All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
170 chapters
Chapter 151
Clara sat in her chair, her face looking pale and her eyes red from lack of sleep. She couldn't accept the fact that Franklin, the lover she loved so much, was reportedly killed in an accident. Her heart was filled with disbelief. She sensed something was wrong, as if there was something wrong with all of this. Her mind was constantly spinning, looking for clues or signs that could explain what had happened.After hours of contemplation, Clara finally decided to act. She couldn't just sit back and take this news for granted. Determinedly, she summoned some of her trusted men to her office. When they arrived, Clara stood up from her chair and gave them a stern look."We need to investigate what really happened to Franklin," Clara said in a shaky but firm voice. "I don't believe he died in an accident as reported. I want you to find out everything about this incident, including finding out where Franklin was last seen before the accident."Clara's men, knowing how deeply Clara felt abou
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Chapter 152
When Clara arrived in Bintara village, the quiet and secluded atmosphere of the village only added to the tension she felt. She got out of the car and started walking around, trying to figure out where Franklin could be. She asked some of the locals, showing them a picture of Franklin, but no one recognized the man in the picture. They just shook their heads or gave unsatisfactory answers."Sorry, ma'am. I've never seen this man around here," said a middle-aged man sitting in front of a small stall. Clara nodded slowly, although in her heart she was beginning to feel desperate.Time passed, and the longer Clara stayed in Bintara village, the clearer it became that she would not find the answers she was looking for here. The sun began to set in the western horizon, and Clara finally decided to return to the city. However, her resolve did not waver. She knew that she had to find another way to uncover the truth behind Franklin's disappearance.Back in the city, Clara felt physically and
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Chapter 153
After hearing from Ronald, Charles was relieved that his plan to keep Clara from further investigation seemed to be working. Ronald, who has long had a crush on Clara, sees this assignment as an opportunity to get closer to the woman he has long admired. Behind these feelings, there is an inner conflict raging within him. Ronald knows that what Charles is asking is not an easy thing, especially since it involves Clara.Meanwhile, Clara, who had just returned from Bintara Village, was still feeling confused. The absence of Franklin's personal chauffeur at her house added to the suspicion that something was very wrong. The driver was known to be loyal and never left his job for no apparent reason. Clara decided to stay calm and come up with a new plan, but her mind kept spinning, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.Ronald, who had been following Clara's progress, decided to contact her. With a caring tone of voice, he tried to approach Clara. "Clara, I heard you were back i
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Chapter 154
Franklin felt a sense of hopelessness growing over him. Day after day passed with no chance of escape, and every attempt to involve Amanda's men in his plans ended in failure. This time, Franklin tried again when they delivered food to him.A man with a stocky build and hard face walked into the gloomy room, carrying a tray of unappetizing food. Franklin saw this opportunity and approached the man with cautious steps."Hey, listen," Franklin began, his voice a whisper despite his efforts to sound convincing, "I know you don't get paid enough for this. Amanda may be paying you, but I can give you double. Don't you want more than just this?"The man looked at Franklin with cold eyes, not a hint of interest showing on his face. "Double?" He chuckled, the sound low and mocking. "You think I'm that cheap?"Franklin tried to suppress his frustration, realizing that this direct approach might not work. "It's not about cheap or not," Franklin tried again, this time his voice more pleading, "I
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Chapter 155
Franklin sat in the corner of the room, feeling a deepening sense of hopelessness. For days cooped up in the cold, cramped room, every escape plan he tried failed. Amanda's men were too loyal, too experienced, and he had no reliable resources or allies to help him. Failure after failure exhausted her, both physically and mentally.Her eyes glanced around the room. There were only a few items available there-a few tableware, a single ceramic plate, a glass of water, and a metal spoon lying on the small table beside her bed. At first glance, everything seemed useless. However, in this state of urgency, Franklin began to think of all possibilities, no matter how extreme.His mind began to race. He knew that Amanda's men had rejected all of his offers. Money, promises of protection, even threats didn't work on them. But there was one thing she might not have tried - inflicting serious injury on herself. If she managed to injure herself badly enough, they might have no choice but to take h
