Tina Is Arrested

“Hello, Mr Doe. Am inspector Jack,” the inspector said pointing his badge to Mr Doe’s face. Mr Doe felt like snatching the badge from his hand and throwing it out of the window. But he was already in too much trouble already, it would be unwise to do that.

“We have an arrest warrant for Miss Tina Doe, we have orders to take her to the court for her hearing,” the inspector said showing the piece of paper to Mr Doe.

“Miss Tina Doe, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say here will be used against you in the court of law,” the inspector said as he approached the bed where Tina was laying on. “Arrest her!” he instructed gesturing for his men to seize her.

“Stop!” Mr Doe yelped angrily. “What sort of heartless officers are you? Can’t you see my daughter is sick and admitted in the hospital? What law allows a sick person barely strong enough to stand on their own to be arrested? The doctors said she have to be admitted for two days, until then she is goi
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