All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
170 chapters
Chapter 131
Clara woke up breathless, cold sweat beading on her forehead. The nightmare she had just experienced felt so real, it made her tremble. In the dream, Franklin had left her without explanation, vanishing from her life.She glanced at the clock on the nightstand - 2:30am. Clara knew it wasn't the right time to call someone, but the anxiety was too strong to ignore. With trembling hands, she reached for her cell phone and searched for Franklin's contact.Her finger hesitated over the call button. Should she do this? What if Franklin woke up and was disturbed? Or worse, what if Franklin didn't answer his call?After a few moments of warring with her own mind, Clara finally decided to press the call button. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the dial tone.Once... twice... three times..."Hello?" Franklin's voice, still a little hoarse from just waking up, sounded on the other end of the line."Franklin?" Clara whispered, her voice sounding shaky."Clara? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
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Chapter 132
Clara sat huddled in the corner of her room, her heart pounding in her chest. The sound of the knocking on the door grew louder and more urgent, sending shivers down her spine. She hugged her knees to her chest, trying to calm her racing thoughts."What do I do?" Clara whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own heartbeat. She glanced at the mysterious envelope on the table, the message inside still fresh in her mind."Don't trust everything you see," Clara repeated the words written on the paper. But what did it mean? Who had sent her this cryptic message, and why?The knocking on the door persisted, growing more insistent with each passing moment. Clara knew she couldn't ignore it any longer. With trembling hands, she stood up and made her way to the door.As she reached for the doorknob, a sudden wave of fear washed over her. What if it was someone dangerous on the other side? What if her worst nightmares were about to come true?Taking a deep breath, C
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Chapter 133
Franklin stepped into his house, his heart still filled with warmth from his meeting with Clara. A soft smile played on his lips as he recalled their embrace, the whispered words of love, and the promise to always be together. However, the smile soon faded as he heard the sound of conversation from the living room."Franklin, honey! You're finally home," his mother's voice came from inside. "Come quickly, I have a special guest for you!"With heavy steps, Franklin walked towards the living room. His heart seemed to stop beating when he saw the figure sitting next to his mother - Selena, his ex-girlfriend."Hi, Franklin," greeted Selena with an awkward smile. "Long time no see."Franklin felt his throat dry up. "Selena... what are you doing here?"Before Selena could answer, Franklin's mother interjected enthusiastically. "Oh, Selena happened to be passing by and decided to drop by. Isn't this a nice surprise?"Franklin could feel the tension in the air. He knew his mother had always l
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Chapter 134
Franklin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he drove to Clara's apartment. He knew that honest communication was key in their relationship, but he still felt nervous.At exactly 7 o'clock, Franklin arrived at Clara's apartment. He knocked gently on the door, and Clara opened it with a warm smile."Hi, honey," Clara greeted, giving Franklin a light peck on the cheek. "Come on in."Franklin stepped inside, his eyes sweeping the room that was all too familiar to him. Clara had prepared a simple dinner on the dining table."I thought we could have dinner and talk," Clara said. "Whatever you want to talk about, we can discuss it on a full stomach."Franklin smiled weakly, appreciating Clara's efforts. They sat down and began to eat in awkward silence.Finally, Clara broke the silence. "So, Franklin, what did you want to talk about?"Franklin put down his fork and looked at Clara. "Clara, I... I want to be honest with you. Last night, my ex-girlfriend, Selena, came to my house."
