At The Abandoned Warehouse


Back at the hospital where Albert was administered, Mr Wade receives a call.

“It’s time, the hearing will begin in thirty minutes,” the voice at the other end which was Mr Kingsley said.

“Okay, I’ll be there soon,” Mr Wade said before ending the call.

He turned to his wife, “sweetheart, it’s time for the hearing, let’s get going,” he said with a scorn.

“No, Karl. I will not go anywhere while my son is in terrible pains. I’ll stay with him, that’s the duty of a mother,” Mrs Wade retorted.

“Come on, wouldn’t you like to be present when that slut for a daughter of Me Doe is dragged away to prison in handcuffs. I promise that will make you feel better, then we can return here immediately to Albert,” Mr Wade tried to convince his wife.

But she was persistent, always petting Albert like he was a five year old, no wonder he was such a feeble.

“No Karl, I can’t see my son is badly hurt who will be here to tell him sorry when he starts feeling pains on his body and broken arm. Allow me t
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