All Chapters of Journey To The Peak: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 chapters
Chapter 11: A New Outlook
Abilities were a strange but normal occurrence in the world of Clodia. Research had been carried out on why they existed and why one had to be at the age of 15 before they could awaken an ability. It was a topic shrouded in a mystery that scientists and researchers have yet to come up with a valid reason for. There have been few occurrences when one would awaken their ability earlier and some later than they should have. These variable occurrences made it harder to pinpoint why humans developed abilities and at the age, they awoke them. "Don't feel down, although I have not seen a result such as yours, it could mean you are just a late bloomer. I believe with time you will awaken an ability." Instructor Blake said in a bid to comfort Alex. But deep down, Alex knew the truth. Was there any hope for him? He once had an ability, he was sure of it. He awoke an ability and all of a sudden, it disappeared out of the blue. These feelings weighed him down. He was in a world where only
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Chapter 12: System Activated
The proposal made by Tang was generous and nice, after all, Holster Academy was a large place with lots of buildings. Alex and Tom accepted his offer and walked with him. "Do you mind showing us the boy's dormitory so we can drop our luggage?" Tom asked. "I don't mind, I'll take you there right away" Tang replied. The duo followed Tang as they transversed through the Academy. They were greeted with sights they had never seen before. "There are so many students," Alex whispered under his breath and it seemed like Tang heard him because of what he said next. "Yes, Holster Academy has about 50 thousand students aside from the new students that would be joining this period." Not long after, Tang, Alex, and Tom arrived in front of a black gate with fenced walls. Inside was a large semi-circular building. It was fenced around giving it plenty of space both at the center and around the building. It was a cluster of rooms fixated with three storeys. "This is the dormitory of fi
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Chapter 13: Awake And Alive
As Tom ran away with the ring securely in his hands, his heart raced faster than it had ever raced in his entire life. He felt a bit guilty for running away and leaving Alex all alone with the two bullies.'I scored higher on the test, I should be the one protecting him, why am I running away like a scared cat? Why did I even listen to him? And out of all, I thought Tang was a nice guy, why is he doing this?'There were a lot of 'whys' in Tom's head that he was losing focus, he didn't even have an idea of where he was going. He just let his fast speeding legs lead him. That was until his small framed body crashed into that of someone else making him stop dead in his tracks and stumble backward, almost falling on his bottom.Tom had expected to see the person fall due to the force of the impart. He was indeed running at his top speed, but the person stood erect, unmoved by the impact."What's the hurry for, Kiddo?" The sound of
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Chapter 14: Human?
Alex was surprised that it turned out to be Instructor Blake who brought him to the Infirmary. He was a bit certain that the little boy she spoke of was Tom. Although Tom was indeed a teenager, he was often called little by others due to his small and lanky body frame. 'I told him to run away with the ring. Did he go to call for help? If it wasn't for him, maybe I'd be dead right now..' Alex thought feeling grateful. "I'll leave you to get more rest, you need to fully recover and heal up any internal injury," May said as she left the sick bay. Alex laid his back on the bed, he had fully recovered. He didn't feel any pain anywhere, his body even felt stronger. It was then Alex noticed his senses had sharpened to a whole new level. His eyesight, his hearing, and his sense of smell had all improved. 'Is this the work of the system? How is this even possible?' Alex pondered. He brought the system menu back up, this time it was a lot easier to navigate through its panels. He cho
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Chapter 15: System Skills
Tom knew what a storage ring was but this was his first time seeing and touching one. He knew how valuable they were and he couldn't help but ponder about how Alex got his hands on one, they were from the same poor town. He doubted that the town head would even have a storage ring. He decided not to ask. He hadn't known Alex for long and even doubted that the other saw him as a friend. Alex on the other hand didn't complete checking the system due to Tom's interference. He suddenly remembered something and asked Tom. "Where did you spend the night?" It was a weird question but Alex had remembered that Tang knew their room in the dormitory. If they were searching for him, surely he would have informed Big Dave and they would have gone there and waited for Tom to return, and due to the light-out rule, Tom would surely return if not, he would be tracked down by the school authorities through the bracelet. Unless...Read more
