All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 chapters
At The Cafeteria
August interjected abruptly just in time to stop the security men from pulling the trigger against Damien and his men. “No, don’t kill them,” he added.“But young master, these fools were just about to kill you,” Mr Kane complained puzzled. August glanced at Damien and Scarface, he then sneered: “I think they’ve been punished enough. After all, they are just dogs, they were only carrying out instructions”.“But young master, whether dogs or not, this bastards dared to lay their filthy hands on you. They deserve to die!” Mr Kane persisted, his anger still palpable. If it were up to him alone, nothing on the earth’s surface would stop him from killing Damien and his men.“I know, Mr Kane. But I’m not comfortable with killing dogs, especially these ones,” August retorted, glaring at the thugs with contempt. “Hand them over to the police, and make sure they don’t get out of jail till the next ten years,” August instructed.Though Mr Kane wanted nothing less than to take their lives as p
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Don Maxino's Son
Tina frowned as the men laughed on, she wanted to slap the face of the man that touched her, but she feared the consequences of doing so. The men were clearly hoodlums and everyone else in the cafeteria seemed to be afraid of them.“Hey Mr, do that again and I’ll call the police and charge you with assault,” Tina threatened with a gleaming frown.The men exchanged glances and erupted into loud guffaws. “Police? Pretty wants to call the police on me. I’m scared….” the man said sarcastically amidst the laughter. The men were clearly not afraid of the police. Tina wanted to take her orders and get away from the counter as soon as possible. As she turned towards the attendant to pick her tray of orders, the man raised his hand again to slap her buttocks, but his hand was seized from behind before he could swing it. “I would not do that again if I were you,” August growled angrily his eyes narrowing in anger. The man’s face became gloomy, his brows furrowed instantly as he shifted his g
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Trust Me
Don Maxino, popularly known in Aurora Bay as the ‘King of Boys,’ was renowned as the only man in the city commanding over eight hundred thugs. His thugs were easily identified by the blue bandana with white strips they tied around their heads.Apart from being held of a drug cartel, Don Maxino had a great say in the politics in Aurora Bay; even the politicians kowtow before him asking for favors to win an election. As a matter of facts, his wife was the younger sister to the mayor. Rumor had it that, he alone singlehandedly decided who would occupy a seat in the city council table. Nobody, not even the police dared question any of his loyal thugs, they moved about doing in broad day light doing all kinds of illegal stuffs. He was a top shot caller in the city that even Mr Turner and the entire Pentad billionaires dared not cross paths with him.He had only one son, Bob. With the money and power his dad had, Bob did all sort of things he wanted in the city and go moved unquestioned. W
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He Is A Waiter
The man leading the pack of thugs was the famous Solo White, Don Maxino’s most loyal and longest serving thug. He had worked under Don Maxino for more than twenty five years. He headed and commanded a great number of Don Maxino’s men; he was in charge of carrying out drug exchanges for the cartel.Seeing his boss’ son’s state and his colleague lying unconscious on the floor, the man’s face flushed and his eyes reddened instantly. Don Maxino’s men were treated like semi-gods in the city, who would dare lay a hand on his son. His son!The man scowled at August, his brows furrowed and his eyes gleaming with rage. He scrutinize him from head to toe; the expensive outfit August was adorned in raised a question in the man’s head of who he actually was.August was adorned in a Charcoal gray Stuart Hughes suit which was retailed for a whopping $600,000. His feet were covered in a sleek black crocodiles shoes that were worth more than all the clothes the twenty seven men were wearing, Bob incl
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I Want Don Maximo On His Knees
“This bastard is a waiter after all, he wants to deceive us with this borrowed cloths. He thought he wouldn’t find out,” one of the thugs said with a sly chuckle. “Solo White boss, you should let us skin this idiot alive,” he added coldly.Solo made a smirk, his doubts about who August actually was cleared after his man’s disclosure. He stared at August disdainfully, then he slowly snapped his fingers. His men quickly understood exactly what he meant, they swiftly surrounded August and Tina. Tina looked tensely worried, she panicked terribly and her fear was palpable; she grabbed August hand in fear, she was visibly shaking. When August noticed her agitation, his brows furrowed; he would take anything but not anything that will discomfort Tina. He scowled at Solo White and growled with a temper, “Take your men and leave. Don’t allow me to repeat myself again!”Bob walked up to him and slapped his face with his good arm. “Will you shut up with those empty threats,” he snapped. “You mi
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Number One Enemy
August jeered after Bob’s whisper. “Then today will be his first, and it is going to be before me,” August said in a low tone his composure still calm.Bob’s lips tightened, he glared at August with contempt. “I can see you are not just delusional but also schizophrenic. You are going to take your fantasies to hell!” He then gestured at Tina and left out an ugly smile. “Come here pretty, I’m dying to touch my hands on your enticing body. Come to me,” he said licking his lips.Tina who was already clutching August’s arm, but hearing this she tightened her grip and moved a bit behind him in fear. She had just met Bob, but it seemed the hatred she had towards him was five times more than that she had for both Albert and Tom combined. What a ridiculous man!Even with a broken arm, all Bob cared about was his selfish desires towards the beautiful lady before him. He looked like a dog while licking his lips, and he didn’t stop doing it. “Come on angel, don’t be shy. I promise you will enj
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Please Spare Me!
