All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
170 chapters
Chapter 1
A man just parked his motorcycle in front of the shipping office at exactly 7:00 PM. He took off his helmet, revealing his head, then immediately went inside the office. A slightly chubby man who had been standing among the stack of packages for tomorrow's delivery gave Franklin a sharp look."Where have you been, coming home at this hour?" his boss snapped. His voice was so loud that even the employees who hadn't left yet and were still packing goods turned to see what was wrong."Don't you know the time? The deliveries were supposed to be finished today, but you're late, and there are still four packages left to be delivered. What if they complain and get angry because the courier is incompetent, then who do you think will be blamed? Of course, the shipping company, and it affects all of us!" he snapped again.In front of him, Franklin dared not reply, he just remained silent in front of him. Because if he ever dared to resist, his boss would scold him twice as terrifyingly as now.
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Chapter 2
"Anyway, I don't want to know. You have to take responsibility! You have to compensate. Do I have to accept a package this damaged?!"A man in his early twenties appeared to be lamenting his unfortunate fate.Today, he was struck by the misfortune of the contents of the package he delivered to one of the houses in the housing complex being damaged."Relax, sir. We can find a solution to this. I really don't know why your package got damaged. We can check with the central store, sir. Maybe there was a mistake in the delivery from there.""I don't care. I just want my money back. Twice the amount.""Twice the amount?!"He's Franklin. The man's eyes widened at the thought of his money being requested back twice."But, sir. This Non cash of delivery item costs 100 dollar. If you ask for twice the amount, that means I have to refund it for 200 dollar, sir?""Of course."Franklin swallowed hard."I'm sorry, sir. But, I don't have that much money at all. I...""Fine. Let me call your boss. L
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Chapter 3
Franklin appeared visibly shocked by the incident unfolding before his eyes.His eyes sharpened as he saw Vina, his sister, trying to stop the nurses who were disrespectfully removing their parents from the hospital.It was evident that the pale face and weak body were being dragged and forced out of the hospital.Such actions should have consequences, but considering Franklin could only afford to place his mother in the lowest-class room, it was no wonder she was being treated so poorly."Stop! Wait a moment, nurse! I'm sure we can discuss this matter calmly."Franklin tried to intervene."Sorry, sir. According to the hospital rules, we have to discharge your mother as she hasn't paid the administration fees for several days.""I understand, nurse. I'm currently looking for funds to pay for everything. Please, give me a little more time. I promise to settle my mother's medical bills as soon as possible.""I'm sorry, sir. The hospital has already given you a sufficient grace period. W
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Chapter 4
"Franklin's heart was truly broken. He now seemed to have lost half the spirit of his life.The woman he thought was the only external source of strength he had turned out to be the destroyer of everything."Shit! Why did I have to know her if in the end, she's only going to hurt my heart?!"Franklin punched his motorcycle handlebars. Yelling in frustration, deliberately ignoring the stares from people around who looked at him strangely.Today, truly became the worst day for Franklin. Everything shattered and disappeared at the same time.“Franklin.." someone called out softly, afraid of becoming the target of Franklin's anger as well.Franklin then turned to find Ical, whom he had met earlier, coming to see him."Eh, you, Cal? What's up? Sorry for what happened inside. You must feel embarrassed because I caused a scene there."Ical quickly shook his head. "No, Franklin. I wouldn't be like that. You know, there's nothing good about adultery. If I were you, I'd probably do the same thi
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Chapter 5
Hearing the continuous moans coming from the woman's mouth immediately caught Franklin's attention.The man looked puzzled about what to do, seeing the fresh blood flowing so heavily made his mind chaotic.He was confused and scared, never having faced so much blood before."Miss Clara? Miss Clara, are you okay? What's happening, Miss Clara? Why is all this happening to you?"Franklin asked, now embracing the woman. Clara's body looked weak, almost unable to support itself.Her eyes were teary, dripping repeatedly, making her cheeks wet with those clear drops."Shh.. it hurts.. please help me. My hand really hurts so much."Clara pleaded for help from the man in front of her. Regardless of the man's feelings, whether scared or anything else, Clara just wanted assistance.Clara's only hope at that moment was Franklin alone."But I don't mean I don't want to help Miss Clara or anything. If I take Miss Clara downstairs and lots of people see us, they might think I've committed a crime wi