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Chapter 156
Franklin limped down the dark and deserted street, each step feeling like an unbearable weight. The night wind blew cold, piercing his scarred skin and weakening his already fragile body. She knew, beyond the darkness of this night, there was danger lurking. Amanda's men could be looking for her, chasing her mercilessly. The thought kept looming over him, forcing Franklin not to stop, even though his body was about to give out.He didn't know where he was going, there was only one thought that kept pushing him: to get as far away from the hospital as possible. Every shadow, every little sound around made him jump, like a ghost hunting from behind. Franklin kept walking, sometimes almost tripping over tree roots or rocks along the way. His legs had long been numb, and the pain in his arms was getting unbearable, but he didn't care. He had to keep moving, keep walking, despite the darkness covering him from all directions.The path he walked on turned rougher, filled with twigs and dry
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Chapter 157
Amanda received the report with a tense face, her hands clenched tightly at her sides. Someone had let her down, and anger was starting to creep into her. Her men who had been assigned to keep an eye on Franklin in the hospital had failed, and now, Franklin had disappeared without a trace."How could this happen?!" exclaimed Amanda in a sharp voice, her eyes staring intently at the man giving the report. Her men stood before her, trying to hold back the tremors of fear that crept through her body."We... we don't know, Ms. Amanda," the man stammered. "When we went back to check, she was gone. We searched around the hospital, but there was no trace of her."Amanda stared at him with a piercing gaze, as if she could burn him with just her eyes. "You guys dare to disappoint me so much," she said coldly. "This isn't just a failure. You've made a big mess!"The man felt the coldness of Amanda's anger, and he lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the woman. Amanda was someone who
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Chapter 158
Gita had just gotten off the public transportation when she saw her family's small but warm home in the distance. She took a deep breath, feeling the cool village air fill her lungs, a feeling she always longed for whenever she was in the city for college. It was the day she had been waiting for, when the semester break arrived and she could finally go home.As soon as she took her first step on the porch, the front door opened and Pak Gunawan, her father, appeared with a big smile on his face. "Gita, son! Have you arrived?" Pak Gunawan called with a warm voice that always made Gita feel comfortable."Daddy!" Gita exclaimed as she ran to him, hugging her father lovingly. "I miss you so much. It's been a long time since we last met."Pak Gunawan patted Gita's back gently. "I missed you too, son. Come on, come on in. Mom has prepared your favorite food."However, as Gita stepped into the house, she suddenly stopped. Her eyes fell on a man lying weakly on the living room sofa. The man's
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Chapter 159
After a few days, Franklin began to feel better. His body, which had been weak, slowly regained its strength. Meanwhile, he also began to feel a heavier burden on his heart. Despite being under the protection of Gita and mr Gunawan's family, Franklin's thoughts kept drifting to his family who must be in deep grief right now. His fake death, which had been arranged by Amanda, had left them grieving, and he felt guilty for letting his family continue to believe that he was dead.One afternoon, as the sun began to set in the western horizon, Franklin decided to talk to Gita about his true situation. They both sat on the back porch of the house, enjoying the cool afternoon breeze. Pak Gunawan was busy in the fields, while Gita faithfully accompanied Franklin."Gita," Franklin began in a soft voice, looking at the girl with deep respect. "I have to tell you something."Gita, who had sensed from the start that Franklin had something to say, looked at him attentively. "What is it, Franklin?"
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Chapter 160
Franklin was confused when he saw the change in Pak Gunawan's attitude. Previously, Pak Gunawan seemed so friendly and caring, but now there was something strange in the way the man looked at him. Pak Gunawan approached him with slow steps, as if he was carrying a heavy burden."Franklin," Pak Gunawan began to speak in a soft yet firm voice, "You said you wanted to return to the city, but I'm afraid if you return too soon, it will be dangerous for you."Franklin frowned, not understanding. "Mr. Gunawan, I truly appreciate your help and hospitality. But I feel quite recovered, and my family must be very worried. I need to go back."Gunawan nodded slowly, as if considering Franklin's words. "I understand, Franklin. But before you go, let me tell you something."Franklin looked at the man seriously, waiting for what he would say."We live in this village away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here, life goes on peacefully, and people look out for each other," Pak Gunawan said as he
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