you done, you imbecile!” The Chief growled angrily under his clenched teeth. “Si—sir there must be a misunderstanding somewhere. I’ve not done anything, believe me!” the Inspector stammered frustratingly.“Shut up your dirty mouth!” The Chief interjected furiously. “Are you not inspector Jack of station 3**?” he inquired, his brows furrowing deeper. “Ye—yes it’s me” he nodded. “But sir, I—”Slap!It seemed the other slaps were warm-up, the Chief had specially preserved this very slap waiting for him to affirm he is the one. The slap sent him fl
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Nolle Prosequi
Despite the Inspector and his men pleading desperately like children, the Chief remained unyielding.“Start slapping them already!” he commanded his men in a cold tone.Slap! Slap! Slap!For a full hour, the only sounds were the resounding echoes of hands colliding forcefully with chins and the agonized screams that followed.One, two, three… One thousand!They were really slapped a thousand times. Before the end of the count, some had become unconscious, their faces completely bruised and swollen. They looked like disfigured amoebas. The Chief is really a man of his words!“Throw then into the van and take them to prison!” the inspector his voice indifferent like he had not just given the most brutal instruction of the year.The men held the unconscious men like goods into the police Van and drove off.August was so thrilled after watching the whole scene. “They got what they deserved,” he justified his slight chuckle. He seemed to be the only one appeased with what had just happened
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Come To My House Immediately
“To save myself from losing in court today, I had to file for the dismissal of the case. You have put a stain on the reputation I have spent decades establishing. Now, not many lawyers will hold me in great esteem after learning about what happened. All thanks to you!” Barrister Kingsley fumed at the Does and their attorney.The Does and Barrister Mike lacked the courage to speak as Mr Kingsley continued to rant about his embarrassment, as though they had directly forced his hand into filing the NolleProsequi. Already under immense pressure from the Pentad Society, they didn’t want to escalate the situation further.But August couldn’t tolerate hearing the Does blamed for Kingsley's own actions. “You’ve said enough already, Mr. Kingsley,” he interjected firmly. Tina and her father’s mouths dropped in shock at his audacity. But soon, their expressions turned to anger.What had August done? He had certainly provoked the man further, and there was a real risk of Kingsley turning his wrat
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“The Wades are what?” Mr Kingsley startled. He then turned an unbelievable gaze towards August. He was wasn’t lying after all!“You heard me right. Now come over to my house, the other Pentad members are waiting for you,” Mr Turner added before ending the call.His mouth dropped agape after the call. How is it possible that a member the Pentad society could go bankrupt barely within two hours?“What’s the matter, barrister Kingsley? Did you hear the news from someone you would believe now?” August taunted.The man frowned. “Tell me how you came to know of the bankruptcy, so quick?” He asked glaring at August disdainfully.“Does it really matter how I came to know of it. What matters is that it happened to them because they tried to ruin the Does. What I’m trying to say is this; you and your family might even end up worse if you decide to do anything against the Does,” August said with a chuckle.Mr Kingsley was exasperated, “is this supposed to be a threat or what? And what makes you
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Unbelievable! Mr. Kane Called Back
She removed the card and quickly dialed the contact number on it. The phone rang, but there was no answer. She called again, but still, no one picked up. Undeterred, she tried repeatedly, and on the eleventh attempt, there was finally an answer."Hello, who is this?" a female voice asked rudely. Tina hesitated for a moment. She was calling Mr Kane—how did a lady end up picking?“Hello, is this Mr Kane?” Tina asked slowly still baffled.“No, this is his secretary. What do you want?” She replied sharply.It wasMr Kane’s official line that was on the card, only a few persons had his personal line.“I am Tina Doe from Resonant Audios, the audio company Innovative Technologies just partnered with. There is something urgent I need to speak him about. Can you please connect me on the line with him?”“No!” the lady quickly declined. “Do you think Mr Kane is just an ordinary man you can speak with anytime you feel like? My boss is busier than the president himself. Right now, he is in a meeti
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Where Is Mr. Wade?
“Yes Miss Doe, I’m the one on the line,” the man answered dropping Tina’s jaw; she wasn’t day dreaming or hallucinating it was actually Mr Kane! Was the secretary toying with her or what, when she said he was in a meeting.“Bu—but your secretary said you were in a meeting with the board members and you would not have my time till next week,” Tina asked confused.“Yes, she is right. I just excused myself from the meeting because my young master learnt that you were trying to reach me and instructed me to attend to you with immediate effect,” he disclosed.Tina was in a daze. Her mind was a whirl of questions; Did the Gibson heir really instructed Mr Kane to leave a meeting with the board members to attend to her? Was she worth it?: Compared to the Gibsons fortune and power, the Does were not more than beggars to them. What baffled her the most was how the Gibson heir came to know she was trying to reach Mr Kane. Does that mean he knew who she was or what? “Or maybe it is because he le
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Four Pentad Members
And again, the question went down the drain unanswered. The other Pentad members were as clueless about everything as he was. “A big mouth said all his properties were confiscated and the police were looking for him, maybe they apprehended him and he is now in their custody,” Mr Kingsley said referring to what August told him.“No, I don’t think he is in the police custody,” Mr Ken Philips objected. “I have a lot of ears in the police and they all confirmed the police are still looking for him,” he said rubbing his white beards.“That means he is still on the run. My sources said his bank debts have skyrocketed by 500 hundred percent out of the blue. It means someone influential must be involved in this!” Mr Turner said astutely. “But who could that be?”For some minutes they all took a journey into their brains to crack out a more powerful mogul than them who probably hated Mr Wade that much to influence his bankruptcy in such a small time. But they all returned with no answers.“Wh
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Ten Minutes!
Mr Turner was more confused than frightened. What could make Mr Kane this angry at him? He had not recalled doing anything to provoke him, why would the man cut him off so harshly?Mr Turner was a billionaire but Mr Kane was an emissary to a zillionaire! His anger was something Mr Turner would worry about."You must be out of your mind to go after a company partnering with us. What nerve!" Mr. Kane said angrily. From his voice, if one had never seen Mr. Kane before, they might assume him to be a human lion; he wasn't ranting, he was almost roaring.Mr Turner was lost in confusion; the Pentads had several business partners in the city and he could not remember doing anything to offend any of them. He was not aware that, Mr Doe’s Resonant Audios had just partnered with Innovative Technologies yesterday.“Your partners?” Mr Turner startled. “Believe me, Mr Kane, there must be a misunderstanding somewhere. I would not dare mess with a company affiliated with yours,” Mr Turner said quickly
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Mr. Doe, Please Forgive Us
****Back in the courtroom, Mr. Doe, his daughter, and August were the only figures remaining. Even the ceramic-tiled floor had lost count of how many times Mr. Doe paced back and forth.August was the only calm person in the room. Tina, like her father, was equally troubled, her whole face was covered in sweat. She had just checked her phone for the thousandth time in the last ten minutes.“You should all relax now, I believe Mr Kane is handling the matter,” August assured.“Don’t tell me to relax, August. Mr Kane assured to call me back immediately after contacting his master, its been over ten minutes and still he hasn’t called,” Tina snapped.“Don’t be so naïve, Tina. Just because Mr Kane have not called you back doesn’t mean he have not done anything about the matter. Just relax!”“Why should she be calm, who knows, the new Gibson’s heir might be friends with pentads. I don’t think he will help us out,” Mr Doe retorted angrily.August frowned; all he felt towards the Pentad was
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