All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
25 chapters
You are fired!
Chapter one"Hey waiter! Bring us a bottle of Champagne, and make sure it’s the expensive stuff!""We need another round of caviar, pronto!"The cacophony of calls for more food and drinks were like symphony to the Manager’s ear, as the night was already signaling to be a historic sale for the restaurant.August was just one among the almost dozen waiters that had lost count of how many times they exited the VIP section carrying orders with them and returned with trays, it looked like they were not stopping anytime soon. He returned with a bottle of Champagne headed to the table that still had more than ten untouched cognac bottles comfortably seated between five menAs he approached the table he could hear one of them say, “Just two more bottles and am done. I have an appointment with my girlfriend tonight, it’s been three long years and I don’t want to… You know what I mean” The man said jokingly and the men erupted into laughter.Clink! Clink! Clink!“Attention everyone!” a voice c
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We are not married!
Chapter TwoMia quickly pushed the man off her body, and reached for the blanket to cover her naked self. “Au-August! You are back already?” She stammered.August was having a battle between his eyes and brain at the moment. Could his eyes be deceiving him? His jaw dropped, leaving his mouth widely open like he could swallow an entire watermelon in one gulp. He tried to voice out his disbelief, but no words came out. The jewelry pack in his hands dropped to the floor in shock. Was it truly his wife engaged with another man? Or was it her look-alike? Or maybe was he dreaming.“Who the f*ck are you?” The man asked angrily, hastily grabbing his innerwear from the floor to cover himself. “Mia! Please tell me this is a dream. I am dreaming right? Tell me this is not reality, please!”August didn’t care about the man’s identity, he did not even bother to stare at his face. His frustrations and questions were directed towards his wife.Mia couldn’t even raise her head to stare her husband
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The mysterios men
Chapter ThreeIf Mia got the police to arrest him he was definitely going to rot in jail, he had nobody else to bail him. Considering the fact that Tom was a Turner made matters worse, the family would use their influence to make sure he is never released.The thought of it made August consider an alternative, to run. He hurriedly ran to the outside leaving Tom still groaning on the floor while Mia yelled from behind him. “Where are you going August? You can run but you can’t hide forever, the police will definitely find you”.But it was worth a try, he ran as fast as he could and managed to exit the house before the police arrived. At that moment he wished he had done more than break Tom’s nose, maybe broke a few fingers in addition. The damage was done, he only broke his nose but the whole police in the Aurora Bay were searching for him.Walking on the open streets would increase the chances of the cops sighting him, so he laid low and took the back alleys instead. Mia’s betraya
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Young Master
Chapter FourGetting to his feet, the man passed the old photograph to August. His jaw dropped as he gazed at the image; it depicted a man striking resemblance to him alongside a woman cradling a baby boy who had yet to walk. “Where…where did you get this?” August stammered as he identified the three persons in the picture to be his late parents cradling him when he was still an infant. Emotions weighed on him as the picture reminded him of the sad passing away of his parents eight years ago.The man stared him in the eyes as he narrated. “Your father Steve Gibson was the eldest son of my master who happens to be your grandfather, Mr Gibson. My master had two children; your father and his younger brother Alexander. Your grandfather was the richest man in the whole continent and owned many properties worth several billions of dollars all over the world. Your father loved Alexander just like a brother should, but Alexander returned the love with conceit hatred because your father was
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The Apparel Store
Chapter FiveA convoy of three ‘Milano Fenice Ghost Diva’ Rolls Royce arrived at A.S Apparel store, later in the afternoon that day.Men in sleek black suits with aviator sunglasses on emerged from the cars, they scanned around the whole premises like they were looking for a needle in a haystack, before one of them grabbed the golden handle of the middle car door and pulled it open.A black expensive alligator shoe slowly kissed the floor as a man in navy blue suit stepped out from the car. Who else but Gibson’s own grandson, August Steve.Of course, he was not comfortable in the ensemble; this was the first time he was wearing a suit and a descent shoe in his life. At last, the weathered sneakers were finally free of him, after it two years of intensive service.The other men stood guard as Mr Kane followed him into the store. As they approached the door, Mr Kane’s phone chimed and he quickly reached for it.“Am sorry young master, I have to take this. Please go on without me, I will
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Innovation Technologies
