All Chapters of Journey To The Peak: Chapter 21 - Chapter 23
23 chapters
Chapter 21: System Quest
The walk to the office building was a long one. Alex found himself trying to keep up with Instructor Irene. Although it didn't seem like she was walking fast, it was clear their pace was different as the distance between them kept increasing.'Huff...still, that was better than getting beat up.' Alex thought to himself as he approached the first designated homeroom building. Several students flowed in and out of its entrance. It was risky going back to the classroom, which is why he wasn't actually going to his homeroom class, he was heading for a different staircase that led to the roof of the building.As he was about to enter the entrance, he came to an abrupt stop. His heartbeat slowed to a crawl, a troubled expression appearing on his face with subtle hints of anger he tried to suppress.In front of him was the lone figure of Tang. He appeared surprised at first but then smiled with the corner of his mouth."Look who is alive. Honestly, I'm happy you made it out alive." Tang said
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Chapter 22: The Library
[New Quest received.][Defeat your opponent and win the spar.][Reward: 200EXP]Alex stared at the system screen that suddenly popped up, it took him a minute before he had an inkling of what was happening.'A quest? I remember the system saying that I'd get Experience from winning fights...this is it?' Alex thought to himself, then another thought crept into his heart. 'So many people would be after me for my ring if I manage to defeat them, I'd get Experience which in turn will make me stronger!'A smile appeared on his face but was immediately blown away, quite literally. Zelah had attacked with a punch that connected with the side of Alex's face making his head fling sideways.[-1HP]Alex took a heavy step backward and wiped the small trickle of blood from his lips. When he regained his bearing, he could see another punch aimed at his abdomen. He quickly side-stepped avoiding the punch and held onto Zelah's hand and pulled her forward with his elbow in the trajectory of the sudde
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Chapter 23: Metamorphosis
After Alex agreed and handed over the things the old lady requested, she helped him understand the layout of the vast library. Each stand had a number and an alphabet that all the books in that stand started with.For instance, a stand that had the alphabet ‘T’ on it. It meant that all the books in that stand started with the letter T. Which was where Alex located the book titled ‘The History Of Earth: The Reformation’Alex began reading the book which was as big as his biceps. He didn’t know what to expect from it, he didn’t know what or who Earth was. But immediately he started reading, he discovered that Earth was not a person, it was a planet. To someone who thought the world revolved around his small town, it was a shocking discovery.He continued reading.A century ago, a strange phenomenon occurred on planet Earth. The planet quaked and trembled as it observed a metamorphosis that flipped the knowledge of mankind on its head. Earth was in shambles on the verge of destruction.
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