All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
129 chapters
The Mayor Is An Ingrate
“Mr Doe, we have a big problem,” the lawyer’s voice trembling as he spoke. The man was already agitated after hearing the whole Pentad billionaires were up against him, and now his family lawyer was calling to say there is a big problem. “Problem? What do you mean by a big problem?” the man in him managed to ask. His voice shaky and laced with curiosity.“Sir, the Wades have filed a case against you and your daughter, charging you with Assault and battery. And do you know who the prosecuting attorneys are? Mr Wood Kingsley himself and two of his sons,” the man disclosed quickly.Mr Doe’s jaw dropped, leaving his mouth widely open. The news sent shivers down his spine, and the mention of the prosecuting attorneys made his body to almost leave his skin; he was terrified.Everybody in the city knew who the Kingsleys were, the legal powerhouse of the city. An extended family with Mr Wood as its patriarch and over thirty intelligent lawyers, they held significant seats in the country’s
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Tina Is Arrested
“Hello, Mr Doe. Am inspector Jack,” the inspector said pointing his badge to Mr Doe’s face. Mr Doe felt like snatching the badge from his hand and throwing it out of the window. But he was already in too much trouble already, it would be unwise to do that.“We have an arrest warrant for Miss Tina Doe, we have orders to take her to the court for her hearing,” the inspector said showing the piece of paper to Mr Doe. “Miss Tina Doe, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say here will be used against you in the court of law,” the inspector said as he approached the bed where Tina was laying on. “Arrest her!” he instructed gesturing for his men to seize her.“Stop!” Mr Doe yelped angrily. “What sort of heartless officers are you? Can’t you see my daughter is sick and admitted in the hospital? What law allows a sick person barely strong enough to stand on their own to be arrested? The doctors said she have to be admitted for two days, until then she is goi
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At The Abandoned Warehouse
*****Back at the hospital where Albert was administered, Mr Wade receives a call.“It’s time, the hearing will begin in thirty minutes,” the voice at the other end which was Mr Kingsley said.“Okay, I’ll be there soon,” Mr Wade said before ending the call.He turned to his wife, “sweetheart, it’s time for the hearing, let’s get going,” he said with a scorn.“No, Karl. I will not go anywhere while my son is in terrible pains. I’ll stay with him, that’s the duty of a mother,” Mrs Wade retorted.“Come on, wouldn’t you like to be present when that slut for a daughter of Me Doe is dragged away to prison in handcuffs. I promise that will make you feel better, then we can return here immediately to Albert,” Mr Wade tried to convince his wife.But she was persistent, always petting Albert like he was a five year old, no wonder he was such a feeble.“No Karl, I can’t see my son is badly hurt who will be here to tell him sorry when he starts feeling pains on his body and broken arm. Allow me t
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The Wades Are Bankrupt
Albert was pissed, he had August tied to a chair and stood in front of him with a cricket bat. How could he be so fearless?He brows furrowed and his eyes reddened with rage. “What is she to you that you had to take so much risk for her? Only if you turned a blind eye, it wouldn’t have come to this. She would have enjoyed herself with me and I would have given a partnership she was desperately looking for.Now because of your actions, she is going to jail only the almighty knows how long, her father will become a pauper even poorer than the poorest beggar in this city and you... You will die coldly by my hand. You should have just walked away, it’s all your fault,” Albert growled angrily.“My fault?” August snorted. “How is it my fault? You are the one that drugged her and almost raped her, you are the one that spread lies about her seducing you in her office. How is that my fault.And what makes you think she will go to jail and her father will loose a penny, nor I will die in your h
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The Court Hearing
“You…” Albert startled. The phone slipped from his hand and dropped to the ground. It now made sense to him; the Mr Kane, August called was definitely the Gibson’s emissary. Of all the families in the country only the Gibson’s were capable of pulling such a thing up. But what he couldn’t understand was how August was related to Mr. Kane. “Wait a second, are you the secret Gibson heir?” he asked curiously, his mouth agape in bewilderment. Though rumors had circulated the city about a new Gibson heir after Mr. Gibson's passing, nobody actually knew who he was, as he had yet to present himself to the general public.August did not say a word but left out a cold smile, and that was enough for Albert to get the answer he inquired, he was actually the Gibson’s heir; the most wealthy and powerful person in the whole continent.He quickly dropped on his knees and forehead, kowtowing before the man he had been throwing insults at for the past thirty. He even slapped him!“Forgive my ignoranc
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Court Hearing
"Thank you, your honor," Mia sneered. "For the past ten months, Tina has persistently visited Mr Wade's office under the guise of discussing a potential partnership. However, she has secretly confessed to me that her true motive was an unending admiration for Mr Albert Wade. In reality, she was going there to charm him with her beauty. But Albert had never shown interest in her. She called me yesterday, and told me over the phone that she have had enough of Albert’s ignorance of her and she was going there today to seduce him…” Tina’s mouth dropped agape as Mia narrated the worst lie ever told in front of the whole court. Tina was completely bewildered by the lies coming out from the witch she had for a best friend all these years. There was nothing Tina despised more than seeing Albert’s ugly face. How could Mia say such lies against her? If Tina could remove the handcuffs on her hands she would walk right up to the witness box Mia was standing in, not minding whether it was a cou
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Is There Any Evidence?
