The Wades Are Bankrupt

Albert was pissed, he had August tied to a chair and stood in front of him with a cricket bat. How could he be so fearless?

He brows furrowed and his eyes reddened with rage. “What is she to you that you had to take so much risk for her? Only if you turned a blind eye, it wouldn’t have come to this. She would have enjoyed herself with me and I would have given a partnership she was desperately looking for.

Now because of your actions, she is going to jail only the almighty knows how long, her father will become a pauper even poorer than the poorest beggar in this city and you... You will die coldly by my hand. You should have just walked away, it’s all your fault,” Albert growled angrily.

“My fault?” August snorted. “How is it my fault? You are the one that drugged her and almost raped her, you are the one that spread lies about her seducing you in her office. How is that my fault.

And what makes you think she will go to jail and her father will loose a penny, nor I will die in your h
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