All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
170 chapters
Chapter 11
Franklin parked Clara's car nicely. Although it had been a long time since he had driven a four-wheeled vehicle, Franklin was still able to control the car well.He immediately ran to the administration room and paid off his mother's medical expenses. The room at the very end with basic facilities indicated that Franklin was a lower-class person who couldn't afford much."Mom, after this you'll be taken care of properly." Franklin went to the administration desk and faced the hospital staff who had always handled his payments."Good afternoon, Mr. Franklin." The staff was always friendly to Franklin. Perhaps because the man, who was the son of the old woman in the corner room, was very kind and always kept his promises."Good afternoon." Franklin replied with a smile. "I've come to pay off my mother's treatment. And her medications too." The female staff nodded, "You've received the payment invoice, haven't you?"Franklin nodded, taking out cash from a brown envelope. He slowly took
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Chapter 12
Early in the morning, Vina was already ready with her school supplies. Franklin was also getting ready, putting on his uniform as a package delivery man. As usual, he would go straight to delivering packages to customers."Did you prepare food for Mom?" Franklin asked as he put on his helmet.Vina, his younger sister who had been eating more lavish meals than usual for the past few days, nodded with a smile."Yes, Brother."As Vina got on her vehicle and Franklin rode off on his motorcycle, the man said, "How about when I get off work, we go shopping for household essentials?""Has Brother received his salary this month?"Franklin immediately agreed. Although it wasn't from his main job and he got the money from a side job, Franklin didn't tell the truth."It seems your job is going well. Yesterday, Mom said Brother paid for moving her to a different nursing room," Vina remarked. "Isn't that quite expensive?"Franklin immediately replied, "Nothing is too expensive when it comes to Mom
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Chapter 13
"The route is making it harder for me to breathe," Franklin muttered.Franklin resigned himself. He went to the parking lot and drove the red sports car according to Clara's directions. This time, the destination was an elite area that Franklin had never visited before.Although it was an elite area, getting there was quite a test of his adrenaline. It was a luxurious place, but Franklin knew it was the center of one of the major cartels in his country.Clara [I'm sure you can use a weapon. Choose one, there are some behind the steering wheel.]Franklin's eyes widened as he read Clara's message. That woman always surprised him in every way. Now, she was even asking Franklin to involve weapons in the green tea delivery operation.Clara [All those weapons are officially certified. Don't worry, Franklin.][What's your plan? Why didn't you tell me about this?]Franklin wondered, while driving he was using his phone to exchange messages with Clara. The woman began frequently directing Fran
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Chapter 14
Drugs, one word that made Franklin unable to breathe easily. The man who always stayed in his comfort zone, now had to taste the glitz of life surrounded by threats and risks.The man went to the apartment of the woman who had thrown him into the dark world. Cold sweat poured down his entire body. His legs walked weakly into the elevator and down the hallway to the apartment unit on the high floor.As before, Clara knew when Franklin would come. Before the man rang the bell, Clara would open the door with a beaming smile."Hi, Franklin!" Clara greeted again.Franklin handed over Clara's car keys. With a drooping face and slouching shoulders, it made Clara furrow her brows.She immediately asked, "What's wrong? I heard they've accepted the tea from you.""You know, the weapons in the car were used according to the conditions there," Franklin revealed. "I didn't expect that I could do it."Clara smiled, but Franklin spoke again and managed to silence her again."Someone there said there
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Chapter 15
As promised, Franklin took Vina to a super complete supermarket in their city. This was the first time Franklin and Vina had been there. Vina, the girl, pushed the cart in front of Franklin and looked excited.Tonight, Franklin handed over all the needs to Vina. The man had been working too much outside, so he knew nothing about household matters."From now on, we'll go grocery shopping once a week."Vina turned around, her hand about to grab a pack of spaghetti pasta when she looked at Franklin. Vina thought this shopping trip was just because Franklin got a bonus from his job as a courier.However, it turned out Vina was mistaken. From now on and next week, she would often visit the supermarket for groceries."Really, Bro?"Franklin nodded, while taking several boxes of cheese, he answered, "Yes, so take what we need for one week. We can come back if all the household supplies run out."Without thinking twice, Vina took instant foods that were easy to cook. The girl didn't really ma
