All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
170 chapters
Chapter 141
Meanwhile, inside a dark and dank building, Franklin woke up with a headache. The air was bone-chillingly cold, and there was little light coming through the cracks in the walls. Franklin tried to remember what happened, but his mind was still fuzzy. With difficulty, he tried to get up, but his legs felt weak. Pain radiated through his body, making every movement difficult. He realized that his hands were tied tightly, and there was little room to move.Franklin cast his eyes around, trying to figure out where he was. The place felt unfamiliar, with a musty smell and the sound of dripping water adding to the gloomy impression. There were no windows, just cold concrete walls surrounding him. The large metal door in the corner of the room seemed tightly closed, and although Franklin tried to reach for the handle, his efforts were futile. The door was firmly locked.With all his might, Franklin tried to untie the knots in his hands. However, the harder he tried, the stronger the bonds b
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Chapter 142
Franklin was still lying on the cold concrete floor. His body felt weak, and the pain continued to radiate throughout his muscles. His breathing was labored, not only because of the pain tormenting his body, but also because of the fear that was slowly creeping into his mind. Every second that passed seemed to be a reminder of how desperate her situation was. However, she knew that if she wanted to survive, she had to stay focused and find an opening to escape.The atmosphere in the room was getting tense. The concrete walls surrounding Franklin felt more and more constricting, adding to the heavy weight pressing down on his chest. In the corners of the room, droplets of water fell to the floor in a monotonous rhythm, as if marking the cruel passing of time. The light coming in through the cracks in the walls was almost useless, leaving only dark shadows dancing around the room. The sound of the wind rustling outside the building could be heard faintly, adding to the deep sense of iso
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Chapter 143
Inside a luxurious room with classic décor and dim lighting, the boss sat in a large cushioned chair, enjoying a glass of red wine while contemplating. The room was filled with expensive furniture and artistic ornaments, reflecting the high taste and wealth of the owner. The large windows on the side of the room provided a glittering night view of the city, although the heavy curtains were slightly open, as if to maintain privacy.The boss, a middle-aged man with neatly combed silvery hair and a firm jaw, wore an elegant black suit. His face full of strokes of experience looked calm, yet there was a sharp glint in his eyes that showed he was always on guard, always ready for anything. His hand held the wine glass casually, but his strong fingers gripped it tightly, as if never really letting his guard down.Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and one of his men entered with quick but respectful steps. The man, dressed in a simple black suit, approached his boss with his head slight
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Chapter 144
Sarah sat in the living room of her quiet house, her eyes fixed on the clock that rang softly every second. It was already eleven o'clock at night, but Franklin, her son, hadn't come home yet. An uneasy feeling began to creep into her heart. Usually, Franklin would always let her know if he was coming home late, but tonight there was not a single text or call.Outside, the evening breeze blew gently, carrying the scent of the jasmine flowers that Sarah always tended to in the front yard. However, that night, even the fragrance of her favorite flowers couldn't calm her anxious heart. She tried to think positively, maybe Franklin was just working late and forgot to give her news. But, as time passed, her worries deepened.Sarah got up from the sofa, walking to the kitchen to make a cup of hot tea, hoping it would ease her anxiety. As she waited for the water to boil, her mind kept spinning. Did something happen at the office? Was Franklin okay? She decided to call Franklin's secretary,
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Chapter 145
Sarah hurried home at a brisk pace, though her heart was filled with anxiety. Her heart fully expected that when she got home, Franklin would already be in the living room, probably asleep on the couch with the television still on. However, when she opened the front door, the house was deserted. There was no sign of Franklin.Sarah stood in the doorway, pensive for a moment, before small, hesitant steps approached from the direction of the kitchen. Vina, Franklin's sister, appeared with a worried look on her face. "Mama," she said quietly, her eyes full of worry. "Franklin has been unreachable since last night. I've tried calling him many times, but there's no answer."Sarah felt her heart grow heavy. She set her bag down on the side table and sat in the chair by the door, trying to catch her labored breath. Her mind raced, trying to find a plausible explanation. "Maybe she just ran out of batteries, honey," Sarah tried to calm herself, though her voice sounded weak. "Or maybe she sle
