The Court Hearing

“You…” Albert startled. The phone slipped from his hand and dropped to the ground. It now made sense to him; the Mr Kane, August called was definitely the Gibson’s emissary. Of all the families in the country only the Gibson’s were capable of pulling such a thing up.

But what he couldn’t understand was how August was related to Mr. Kane. “Wait a second, are you the secret Gibson heir?” he asked curiously, his mouth agape in bewilderment. Though rumors had circulated the city about a new Gibson heir after Mr. Gibson's passing, nobody actually knew who he was, as he had yet to present himself to the general public.

August did not say a word but left out a cold smile, and that was enough for Albert to get the answer he inquired, he was actually the Gibson’s heir; the most wealthy and powerful person in the whole continent.

He quickly dropped on his knees and forehead, kowtowing before the man he had been throwing insults at for the past thirty. He even slapped him!

“Forgive my ignoranc
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