All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 chapters
Tom Threatened Resonant Partners
If Tina received a dollar for every question running through her mind, she would be a billionaire.She was puzzled about everything starting from when her presentation files suddenly got encrypted to realizing Tom was behindit all.All her unanswered questions linked back to August. How come he is at the end of it all?“August, what’s happening? How do you know my files were encrypted and bring in a technician? And not just that, you had Mr Kane obeying your instructions like a servant—Now you expose Tom for inserting the DCM into my laptop—August, I need answers!”Her eyes were overflowing with desperation and her tone trembling with curiosity.What really happened was this:while everyone thought August had been thrown out by security, he was in the CEO’s office, following up the presentation in the boardroom through surveillance cameras.All the CCTV cameras in the building were linked to the CEO’s office. From thereonecould watch everything going on in all the rooms in the building.
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15 Minutes
August was stunned by Mia’s demands,as were Tina and her father.He breathed a silent ‘thank you God’ that their marriage was a sham, otherwise, he would’ve been trapped in a union with the devil locked behind a pretty face.Her demands were extreme andhumiliating. She was not just asking them to give up the partnership for her but also strip them of their last shred of dignity.If the conditions only involved her giving up the partnership Tina might had easily considered it. But the fact that her own dad would kiss the shoes of the one person she would forever hate made her frown.“To hell with you and your conditions Mia!As far as my dad and I are concerned, nobody is in with yourevil demands,” Tina objected sternly.“To hell with me?” Mia laughed bitterly. “Mr Doe, I don’t think your daughter understand the implications of what she is saying. Why don’t you explain to her—”Mr Doe wasbitterly miserable, he looked like he just received a call from the grim reaper. He dragged his feet
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Damian And His Men
The office door swung open from the outside and August emerged. He did return after the call.“Look who’s returned. You must have a lot of nerves coming back here,” Mia said with a frown.“Foolish you! You should have used the opportunity to run away. Anyways, now that you are here; you’ll watch them lick clean my shoes before I’ll have you beaten up,” Tom said with curled smile on his lips.August glanced at his wrist, “Five minutes had pass, you have ten minutes left!” He said confidently.Tom’s eyes reddened, he was extremely furious. How could a nobody like August dare threaten the heir of the Turners? He just signed his death wish!“You are a dead man!” Tom growled angrily before he removed his phone and dialed a contact. “Damien, bring a handful of men to Resonant Audios in eight minutes,” Tom instructed the man on the other end of the call before hanging up.Mr Doe’s and Tina’s jaws dropped, their heart raced quickly at the mention of the name.They were quite aware of who Dami
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Beat Them Up!
At the sight of Mr Kane, the thugs quickly withdrew their fists. Though Damien and his men were feared across the city, they would not dare inflict violence in the presence of Mr Kane, the emissary of the country's most powerful family.“M-Mr Kane, y-you’re here?” MrDoe stammered in disbelief. “Please, have a seat,” he said nervously pointing to the visitor’s chair.Mr Kane ran his eyes across the faces in the room and chuckled slyly when he caught sight of August. Without saying a word, he took his seat.“Before I go on with what brought me here, may I ask what these hoodlums are doing in your office?” Mr Kane asked glaring at Damien and his men.Mr Doe hesitated, he was absolutely certain that if he told Mr Kane it was Tom and Mia who brought the hoodlums into his office, they would retaliate later after he might have left. So, he had no choice but to lie.Before he could think of a suitable lie to tell Mr Kane, Mia used the opportunity to change the subject and make a good impressi
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Enigma Eats Restaurant
After Mr Kane and his men departed, Tina and her father were elated. Mr Kane had not only driven off Tom and Mia with their ruthless demands, but he had also put an end to Damien's extortion for protection money from them once and for all.Out of excitement, Tina jumped on August, her arms wrapped around his neck. Startled, August reacted awkwardly; it was the first time a woman had ever hugged him. After a few seconds of mustering his courage, he finally embraced her, wrapping his hands around her tiny waist.August wished the hug could last forever, savoring the warmth and closeness he'd never experienced before. But all too soon, she pulled away, leaving him yearning for more."What can I say, August? Thank you for everything. None of this would have been possible without you," Mia exclaimed gladly.“Me? Why am I receiving praises for what I didn’t do?” August retorted.“Come on August, we both knowthis is all thanks to you. First, you broughta technician to fix my laptop. Then you