“Boss, you got it all wrong. Bob has not offended someone of significance, this filthy waiter broke his arm and nose, I was just about to slit his throat before you walked in,” Solo White interjected quickly, the knife still in his hands.Just as he finished speaking, Don Maxino slapped him hard across his face. He felt like he was stink by a scorpion, his chin became red immediately.“You ignorant bastard! How dare you take a knife against the Gibson’s heir? You of all people should know better than to mess with the Gibson’s heir and you dared took a knife against him.” Don Maxino spat angrily before landing a second slap on Solo’s face. “You got it all wrong boss, this fool is not even related to the Gibson’s, he’s just a waiter at Enigma Eats” Solo White said quickly, his hand placed on his red hot chin.Don Maxino grabbed Solo White by the collar and pulled him close, his face contorted with rage. “You bastard, why are you such an arrogant fool?” he snarled. “Look at what he’s we
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Do Two Things
“Two things? I will do anything you want, just please don’t kill me,” Bob pleaded desperately quivering in fear.August sneered, it amused him when he saw how scared Bob had become when death was mentioned. Just few minutes ago he was bragging about being the son to the King of Boys and now even his father was equally trembling in August’s presence. “First, you will apologize to Tina for touching her indecently without her permission. If she forgives you, then I can tell you what the second condition is,” August disclosed with a sly chuckle.Without hesitation, Bob crawled to Tina. “Please forgive me miss, it was very wrong of me to touch you without your permission, I’m deeply sorry, please forgive me!” he pleaded frustratingly.Tina was too appalled to say a word, she took in the sight quietly and puzzled. Her mind was a whirl of questions; how did August got the great Don Maxino and his son on their knees in front of him? Was August using some kind of magical spare on him or what?
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Tina's Mother And Brother
Tina starred at August intriguingly, her eyes were a mixture of curiosity and confusion. Why wouldn’t she be confused? She just witnessed Don Maxino embraced himself in fear in front of August. Not only that, he went ahead to break his only son’s arm without hesitation in order to please August. And who was August? A loser who fell into Mia’s gimmicks and was abandoned for the richer Tom. Why wont she demand an explanation! August wished he could disappear from Tina’s presence and leave the questions unanswered. He knew the only way out of this situation was through a well told lie. But what lie could he give to explain what just happened. Tina was such a smart lady, she wouldn’t be easily convinced.“Would you say something already, August. Your silence is killing me,” Tina spat as August hesitated.August needed to say something, but what? He considered lying about being friends with Don Maxino but quickly realized that wouldn’t be believable, given Maxino's feared status. He thou
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His Last Name
It was the question that remembered Tina that she had brought August with her. “Oh!” she exclaimed in realization. “Mom, George, this is August Steve, he is with me”. Tina responded with a smile on her face.“August, meet my mom and my brother, George,” she introduced pointing at Mrs Doe and George.“Nice to you meet you ma. And you too man, nice to meet you all,” August smiled cheerily.But Mrs Doe did not say a word, instead she scrutinized him from head to toe. August was not comfortable with how she continually gazed at him, but he did not say a word and stood still smiling sheepishly.After staring at him for over thirty seconds, she then stared him in the face. “Your outfits its nice. It looks quite expensive,” she said slowly.“Thank you,” August said oddly as he forced a smile.The woman then gestured at her daughter and asked: “What again did you say his name is?” “August,” Tina said quickly.“I mean his last name,” she emphasized.“Steve. August Steve,” Tina responded.“Ste
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