All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
170 chapters
Chapter 111
Franklin immediately turned his head when he heard someone's voice. He was so surprised when that someone was none other than Clara. The woman was currently looking at him with a questioning gaze. Needing an answer that the woman certainly wanted to expect. "Clara, who are you here with?" Instead of answering the question posed by Clara, Franklin asked back. Clara immediately frowned when she heard the question asked by Franklin. He should have answered her question instead of asking her back like this."I'm with my friend .. then who is this?" Clara pointed at Selena.Selena who was sitting in this chair looked confused at the woman who had just arrived. But the conversation between Franklin and the woman made Selena know that they must have a special relationship. Moreover, the woman's gaze looked unfriendly, indicating that the woman was currently jealous because Franklin was with another woman. Actually Selena did not believe that the man in front of her already had a lover. B
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Chapter 112
The answer Selena gave made Selena's parents so surprised. Especially the woman's mother. Sarah shook her head quickly. The woman certainly couldn't believe what she had just heard. Even though the person who had said it was her own daughter. It could be that her daughter was lying because she already had another man, thus saying that Franklin had a lover."You can't joke like that Selena, this is not a joke you should say."Selena frowned in confusion, how could her mother not believe what she had just said? It was very clear that Franklin had a lover and his lover was named Clara, even the woman herself introduced herself as Franklin's lover. "Why would Selena lie, mom? Even her boyfriend was at the same restaurant as me at lunch."Selena's words really made Sarah so surprised. Surely the middle-aged woman could not accept what she had just heard. Weren't the two of them going to be matched next? Then how could Franklin have a lover? "Well now you rest, Selena, I will confirm th
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Chapter 113
Franklin stared at his phone hesitantly. His fingers trembled over the screen, about to type a message for Clara but then stopping. He let out a long sigh, realizing that a text message wouldn't be enough to explain this situation."I'm sure Clara will be angry because I can't accompany her." Repeatedly he tried to look at his phone, trying to weigh what he would do next.But Franklin also couldn't just stay silent without telling Clara the truth. That woman might be waiting for him tonight, and that would only make her angrier later.Finally, with a heavy heart, Franklin pressed the call button on Clara's contact. The dial tone rang several times before Clara's soft voice answered on the other end."Hello, Franklin? What's up?"Hearing Clara's voice made Franklin's heart even heavier. He swallowed hard, trying to calm himself before speaking."Clara... there's something I need to talk about," Franklin began in a low voice."Why? Is there a problem?" Clara's tone changed to one of con
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Chapter 114
That night, Clara had just finished getting ready to go to Salsa's birthday party alone when her doorbell rang. Reluctantly, she walked to the front door and opened it, only to find Ronald standing there with a big smile."Ronald? What are you doing here?" asked Clara, surprised."I came to pick you up, of course," Ronald replied lightly. "We're going to the Salsa party together."Clara frowned. "But I told you on the phone this afternoon that I was going alone. I appreciate your offer, but-""Come on, Clara," Ronald cut in. "We haven't seen each other in a while. This is a good chance to catch up. Besides, it's no fun going alone to a party, is it?"Before Clara could answer, Charles appeared behind her. His eyes widened at the sight of Ronald."Ronald! Long time no see, buddy!" exclaimed Charles, stepping past Clara to hug Ronald. "How are you? I didn't know you were coming tonight."Ronald returned Charles' hug warmly. "I'm fine, Charles. Yes, I was planning to take Clara to the Sa
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Chapter 115
Franklin was currently getting ready despite his reluctance. He had just finished his shower and was now standing in front of his wardrobe, trying to choose a suitable outfit to wear. Franklin would have preferred to relax at home on a night like this, but his mother insisted that they go out.His mother, Mrs. Amelia, watched Franklin with a happy face from the doorway. She was happy to finally be able to take her son out."Are you ready, Frahklin?" asked Mrs. Amelia in a cheerful tone.Franklin nodded as he put on his favorite navy blue shirt. "Yes, ma'am. But where are we actually going?"Mrs. Amelia smiled meaningfully. "You'll find out later. I'm sure you'll like it."Franklin could only let out a long sigh. He didn't really like surprises, but knew that it was useless to argue with his stubborn mother. "All right, Mom. I hope this isn't another one of those matchmaking events."At that, Mrs. Amelia's smile faded slightly. "Franklin, let's not think about anything else, is it beca
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Chapter 116