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The Gibson's Legal Advisor
If the Turners, the most feared family in Aurora Bay, were turned down when they tried to buy the restaurant, then who wouldn’t be?"Congratulations to me, then. I'll do what the Turners couldn't: acquire ownership of the restaurant."August’s tone low but full of confidence.The manager was annoyed. “Will you shut up already and stop this bluffing. You are not just delusional, you are nut!Maybe loosing your wife to Tom has driven you insane. Men as wretched as you don’t deserve any lady at all; you were married to Mia for more than two years but all you did was eat off her.Thank the almighty Tom liberated her from a parasitic leech like you.You are the opposite of rich and—” before he could round up all his insults to August his phone chimed.August glanced at his wrist and chuckled as the manager reached for the phone in his pocket. It had been exactly five minutes since August made the call earlier.The man's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized who was calling—it was Mr Vict
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Tina Walks Into Albert's Trap
Her plan would’ve been a smart one only if she was not telling it to the wrong person. It’s similar to telling a rat you’ve set a trap for it.August knew exactly what to do, he swiftly removed his phone and was about to text his security guards to take the cars and leave without him when Tina’s phone shrilled.“You won’t believe this, Tina!” a familiar voice at the other end sounded so excited, making Tina’s face lighten up with curiosity. "Following the announcement of our partnership with Innovative Technologies, numerous companies have reached out to inquire about our capabilities in developing audio systems for them," Mr Doe disclosed enthusiastically.Tina was elated, it felt like an eight-year dream coming through. Ever since the fire incident at their production site eight years ago, she had been working tirelessly to get the company back to it’s feet. The news was truly a breakthrough!“Guess who is also reaching out for a partnership now?” “Umm… Alpha Technologies?”“Yes,
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Good For Him!
August sat comfortably in the back of the luxurious Bugatti La Voiture Noire, embodying the mogul he was as the car drove on.His face was as dark and gloomy as the sky before a storm. He was still upset that Tina had left dinner early yesterday, ruining his plans to ask her out, all thanks to Nebula Interactive. He felt such hatred towards the company that he considered buying all its shares and shutting it down—whatever the company was worth, it’s just a chump change to him.“Maybe I should check up on her, at least know whether she arrived home safely,” August gave himself a reason tobend in to the urge to speak to her.Before he could scroll down to her contact, his phone buzzed. It was a call from Tina. What a coincidence!"Maybe she's thinking about me too," he thought, his delusions speaking. He wasted no time and quickly answered the call."Help me! Please, come and save me from—" Her voice was faint and slow, but he managed to hear her clearly. She couldn’t complete her sente
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The Pentad Billionaires
Albert’s arm was broken!All he could do was grab the broken arm, cry and groan on the floor like an injured kid.He grew up been treated like an egg, this was the first time someone was actually being hard on him, and it was pretty bad.As if a broken arm was not enough, August wanted to render more injuries, maybe break a leg and a couple of ribs.“No…Please…please don’t,” fear took course on Albert as August approached him on the floor with a tightened fist. His body was already all swollen and bruised, whereagain did he intend to punch? If at all delivered, the punch would surely kill him no doubt.Albert closed his eyes as he waited for the blow but it never came, all he heard was Tina’s weak voice.“August, don’t!”Though she was very weak, she still managed to voice out those two words. She was quite aware of the consequences of August’s actions; beating up a Wade.It may cost August his life when the family decides to take revenge, which they would surely do.In as much as Tina t
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Wrath Of The Pentads
Albert had succeeded in convincing everyone in the room into believing his made up story, seemingly thanks to his mother as well, her ignorance and love for him made all of it possible.Mr Wade was greatly exasperated, his eyes were blood moon. He had always held great respect for the Does, but considering what Albert had made them believe, he felt nothing but anger towards Mr Doe and his daughter.How could a lady as young as Tina be so immodest to seduce a man in his own office. That was not the reason for his anger; she had the nerve to bring in a henchman into his company to beat up his own son, a Wade!What Mr Doe couldn’t understand was whyTina would do such a thing to his son knowing too wellshe was not just stepping on his tail but that of all the members of the Pentad billionaires."Mr Doe and his daughter has picked the wrong person to start a fight with. I'll make sure they regret the day they met my son," Mr Wade growled, curling his fist into a ball."My family and I are
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