All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 chapters
You must marry him!
“Mom!” Tina exclaimed frustratingly, her eyes widened. “How could you say something like that?” Though August was not happy with her accusations, he was not at all offended when she claimed they were lovers. Only if Mrs Doe knew how desperate he wished her assertions were true. “Why won’t I?” Mrs Doe snapped. “If I am wrong then, explain to me why you are friends with this church rat? Oh, I can see what is going on here: this pauper wants to take advantage of you so that he can become a son in law of the Does so that he could wash off his poverty,” Mrs Doe accused confidently. She then paced towards August and whispered slowly. “Your plans will not work, not while I’m still alive. My family will never have a live-in son-in-law like you!” She declared disdainfully. August was exasperated, he secretly clenched his fist in anger. If the woman before him was not Tina’s mom, he would have unleashed hell on her. How could she claim August would be a live-in son-in-law to the Does? Th
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The Harrington's Heir
Mrs. Doe was exasperated, her face flushed a deep crimson and her eyes were blazing with a molten lava. “You wretched swine! How dare you interrupt while I’m speaking to my daughter?” She spat with a frown. “No mom, he didn’t mean to—” “Shut it Tina, I was not speaking you,” Mrs Doe snapped with a stern. She turned returned her enraged face back at August. “Tina will only get married to whoever I want, and there is nothing you can do about it. So, if you’re not so comfortable with my decision, the door is widely open. You should get out of my house! Moreover, you are not welcome here anyways,” she added firmly. August was equally seething with rage. How could Mrs. Doe, as a mother, force her own daughter to marry someone she didn’t even know? In that moment, August found himself wishing Tina had no mother at all, as he had previously thought till an hour ago. In as much as he was in disapproval in her course, she was still Tina’s mom. He wouldn’t want to break into an argume
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The Gifts
“You won’t believe who is here with us,” she jeered, her eyes fixed on Tina. “I’m standing right in front of your future wife. She looks a thousand times more gorgeous than when last I saw her, seven years ago. You are one lucky man, Boris!”“Really? You are on your way here?” Mrs Doe exclaimed. “Okay fantastic, see you soon,” she added before hanging the call.In excitement she disclosed. “Guess what, Tina; Boris Harrington is actually on his way here to come see you”.Unlike her, Tina frowned at the news. “I don’t want to see him!” She growled under clenched teeth.August’s blood boiled vigorously, he was seething with rage at the moment. Though he had never met this so called handsome son-in-law personally, his mind was a whirl of only negative things he will do to him. The idea of giving his security a call and instructing them secretly, to find him and beat him to a pulp before he arrived the Doe’s mansion crossed his mind.Just as the thoughts roamed his mind, the mansion’s door
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Love Letters
Tina’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened with shock. “Uh? What did you just say,” she stammered out. “You are not aware?” Boris asked cheerily. “I can see your mom is yet to disclose the good news. Well then, it is my pleasure as your husband to tell you personally; our wedding will take place on the fortnight from today,” he disclosed enthusiastically.“You are joking right?” Tina startled, taking a step backwards. She was yet to approve on the marriage in the first place and her mom had even agreed on a suitable wedding date already? She was just a puppet to her, period!“No dear, you are shocked right? Just like you said in the love letters you sent me, I’m also desperate to get married to you as soon as possible,” Boris said with a smile curled on his lips.Tina was bewildered, she returned a puzzled gaze at him; staring at him like she had just heard a ghost spoke. “Love letters?” she stammered out.“Yes, Tina there is no need to be shy, I’ve always taken my time to read all the
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Celestial Grand Hotel
****The following day, August received a call from Mr Kane. He inquired whether August would be available to join him and some foreign investors in a meeting, where Mr. Kane planned to formally introduce him as the new CEO of the company. August agreed.Later that day, a convoy of three cars arrived at the Celestial Grand Hotel, a five-star hotel located in the center of the city. It was considered the best and most expensive hotel in Aurora Bay, with over a thousand staff members.Though Mr. Kane had mentioned to August a few days ago that the hotel was owned by the Gibsons, this was the first time he was actually stepping inside. He had heard much about the hotel and that guests had to apply for a room, and the hotel would evaluate their social and financial status before deciding whether to accept their reservation.The hotel had three sections: Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. Even though the Gold section was the least expensive, it still charged $100,000 per hour. The luxury and ser
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Over 500 Women
