All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
170 chapters
Chapter 121
Although she was reluctant to talk to Franklin in the back garden, Clara also didn't want to be in constant contact with him. She liked Franklin too much and was truly afraid of losing him. Especially just because of a woman who Franklin clearly never loved.When the two of them came out of the room, Charles was so surprised. He frowned when he saw Franklin behind Clara. How could that man be behind Clara right now? Considering Charles knew very well that Frahklin was waiting in front of the house."Franklin? How is it possible that you are already here?" Asked Charles really so confused when he saw Franklin just came out from inside Clara's room."He climbed up," Clara said.Hearing Clara's words made Charles sigh. How could the man shamelessly climb into his house to meet Clara.Charles, who did not accept what Franklin did, tried to drive the man away, but Clara quickly stopped Charles' intention."I want to talk to Franklin in the garden."Again Clara's words made Charles sigh. It
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Chapter 122
After his relationship with Clara had improved a bit, Franklin decided to head home. Moreover, the two of them had been talking at the back of the garden for quite some time. Moreover, Charles kept looking at them, as if Charles did not let the two of them be together quietly. "Then I'll go home first Clara," Franklin said trying to say goodbye to the woman sitting beside him. Clara turned to Franklin after hearing the man's words. Honestly, she still wanted to talk to Franklin and was not willing to let him go home this quickly. Even though it had been more than 2 hours that they had been talking in the park, Clara felt that it really felt so short. Clara really wanted to spend her time with Franklin. Even if it was until morning, she would be willing. Clara then shook her head, indicating that she did not agree with what Franklin had just said. "No. Can you not go home first Franklin, I still miss you so much."Hearing Clara's confession made Franklin smile instantly. To be hone
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Chapter 123
That morning, Franklin walked leisurely to his office. The cool air greeted his face, making him feel light. He felt relieved that last night he had managed to resolve his issues with Clara. Although it was difficult at first, they could finally talk with a cool head and understand each other.Suddenly, an unfamiliar man stopped him in his tracks. The man stared at Franklin sharply, as if he wanted to punch a hole in his head with just a stare."Are you Franklin?" the man asked in a cold tone.Franklin nodded in confusion. "Yes, I am. How can I help you?"The man snorted. "I'm Ronald. Clara's friend."At the mention of Clara's name, Franklin was instantly alert. He had never heard Clara mention Ronald's name before."Oh, Clara's friend. Nice to meet you, Ronald," Franklin said trying to be friendly.Ronald didn't return Franklin's hospitality. Instead, he grabbed Franklin by the collar and pushed him against the nearest wall."Listen, asshole. I know what you did to Clara last night.
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Chapter 124
Ronald had just parted ways with Franklin, his feelings mixed with relief and embarrassment over his misunderstanding this morning. He walked quickly to the veterinary clinic where he worked, his mind still filled with the warm conversation he had just had with his best friend's lover.However, fate apparently had other plans for Ronald that morning.Just a few meters into his walk, a luxury car pulled up right beside him. The back door opened, and a beautiful blonde woman stepped out gracefully. She wore a fiery red dress that contrasted with her fair skin. Behind her, two well-built men in neat black suits followed, their faces expressionless.Ronald stopped, staring in bewilderment at the scene before him. The woman looked at him intently, as if she was assessing every inch of his body."Are you Ronald?" the woman asked in a cold tone.Ronald nodded doubtfully. "Yes, I am. How can I help you?"The woman smiled, but her smile didn't reach her eyes. "Introduce, I'm Selena. And I have
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Chapter 125
This morning, Franklin who had an appointment with his coworker immediately woke up from his deep sleep. Last night the man slept so well, perhaps because of the last meeting with Clara, that it made the man deep in his sleep even dreaming of the woman. Just as he was about to put his feet down on the floor, suddenly someone knocked on his bedroom door. The man immediately turned his head towards the door, sighing after guessing who the person was right in front of his bedroom door. Feeling a little resentful of his mother who always interfered, Franklin immediately approached the door. Sure enough, the person who gave birth to him was currently right in front of him. Surely the middle-aged woman would wake him up and remind him that today there was a meeting with colleagues.Franklin opened the door, and sure enough, his mother was standing there with a familiar expression - a mixture of worry and slight annoyance."Franklin, dear," his mother said in a tone that tried to sound gen