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Chapter 146
Amanda arrives at her magnificent home after her meeting with Franklin. From the outside, the house looks like an ideal place to live, with its charming classical architecture and spacious courtyard. However, behind the beauty, there was a darkness that kept haunting Amanda's mind. Her steps were quick as she headed to the master bedroom upstairs, trying to shake off the anxiety that had suddenly surfaced after her encounter with Franklin.As soon as she entered the room, Amanda shut the door loudly, making the previously quiet room feel tense. The room was spacious, with large windows overlooking the back garden. However, Amanda didn't care about the beautiful view outside. She went straight to the large mirror at the side of the room, staring at her own reflection with a doubt-filled gaze.Franklin's words kept ringing in her mind. "People will be looking for me. They won't keep quiet." That sentence made Amanda uneasy. Although she had planned everything carefully, there was someth
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Chapter 147
That morning, Vina was sitting at her desk, trying to focus on the lesson at hand. However, her mind kept wandering, worried about Franklin who hadn't come home yet. She had been trying to contact her brother since last night, but there was no answer. The silence from the other end of the phone made Vina even more anxious, but she tried to calm herself down. Maybe Franklin was just busy, she thought, though her gut feeling told her otherwise.Recess arrived, and Vina soon joined her friends in the cafeteria. They talked about the usual things-schoolwork, weekend plans-but Vina wasn't really listening. Her mind kept going to Franklin. She could only hope that when she got home, her brother would already be home.Suddenly, one of her friends, Rina, approached her with a serious expression. "Vina, have you seen the news this morning?" asked Rina in a worried tone.Vina frowned. "What news?" she asked, feeling that something was wrong.Rina took out her cell phone and showed a news story
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Chapter 148
Clara heard the news of the accident with a broken heart. Her heart seemed to stop, and her hands trembled as she tried to find out more information. The news came so suddenly, it was as if Clara's world came crashing down in an instant. Franklin, the man she loved so much, was rumored to have been in a terrible accident, and she had no idea how to respond.Frantically, Clara put on her jacket and prepared to walk out of the room. However, just as she was about to open the door, Charles, her brother, appeared in the doorway. Charles immediately saw the anxiety on his sister's face and knew that Clara must be going through a difficult time after hearing the news about Franklin."Clara, wait," Charles said in a soft yet firm voice, placing his hands on Clara's shoulders to stop her. "You don't need to rush out now. This news... could be wrong. We don't know for sure what really happened."Clara looked at Charles with teary eyes, her heart filled with anxiety and uncertainty. "But I have
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Chapter 149
Amelia had just finished reading the news about the accident on her cell phone when her heart suddenly felt heavy. The news said that the car that had crashed was similar to Franklin's, the man her daughter Selena had been trying to match with. Amelia couldn't believe that something as horrible as this had happened to someone so close to her family.With her feelings raging, Amelia rushed to Selena's room. She opened the door and saw her daughter sitting on the edge of the bed, busy with a book in her hands. Selena turned her head as Amelia entered, smiling lightly, but the smile soon disappeared when she saw the serious expression on her mother's face."What's wrong, Mom?" asked Selena, sensing that something was wrong.Amelia took a deep breath before sitting down beside Selena. "Selena, I have something to tell you," she said in a calm but heavy voice. "I just read the news... Franklin was in an accident."Selena was silent for a moment, her face showing disbelief. "What? An accide
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Chapter 150
When Sarah, Vina, Amelia and Selena arrived at the hospital, the tense and silent atmosphere seemed to press on their souls. Every step they took down the white, sterile hospital hallway felt like it brought them closer to a reality they probably didn't want to face. Sarah's legs felt heavy, as if every step was filled with fear and anxiety. Vina gripped her mother's hand tightly, seeking strength from the touch, while Amelia and Selena walked slightly behind them, ready to provide support whenever needed.They finally arrived in front of a room marked "Identification." One of the hospital attendants, a man in a white coat with a face that showed fatigue from long work, looked at them with a compassionate gaze. "Are you the family of Franklin?" he asked in a voice full of caution.Sarah nodded weakly, unable to make a sound. It was Amelia who answered, "Yes, we are his family."The officer nodded, then slowly opened the door to the room. Inside, it was quieter, colder. In the center o
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