August frowned and did not say a word, his enraged eyes still glaring at Boris. Only the almighty knows what was running through his mind at the moment!“You bastard, are you deaf?” Boris cursed. “What the hell are you staring at? Would you leave from here before I have the security throw you out!” he spat his hand still wrapped around the woman’s tiny waist.“What are you doing here? And who is this lady with you?” August inquired with furrowed brows.“Who is she?” Boris sneered. “Who the f*ck do you think you are to ask me such a question?” he growled, beginning to loose his cool.Boris then gestured at the hotel manager who was standing behind August. “What the hell Smith! Are you going to just stand there and let this lowlife disrespect me in front of my girl? You should have security throw him out, he sneaked in here, no doubt!”The manager frowned, Boris was addressing his boss, the owner of the hotel as a lowlife. Only if he knew the man he was belittling was ten times wealthie
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Confess To The Does
“You moron! How could you be so callous? You are such a jerk! All those sweet things you were saying to the Does were nothing but lies? And for all those expensive gifts you presented them?” August asked with a frowned.“The gifts” Boris sneered. “I know people like Mrs Doe, all they care about are material things. I used the gifts to win over her heart for real; yesterday she allowed me to take her daughter out for lunch, next time it will not be just lunch… you know what I mean?” he disclosed with a sly chuckle.August seethed, the so called future son-in-law Mrs Doe was over the moon about was nothing but just a despicable man! He spent over $15,000,000 buying gifts for the Does in order to win over them and take advantage of Tina when the time presented itself.“Listen here, you bastard,” August cursed with a temper. “You can kiss your little plans goodbye, because as long as I’m alive; I’ll not allow you do any harm to Tina,” he disclosed firmly.“What are you going to do to stop
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Back At The Does Mansion
Throughout the meeting, August barely managed an official smile, inside he was seething with rage after discovering Boris evil intentions.After the minute, he immediately requested for the hotel Manager’s presence and the latter came running.“Tell me, has that bastard apologized to the Does yet?” He inquired with a frown.“No, Young master,” Mr Smith dismissed with a shrug. “After you went in for the meeting, he barely wasted ten minutes in the pool before leaving for the hotel room with the lady,” he disclosed.“That bastard,” August frowned clenching his fist. He did not want to intervene and have Boris confess to the Does with his mouth, but it seemed Boris was forcing his hand.“With your permission, young master, I’ll have men drag him to the Does mansion and force him into confessing,” the manager said slowly.August scowled at him without saying a word, he knew better to retreat his statement. “Forgive me young master, I got carried away, I shouldn’t speak beyond my limits. I
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Before August could respond, Tina’s brother sneered from his seat, his voice dripping with contempt. “I can’t believe this church rat has the nerve to show up here again. Don’t these lowlifes know how to stay in their place? Unbelievable!”August was not at all offended by their insults, he had been receiving a lot of those since he was a child. If he got a dollar every time someone insulted him for being poor, he would have gathered over five million dollars!He was too focused on the course that brought him to the house than responding to any of their disdainful insults. “There is something I must tell you, you should listen to me,” August started to say.“Cut me the crap, pauper,” Mrs Doe snapped before he could speak further. “I don’t know why men like you exist, you are disgrace to manhood. We all know what you want to say, but listen to me; as long as I’m here you will not receive any favors from my daughter or any member of the Does family. I won’t allow you pest on my family,
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August Might Be Right
August seethed with rage at Mrs Doe and George. Only the almighty knows what he would’ve done to them if they were not Tina’s family. He was trying to save them from Boris’ gimmicks, but here they were using the opportunity to mock the hell out of him instead.“Come on, mom, what if August is saying the truth. Have you thought of that? I think you should listen to him instead of throwing more insults at him,” Tina said frustratingly.“Truth?” Mrs. Doe scoffed. “Don’t tell me you believe a word he said. I know you have reservations about this marriage, but do you really think this down-and-out is telling the truth? Come one, Mia, you are a very smart woman— can’t you see that this bastard is jealous of Boris and wants to turn us against him?” “Why do you trust Boris so much, Mom? I told you something seemed off about him, but you were quick to dismiss my concerns as misjudgment. And now, after August just told you what he saw and heard, you’re calling him a liar!” Tina’s voice rose wi
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