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Chapter 16
Months had passed, Franklin balanced his work as a package courier and drug courier well. During this time, Carla gave him jobs during the hours after his main job was finished.Franklin's life slowly changed. His sickly mother who often struggled with treatment was gradually getting better. Vina was also like other teenagers who were given money to spend time with friends.However, Franklin's financial changes were certainly an important question for his mother. His mother had asked several times, but the answer was always the same."There are fewer couriers at the shipping office, Mom. So I have to handle a lot of packages. The good news is, I'm working well even though I have to bear a heavier burden than before. And that's what makes Boss Tio willingly give me a bonus," Franklin said, as usual.His mother no longer asked questions. Franklin was consistent with that answer and didn't make his mother suspicious. However, Franklin was anxious, afraid of being found out that his side
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Chapter 17
Franklin took a deep breath. When he thought something bad had happened to Clara, it turned out the woman was actually crying because of another unexpected thing. When Franklin managed to get in, a dramatic themed movie was being played. And that was the reason Clara was crying."Sorry, I did have a job for you. But, since yesterday I've been spending time watching the movie." Clara said after understanding Franklin's annoyance."I thought something bad had happened to you again."Clara immediately turned her head. She nodded, not expecting Franklin to still remember the horrible incident that had happened to her at that time."No. I'm fine. Just lacking rest," Clara answered as she wiped away the remnants of her tears.The woman sitting on the floor finally shifted up to the couch. Following Franklin who had already sat comfortably there."Why do you have that expression?" Clara seemed disturbed by Franklin's facial expression.However, the one being asked shook his head slowly. He s
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Chapter 18
Franklin did not expect his mother's long-dormant illness to become aggressive again. In fact, this morning his mother was suddenly rushed to the hospital just as Franklin arrived at the shipping office.The man revved his motorcycle, speeding off at a high velocity. Franklin could no longer remain calm, even when requesting leave from Mr. Tio, he was in a hurry. Fortunately, this time the man who was his boss allowed Franklin to go.Franklin ran quickly down the hospital corridor where his mother was being treated. A doctor was already attending to his mother inside. However, Franklin's heart could not be at ease after receiving the news about his mother."Good heavens, did mother not take her medicine?" Franklin wondered.He was very sure that their financial situation had improved significantly, so there should be no reason for his mother to delay taking her medication like before when she had to wait for Franklin to have money.After an hour passed, two doctors and two nurses met
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Chapter 19
Franklin was dumbfounded as he listened to Clara's explanation about her other illegal businesses. In fact, questions about Clara's true life arose in his mind."It seems your life is full of challenges," Franklin remarked. "Danger lurks from all sides, doesn't it?"Clara agreed, "Of course. In a business like that, many people don't like me. And the competition is also very fierce.""Are you..." Franklin seemed hesitant to continue his words. "Are you also part of a major cartel in this country, Clara?"Clara squinted, staring into Franklin's eyes for a long time. The two looked at each other suspiciously, especially Franklin, who felt he was getting closer to the bright spot in the woman's life in front of him."Ah, no." Clara shook her head, immediately sitting back in her waiting chair. "You should know, Franklin, not all cartels accept a small woman like me."Franklin laughed softly, he didn't immediately believe Clara's words. In fact, Franklin felt that Clara had many personali
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Chapter 20
Franklin's name was no stranger among the dark businessmen and their customers. Even Franklin was also known by enemies who actually had problems with Clara. It was not uncommon for someone to tail the man while he was working. And on the way home, Franklin had to face various sudden attacks. Before he became skilled with knives or other weapons, Franklin saved himself by flooring the gas pedal, sometimes having to crash around and destroy Clara's car.However, now he was more skilled. Franklin was able to dodge all the obstacles set by his enemies. Still, his adrenaline always raced when working alone.Tonight, Vina was on duty guarding her mother who was still in the hospital. Meanwhile, Franklin had to deliver weapons to a cartel that would be rebelling the day after tomorrow. Franklin drove fast, even though there was a high cliff wall on his right side and the open sea on his left, Franklin kept increasing his speed. He was only worried about the heavy rain that seemed about
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