Wrath Of The Pentads

Albert had succeeded in convincing everyone in the room into believing his made up story, seemingly thanks to his mother as well, her ignorance and love for him made all of it possible.

Mr Wade was greatly exasperated, his eyes were blood moon. He had always held great respect for the Does, but considering what Albert had made them believe, he felt nothing but anger towards Mr Doe and his daughter.

How could a lady as young as Tina be so immodest to seduce a man in his own office. That was not the reason for his anger; she had the nerve to bring in a henchman into his company to beat up his own son, a Wade!

What Mr Doe couldn’t understand was whyTina would do such a thing to his son knowing too wellshe was not just stepping on his tail but that of all the members of the Pentad billionaires.

"Mr Doe and his daughter has picked the wrong person to start a fight with. I'll make sure they regret the day they met my son," Mr Wade growled, curling his fist into a ball.

"My family and I are
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