The Pentad Billionaires

Albert’s arm was broken!

All he could do was grab the broken arm, cry and groan on the floor like an injured kid.He grew up been treated like an egg, this was the first time someone was actually being hard on him, and it was pretty bad.

As if a broken arm was not enough, August wanted to render more injuries, maybe break a leg and a couple of ribs.

“No…Please…please don’t,” fear took course on Albert as August approached him on the floor with a tightened fist. His body was already all swollen and bruised, whereagain did he intend to punch? If at all delivered, the punch would surely kill him no doubt.

Albert closed his eyes as he waited for the blow but it never came, all he heard was Tina’s weak voice.

“August, don’t!”Though she was very weak, she still managed to voice out those two words. She was quite aware of the consequences of August’s actions; beating up a Wade.It may cost August his life when the family decides to take revenge, which they would surely do.

In as much as Tina t
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