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Chapter 126
"Alright, I'll take you," Franklin finally said.Vina's face immediately lit up at her brother's words. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and a big smile graced her face. "Really, brother? You want to take me?"Franklin nodded, although he still looked a little hesitant. "Yes, but only this time. Hurry up and get ready, we have to leave right now because I also have an important schedule.""Ready, Brother!" exclaimed Vina excitedly. She immediately ran to her room to get ready.Franklin returned to his room to change his clothes and prepare the necessary files for his important meeting. He glanced at the clock on the wall, calculating silently how much time was left before the meeting started. Although a bit anxious, he was determined to keep his promise to Vina.Coming out of the room, Franklin saw his mother standing in the hallway with a disapproving expression. The middle-aged woman folded her arms across her chest, her brow deeply furrowed."Franklin, don't you have an important
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Chapter 127
Franklin was just about to type a message for Vina when the door to his room suddenly opened. He raised his face in surprise, not expecting anyone to enter without knocking first.A young woman strode in confidently. Her jet-black hair was neatly tied back, her work suit looked professional and neat. She carried a folder and a tablet in her hand."Good morning, Mr. Franklin," she greeted him in a firm but polite voice. "I'm Sarah, your new secretary."Franklin frowned, confusion evident on his face. "New secretary? But I don't...""Ah, sorry for the inconvenience," Sarah cut in quickly. "I understand if you haven't been informed. Human Resources assigned me to replace your previous secretary as she had to take a sabbatical for health reasons."Franklin still looked confused, but he tried to remain calm and professional. "I see. All right, Sarah. Can you give me more details about your assignment?"Sarah nodded and opened the folder she was carrying. "Of course, sir. I have been briefe
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Part 128
After leaving the office, Franklin decided to meet Clara at her office. Although the two of them had met last night and spent quite some time together, Franklin had to see Clara, there was something he had to tell her."Are you going straight home, sir?" Franklin, who had just come out of his room, immediately turned his head when he heard someone's voice. He nodded his head when it was none other than his new secretary.Suddenly Sarah's face changed, making Franklin frown in confusion, "What's wrong?" he asked finally.Sarah looked down, her fingers fiddling nervously with the hem of her blazer. "Actually, sir... I have no one to pick me up today," she said quietly.Franklin was silent for a moment, digesting Sarah's words. He could sense there was something his new secretary wasn't saying."I see," Franklin finally said. "What do you usually take home?"Sarah lifted her face, her eyes meeting Franklin's. There was hope implicit there. "I usually take the bus, sir. But today... the l
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Chapter 129
After the departure of his employee, Franklin and Clara are now a little awkward. They both seemed to be in the middle of being caught doing something. Clara turned to Franklin, the woman was really feeling awkward at the moment. Because of her employee, they had to be in this awkward position. "He's really annoying," Clara finally said, trying to change the awkward atmosphere. Seeing Clara's words made Franklin smile. "Maybe it's a pretty important file Clara, that's why before going home your employee gave you the file."Clara could only nod her head, clearly the woman knew that the document currently on the table was quite important. It's just that couldn't her employee just wait until tomorrow morning? Given that her employee was really bothering her. "Yeah, I know 'Franklin, but he's still annoying. He should have gone home at this hour instead of giving me that file."Franklin couldn't help but smile, he then took Clara's hand and said, "You should be grateful to have such a
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Chapter 130
Clara let out a long sigh, trying to contain her annoyance at Franklin's overconfidence. But on the other hand, she was also amused by the man's behavior."Alright, alright. You are indeed handsome, Franklin. Satisfied now?" said Clara in a sarcastic tone, though there was a small smile on her lips.Franklin laughed softly. "I was just joking, Clara. But it's nice to hear you admit it."Clara rolled her eyes. "Don't be so happy. I only said it to get you to stop being a bitch.""Oh, so you find me annoying?" asked Franklin, pretending to be hurt."Sometimes," Clara replied briefly, but her smile widened.The two of them were silent for a moment, enjoying their moment together while looking at the cityscape outside the window. The awkward atmosphere that had been created earlier had now completely melted away."By the way," Franklin broke the silence, "what are your plans for tonight? It's time to go home, but it looks like the roads are still jammed."Clara considered for a moment. "H
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