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Chapter 135
Currently, Frankin is having a meeting with one of his business partners in a place. He who was sitting in the back seat of the steering wheel frowned as he passed several places that he thought were rarely passed. Frankin looked back to the right and left, trying to clarify the road he was currently traveling on. Although he had tried to see clearly and tried to memorize it, but the man felt completely unfamiliar with the road that the two of them were currently passing through.Franklin then looked forward, gazing at his personal driver who was currently so focused on driving. "Are you sure we're not going the wrong way?" Asked Franklin looking seriously at the man who was now almost 50 years old. Parjo who was currently driving the car immediately turned his head. He smiled and said, "Take it easy Mr. Franklin, I think this is the right road."Hearing the words of his personal driver made Franklin nod his head. Of course he trusted his personal driver because he had worked with
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Chapter 136
"Who are you?" Franklin stared intently at the strange man in front of him. Franklin clearly knew the intentions of the man in front of him. It was just, why was the man doing this to him? Considering he didn't recognize the man at all.Hearing the question asked by Franklin, made the man who looked so satisfied with Franklin's current state, walk over. The man was now standing right in front of Franklin."Looks like you don't know who I am," the man said with a smile on his face.Franklin even though he was in a tight spot like this, he still tried to remain calm. There was no way he could show that he was scared or else his opponent would laugh at him even more. "Of course I don't know who you are, that's why I asked."Franklin looked down at the man in front of him. Regardless of his current position, he could not be afraid even though many of the man's men were around him. I don't know what the man's intentions were in bringing him to a place like this, but it was clear that the
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Chapter 137
Still in the same room. Franklin who was in the room was so bored. I don't know how long he had been in that room, but it was clear that Franklin really couldn't do anything. "How dare they treat me like this."Franklin stood up from his seat, walking towards the door that was still closed. Brak! Brak!Franklin quickly banged on the door, hoping that someone outside would open it for him. "Open the door, asshole!" Franklin cursed when he heard no sound.Franklin still kept trying to bang on the door. It didn't matter who was out there, all that mattered to him was getting out of that dark place. "Asshole! Open the door."Franklin banged after banged, but still no one opened the door for him despite repeated banging. "Shit! They're completely ignoring me."While outside the room, Thalia and the two guards were now looking at each other. Of course they both heard the banging after banging by Franklin, but they chose to ignore and not respond to Franklin. "Looks like that guy's gon
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Chapter 138
Clara had tried many times to call Franklin, but he had yet to pick up the phone. "Why hasn't Franklin picked up my call until now?"Clara who had been sitting on the sofa now decided to move closer to the window, staring out the window while still holding her cell phone which was currently still calling. "Is he not holding his cell phone?"Clara looked at the screen of her cell phone which was currently still calling, but there was absolutely no sign that the person she was calling would pick up the phone. A sigh could be seen coming out of her mouth, indicating that she was really annoyed because she had tried calling Franklin so many times, but there was still no answer. Charles who had just come down the stairs frowned when he saw Clara pacing back and forth. The man didn't understand what had happened to his sister, but in that posture he knew what was going on. Feeling curious about Clara, Charles decided to approach the woman and asked, "What's wrong, Clara? You look uneas
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Chapter 139
A few moments later the direction had just arrived in front of Franklin's house. The woman's gaze turned towards the house which currently looked deserted, indicating that no one was inside the house. "Why is the house quite quiet?"Clara who was still confused tried to take out her cell phone, trying to call Franklin and tell him that she was currently right in front of his house. But as before, Franklin did not pick up the phone from Clara. Clara could be seen sighing, quite upset because the man had not been heard from.Forced Clara decided to immediately get out of the car, walking closer to the house that looked deserted. With courage, Clara immediately knocked on the door of the house many times. But there was no response from the house, indicating that the house was currently empty. "Where's Franklin and his family?"For a moment Clara was silent in front of the closed door of the house. She finally decided to get back into the car because she couldn't find anyone. But bef
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Chapter 140
Clara stood in front of Franklin's house for a while, hoping he would come home soon. But after waiting for about 15 minutes, there was no sign of Franklin's arrival. Feeling disappointed, Clara decided to try contacting Franklin once again.She took out her cell phone and dialed Franklin's number. A dial tone was heard, but there was no answer. After a few rings, the call was transferred to voicemail. Clara let out a long sigh, frustrated that Franklin was still unreachable."Franklin, it's me Clara. I've been in front of your house but you're not there. Please call me right away," Clara said, leaving a voice message.After hanging up, Clara looked at Franklin's house once again. She felt sad and disappointed that her plan to meet Franklin had failed miserably. Not only was Franklin not there, but Sarah's cold attitude also added to her heartache.Finally Clara decided to go home. With shaky steps she walked to her car. All the way home, various thoughts raged in her mind. Why is Fra
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