Chapter 16: A Spar
The dress Alex wore had been soaked with blood and dirt from his run-in with Tang and Big Dave. When he met Nurse May, luckily for him, the Infirmary had a washing machine and so, his clothes had been cleaned up for him. Before she let Alex go, Nurse May asked if he was feeling pains anywhere in his body, to which Alex said no. She was still surprised at the fast rate of Alex's recovery. Even though she had attended to his injuries and used her healing ability on them, she had only healed him enough for his body to do the rest which she estimated a full recovery in a few days. But it had only been a couple of hours and he was already healed up. The duo left the Infirmary afterwards with Tom leading the way. They walked through a kind of street with several students moving about and buildings on both sides. Alex held his head, with his senses strangely enhanced, he could hear the chattering going on, the shoving of feet against the ground, and
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Chapter 17: Melancholy
The door opened and a teenage boy walked into the room with his luggage. He was a bit taller than Alex and exuded a calm and gentle aura. His blonde hair was messy and his eyes were barely opened."Oh, I didn't realize others were here. I would have knocked," the boy said as he walked towards the two. "My name is Zach by the way.""We're all roommates so it's not a problem. I am Alex and he is Tom." Alex replied for himself and Tom who looked too timid to talk.The doors to the dorm rooms were automated. In the sense that one would need to swipe a specific card which was their student ID, by the door lock before it'll be opened. The cards were given to both Alex and Tom and had their room number on them.They had forgotten that there was one more person who was supposed to be in the room with them, so when the door opened, they were expecting to see either Tang or Dave."Are you just coming to the Academy today?"
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Chapter 18: When The Moon Is Red...
It was late evening in the Academy and the students were trooping down to the Canteen. Not all the students though, some were hanging around in small groups chatting away, others moving in different directions. Not everyone was hungry of course, but for a certain trio, they were starving."So when did you guys arrive in the Academy? You already know some places," Zach asked the other two by his side while rubbing his eyes to the point that made quirky sounds. He had woken up from his sleep just when Alex and Tom were about to leave the room and decided to tag along."It's almost two days now. We had someone that showed us around." Alex replied."Oh, already made friends with some students. That's nice. Maybe we could stroll around after dinner, what do you think?"'Friends? If only you knew,' Alex said internally."Um...I don't think... that's a bad idea." Tom said.Tom who had been silent all through finally spoke but the words didn't come out as he had planned. He was so nervous whe
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Chapter 19: Unbroken
The morning came and Alex woke up feeling excited and full of anticipation. Today would be his first time going for classes and the thoughts of what he would learn made every atom of him excited.It was a Monday morning and Alex had woken up before the others. He wore his neatly ironed deep blue and white uniform as he sat on his bed with a smile tugging at his lips."Wake up sleepy heads, it's 30 minutes to 7 am!" Alex suddenly shouted. Zach and Tom scrabbled out of bed not knowing what was happening."What the hell was that for?" Zach said annoyed that someone interrupted his lovely sleep."It's just 6:31, we still have like over an hour before it's time for classes," Tom said after checking the time and soon after yawned while rubbing his eyes."Have you forgotten that we have to go to the canteen before classes and also, this is my first time attending a class, but I think getting the right seat is i
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Chapter 20: A Living Hell
Alex took in a deep breath, his expression turning cold as he slipped his right hand into his pocket. Now his bracelet was hidden in his pocket, no one would know he had a very low ability level, well, apart from those who took the test with him. He walked towards the boy and stood in front of him. The boy feeling the shadow cast over him, turned to Alex with a questioning look. "What is it?" He asked. "You are on my seat." The boy looked at the desk-like seat meant for just one person and then looked at Alex. The person in front of him looked strong and imposing, he couldn't see their ability level, also with the hilt of the blade sticking from one side of his shoulder, Alex currently looked like someone he wouldn't want to mess with. The other students were already paying the little commotion some level of attention. From the outside perspective, it seemed like Alex was a bully who was using his strength to take the seat of the boy so he could shoot his shot at the violet-haired
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