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Chapter 6
Franklin waited outside, specifically on the long bench usually designated for waiting.About 15 minutes passed, and Clara was already inside the room being attended to by the doctors and nurses there.It wasn't surprising that after this, Clara would likely be admitted. Because she had lost a lot of blood before.Whatever happened, one thing was certain, Clara was definitely not in good condition.Srett! The sound of the door being dragged opened, showing the doctors and nurses coming out of the room."Are you the patient's relative?" the doctor asked Franklin, who was standing there responding to him."I'm her friend, doctor."Doctor Roby nodded slowly."At the moment, the patient's condition is starting to improve. Fortunately, the patient was brought here promptly, otherwise, she would have lost more blood."Franklin nodded. "And what about the patient, doctor? I mean, does she need to be hospitalized here?"The doctor looked at the whiteboard containing notes from examining the w
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Chapter 7
"Brother Franklin! Wake up, Brother! You have to take Vina to school."After a day full of exhausting activities, Franklin now stretched his body.He looked towards his younger sister who had woken him up."What time is it, Vina?"Vina widened her smile. "It's half past five, Brother .""Why did you wake me up? Your school starts at 7, Vina."Franklin shook his head."Hehe... I also want to say goodbye to Mom first, Brother . With a parent's blessing to their child, everything a child does is believed to go smoothly without any obstacles."Franklin sighed; his sister would never want to be left behind."Alright then. Wait a moment. Let me get ready first."Franklin left, grabbed his towel, and went to the bathroom."In that case, Vina, warm up the food Brother bought last night. So, we can have breakfast together, okay?"Franklin cleared his throat briefly from the bathroom.About 10 minutes later, Franklin was now dressed neatly in his courier uniform."Let's go, Brother ! Let's hav
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Chapter 8
“Franklin?" Franklin muttered to himself, immediately reminded of a certain woman. Who else could it be but the owner of the package that made Franklin hesitant to deliver it?However, Franklin shook his head, trying to push that thought away. It seemed impossible for her to have his phone number.Soon, another notification popped up, but this time it wasn't from an unknown number. It was from his boss.Mr. Tio [The client whose package you're going to deliver, named Clara, asked for the courier's number. So, if you receive a call from an unknown number, it's likely Clara, Franklin.]Damn it!Now, there was no more doubt. Franklin immediately replied to his boss, confirming his understanding.As Franklin exited the chat with his boss, he noticed the unnamed contact was typing."[Don't just read it. At least reply so I know where you are right now.]"Franklin decided to ignore the message, putting his phone back in his pocket."It's okay! Just deliver the package and then I'll leave, n
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Chapter 9
Franklin shook his head. Not a single word uttered by Clara could sway his decision. Just as Franklin stood firm in his choice, so did Clara.Not once did she give up on her situation."I know you must also need more money. Are you sure the money you earn as a courier is enough to meet all your needs?" Clara asked, staring intently at him.Faced with such a question, Franklin would certainly say no. After all, what courier could feel satisfied with their meager earnings?"I'm sure you never feel content and satisfied with your job. Roaming around in the heat of the sun, only to be paid a meager salary," Bella chimed in, joining in to influence Franklin's thoughts. Of course, both women were deliberately invited by Clara to help sway Franklin's mind."Think about it again. If you decide to work with Clara, I'm confident you'll never experience injustice. Clara will definitely pay you a fair salary for your hard work," Aura added her persuasion. Franklin realized it was all just their m
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Chapter 10
"Your job is really easy, Franklin." Clara smiled thinly. "You don't need to exert much effort in this job. Your safety is also guaranteed."Franklin became more confused, he saw Clara with her arms folded. The smile on her face made the man doubt for a moment that he had agreed to work with Clara. However, remembering that he had to pay off the hospital debt, Franklin nodded in agreement."How about it?" Clara asked again.Franklin shook his head, not refusing but rather confused. "How can I work if I don't know what to do?"Clara walked over to a room that was always kept tightly locked. Shortly after, she returned carrying an item that Franklin knew was a bundle of tea."Take this." Clara handed the item to Franklin.Hesitantly, the man took it. For a moment, nothing seemed strange about the bundle of green tea. Yet, this was where Franklin's life took a disastrous turn."Do you want me to deliver this tea?"Franklin thought Clara had a business in that field. Although, when he tho
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