What was August to do then? The security man would not let him go out to Mr Kane and confirm the PIN, all thanks to Tom and Mia.He barely knew his grandfather who designed the card for him; how was he supposed to guess the PIN Mr Gibson had set? There were thousands of possible combinations the man could had used.As August was thinking of what to do next, the cracking sound of the knuckles from the robust security man reminded him of the repercussions of failing to input the PIN; he was going to be pummeled by the mountain of muscles before him.If the security guard knew how many men his size August had as personal bodyguards waiting outside the store, he wouldn’t be trying to intimidate him with his imposing physique.A sly chuckle danced upon the lips of Tom and Mia, they were definitely going to enjoy watching the security man beat the hell out of him.“Come on man, it’s obvious he stole the card; who has a credit card without knowing the PIN? You should take action and teach th
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Tina Doe
At Innovative Technologies, a striking woman hurried into the building, her closed-toe shoes clicking softly on the polished floor. Elegantly dressed in a well-fitted gray blazer and matching trousers,her face flushed and her eyes filled with worry.In one hand, she clutched a sleek tote bag, while the other hand balanced a stack of important documents.Despite her hands being occupied, she deftly managed a phone call, cradling her phone between her head and shoulder with practiced ease.“Don’t worry dad, I will definitely secure the contract,” she assured the person on the other end of the call.A name tag flaunt across her neck, boldly written on it; Tina Doe, Chief Technology officer, Resonant audios.As she moved through the bustling lobby, a few papers slipped from her grasp and fluttered to the floor.With both of her hands engaged, retrieving the papers from the floor would require her to drop the tote bag. And she was already running late to wherever she was headed.“Let me help
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Tina's Files Are Encrypted
Tina returned from the restroom almost simultaneously as the man walked in. “Miss Tina Doe? Pleasecomewith me,” his tone formal and direct.Without a second glance at her laptop, she quickly tossed it into her tote bag and followed him.“Good luck to you, Tina!” Tom called out with a sly chuckle as she exited the room.Though she had prayed for all the luck in the world, hearing those words from Tom almost ruined her day.If only she had known what Tom had done to her laptop while she was away, her frown would have been far deeper.The moment she had been preparing tirelessly for months was finally here, she took a deep sigh as the man led her to a grand door with the inscription ‘Boardroom’boldly displayed over it.She found herself standing before an expansive conference table surrounded by over thirty seats, each occupied by familiar faces. Tina was in the midst of the world's top technology experts and gurus, but she was not at all intimidated.Though she had heard of many of the p
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Mia Is A Disappointment To All Friendship.
“August?” Tina gasped, her eyes with surprise. “I thought the security threw you out. How on earth did you end up here?” “No Tina, I wasn’t thrown out. In fact, I brought you a repair technician,” August replied with a grin, ushering in a man standing at the door with a toolkit.p Tina was confused as hell, her head was about to explode with questions. How on earth did August come to know her laptop was faulty and needed a repair? What did he say to the security men to allow him into the boardroom with the repair technician? Did he know he was in the board room at all? Before she could voice even one of the questions swirling in her mind, Mr. Jude snapped arrogantly. "What nonsense! Who do you think you are, barging into the boardroom as if it were your living room?" When Mr. Kane heard him address his young master with such arrogance, his face turned red with fury. “Shut it, Jude! Do you know who you are—” “Hem! Hem!” August interrupted with a forced cough, signaling Mr Kane
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CCTV Footage
“After reviewing proposals from various audio technology companies, the board is thrilled to announce Resonant Audios as our new partners,” Mr Kane declared, his voice brimming with excitement.The smile on Tom and Mia’s faces flittered away by shock and disbelief, their mouths hanging agape.“Yes!” Tina exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. She felt like jumping and screaming around in excitement but she managed to control herself. In as much as she tried to subdue her excitement, many eyes in the room couldn’t help but notice her exuberance.“Wait a second, I recognize you! You are John Doe’s daughter,” someone in the cafeteria said, pointing towards Tina. “You are the one that presented the proposal and won the partnership on behalf of you father’s company!” “Yes it’s her, I saw her heading to the boardroom earlier. You must be incredibly smart to win the partnership over Harmony Acoustic despite everything that your company is going through,” another added.More than half the f
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