"You animal!" Mr Wade growled angrily as he jumped to his feet. His brows furrowed, and his fists clenched in rage as Mia exposed August as the one who had beaten his son black and blue.“He is the henchman?” Mrs Wade startled. “Somebody should arrest this moron already!” She added annoyingly gesturing at the inspector that had apprehended Tina earlier.Barrister Kingsley was stunned to see him, Mr Turner had instructed Damien to find and execute the supposed henchman. How come he is still alive?He then thought Damien and his men were after August that he became very afraid and came to surrender himself to the law. “All the same, either he dies by Damien’s or he gets years of imprisonment from the judge, the Pentad Society will have its way!” Barrister Kingsley thought to himself.August then stride quickly to where Barrister Mike was seated with Mr Doe, he bent down and whispered something into the attorney’s ear and the man’s eyes went widely open in disbelief. “Are you sure?” he s
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Sharp News TV
Everyone in the courtroom was bewildered as August claimed he had evidence to prove that everything he was saying was nothing but the truth. What stunned them the more was how confident he looked.“Evidence? Did you hear the henchman?” Mr Doe snorted. “He says he has evidence to prove that my son is lying. We are all ears, henchman, tell us more lies and defend this slut!” Mr Doe added disdainfully.August’s face darkened into a gloomy frown after Mr Doe called Tina a slut. If he was close enough, August would’ve given him the hardest punch of his life not minding whether they were in the court or not. But he knew exactly what to say that’ll hurt him harder than a punch in the face.“Mr Wade, why don’t you check your phone, your emissary have probably given you a thousand missed calls already,” August said a chuckle.On his way to the court he had silenced his phone and would not receive notifications for incoming calls. Why would August know his emissary was calling? Reluctantly, Mr
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Albert's Confession
“Albert?” Mrs Wade startled. “What’s he doing on the news? We left him right at the hospital an hour ago, he could barely stand, how did he now end up at the news station?”Mr Wade was equally confused, Albert’s body was all bruised and swollen, he even had a broken arm. He was in no condition to leave the hospital, what was he doing on the news?August was the only one who wasn't puzzled by Albert’s bizarre appearance on the news. Why would he be when he was the one that instructed him to go live on the news channel.“Hello, Everyone,” Albert’s slow and trembling voice echoed through the courtroom that had become as quiet as a graveyard ever since the TV was switched on. “I believe you all know me as Albert Wade, the general manager of Nebula Interactive. News were broadcasted about me earlier today, sorry to say the news were fake. Am here to tell you all exactly what happened”.“What is Albert doing?” Barrister Kingsley muttered, puzzled by what Albert wanted to say. “We have alrea
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Nolle Prosequi
He wanted to call him Mr Gibson but after recalling what August had told him about the repercussions of revealing his identity, Albert wouldn’t dare complete his sentence.Getting Albert killed was as easy as falling off a piece of wood for the Gibson’s heir, and Albert was quite aware of the influence the Gibson family held- who did not know the family was the richest and most powerful family in the whole continent.After carefully arranging the words in his head to say it in such a way that will not provoke August, he then continued. “The door was kicked in and a gentleman walked in,” Albert chose his words carefully.August chuckled to himself, "You lucky bastard! You would’ve been a goner if you had blown my cover," he muttered under his breath.Albert continued, "I asked him to turn a blind eye and walk away, but he refused. Then he started... Believe me, it’s all my fault. I deserved every beating I got. The gentleman was only giving me the punishment I deserved. Breaking my arm
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