As Franklin and Selena entered the party room, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Some of the guests turned their heads towards them, and quiet whispers began to be heard. Selena's elegant appearance paired with Franklin's good looks was indeed eye-catching.Selena smiled widely, clearly enjoying the attention they were getting. She tightened her grip on Franklin's arm, as if to show everyone that they came together.Franklin, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable. His eyes moved restlessly, sweeping across the room. He hoped he wouldn't see any familiar faces, especially Clara or her friends. Although he and Selena had only come as friends, Franklin knew this situation could easily be misinterpreted."Selena!" A blonde young woman called out from a distance, waving enthusiastically."Oh, it's Salsa!" said Selena, pulling Franklin towards her friend. "Come, I'll introduce you."Franklin could only follow, still feeling uncomfortable with the situation. He tried to keep his distance fr
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Chapter 117
Charles listened to his subordinate's explanation with an increasingly hardened expression. It turned out that the person he had assigned to monitor Clara couldn't enter the party due to tight security. They could only watch from outside the building, so they didn't know what actually happened inside."What good are you if you're like this?!" Charles shouted, his anger exploding. "I'm not paying you to just stand around outside!"Without waiting for a defense from his subordinate, Charles immediately hung up the phone. He rubbed his face in frustration, feeling like he had failed to protect his sister. With quick steps, Charles climbed the stairs towards Clara's room.Arriving at Clara's bedroom door, Charles knocked gently. "Clara? It's your brother. Can we talk for a moment?"There was no answer from inside. Charles tried again, this time with a louder voice. "Clara, please. Open the door. I'm worried about you."Still silence. Charles tried to turn the doorknob, but it was locked.
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Chapter 118
Franklin, who of course still thought about Clara because she hadn't heard from him and hadn't forgiven him, decided to go to her house. This morning Franklin had gone to the woman's office, but unfortunately the woman was not in the office or deliberately did not want to meet him. After getting ready and already dressed neatly, Franklin immediately came out from inside his room. He didn't want to delay or she would only get angrier at him.But the man who had just come out of his room, immediately stopped his footsteps when he heard someone calling his name. He turned his head and turned around. "Where are you going Franklin?" Amelia looked Franklin up and down. Seeing her son's clothes, which were now so neat, made the middle-aged woman feel suspicious. For some reason she suddenly had a hunch that her son would meet the woman he now hated. Even though the woman was so dear to him before, but now the hatred was so great after knowing that the woman was also behind her husband's d
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Chapter 119
Franklin straightened his tie once more while staring at his reflection in the rearview mirror of the car. Today was a special day. After weeks of gathering courage, he finally decided to visit Clara's house, the girl who had stolen his heart since they first met at the city library.His black sedan drove slowly past a row of small shops on the side of the road. Suddenly his eyes caught a beautiful sight in one of the window displays. A small flower shop with a variety of colorful flowers was displayed in front of him. Franklin smiled. He knew this was the perfect opportunity to buy a small gift for Clara.Carefully, Franklin parked his car in front of the flower shop. A small bell tinkled as he opened the shop door. The sweet scent of various types of flowers immediately greeted his sense of smell."Good afternoon, how may I help you?" greeted a middle-aged woman kindly from behind the counter.Franklin smiled politely. "I'd like to buy some flowers for someone special.""Ah, of cour
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Chapter 120
Franklin, who was about to leave Charles' house, immediately stopped his steps. He suddenly thought that he had come all the way here, and there was no way he could just go home empty-handed without explaining something to Clara and meeting the woman. Franklin turned to look at Charles, where this time Charles frowned when he saw Franklin suddenly turned to look at him. "What is it again?" Charles asked unfriendly to the man in front of him. Had Charles known that Franklin was not the son of someone he had killed, he might have approved of the man's relationship with Clara. Unfortunately the man was the son of someone he had killed, where someday the man might try to harm Clara for revenge. "I won't leave until I meet Clara."Franklin said so firmly to Charles. However the man would try to convince Charles that he really wanted to meet Clara and would not leave before meeting the woman. Seeing the man in front of him so stubbornly made Charles sigh. Even though he had said that C
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