All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
184 chapters
chapter 152
Chapter 152 "Arghk!" Aurel shouted hysterically, the cell phone in his hand fell back. The stranger's eyes suddenly opened wide and he spontaneously sat up and grabbed Aurel's hand hard, red liquid flowing from the wound on his head caused by the blow from Aurel earlier."Where are you going, dear?" asked the stranger in a hoarse voice, then he gave a strange grin that looked so terrible.Aurel's eyes widened in shock, because he thought the man was dead, because the left side of the man's head had a gaping wound from the disable stick he used to immobilize the pervert."B-how could it be?" Aurel muttered softly with trembling lips."Hahaha! Why, you're surprised and happy at the same time, aren't you? I'm not dead baby." Said the man while pulling hard on Aurel's hand so that it fell on his broad body."Aakk! Let go, asshole!" Rebelling Aurel, he played his free hand to hit the stranger with all his might. But instead, his slender and seemingly skinny hand was immediately grabbed by
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chapter 153
Chapter 153Axel's car had arrived in front of the mansion, he got out of the car and observed the mansion. Now, Axel stood in front of the mansion's fence. Staring at the address Brian gave him, matching the address with the number of the mansion, he nodded slowly and said, "This is Brian's address, this is the right address," he said in a voice that sounded doubtful. But, she was also very sure that it was the address. The address given by Brian. He with a wondering heart, immediately stepped heavily towards the tall black fence, his steps were heavy as if every step demanded Axel closer to the anxiety that was now burning, he was really afraid if Aurel was not in this luxurious house. Then Axel took a deep breath, he slowly pushed the tall, black fence slowly. The hinges of the fence creaked loudly, adding to Axel's tension that already felt clumped in the air, he stared intently at the mansion. And, replacing all the designs of the mansion intensely. Axel slowly stepped inside
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chapter 154
Chapter 154/1234KAxel cast his eyes around the room, he caught sight of something splattered on the floor below the stairs. Without hesitation, he went straight down the stairs that led to the kitchen. Axel knelt down, wanting to get a clear view of the liquid splattered on the black marble floor. As he crouched down, a sudden fishy and rancid smell assaulted his sense of smell. He pointed his finger, touching the liquid object."Sshh, data," she whispered, feeling increasingly panicked."Is it possible Aurel... ah, no. Come on Axel, don't think negatively, Aurel must be fine." Axel immediately got up, trying to dismiss all his negative thoughts. His breathing was ragged, again circulating his gaze towards the other room.With uncertain steps, Axel walked back to the room around the kitchen, it turned out that there was only a warehouse containing several freezers. Axel's heart was pounding so hard that he gulped his saliva violently when his eyes caught sight of a sack with dried bl
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chapter 155
Chapter 155"No need, Doctor Axel, we'd better get out of here. I don't want this problem to escalate, arrghhhh!" She half shouted as she endured the excruciating pain in her injured parts. "Alright, Aurel, we'll get out of here." Axel put on the seat belt. After that he quickly got into his car. The car drove off at high speed.Leaving the mansion. With a pounding heart Axel looked at Aurel who was now sitting with a pale face beside him, then, he also saw Aurel's cold sweat on his face. "Are you okay? Then, that face of yours... you have so many wounds."Axel said, after slightly glancing at Aurel. And, seeing the many wounds on his body. Aurel nodded. "He touched me forcefully, Doctor Axel, he hit me, I don't know who he is, he seems to be an influential person in this city, he's not ugly either, his face is quite handsome. And, his wealth is abundant, but, he seems to have done this often. It's called a fake taxi, I'm one of the victims. Just now, I thought I had eliminated him.
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chapter 156
Chapter 156 / 1100K.Axel grabbed one of Aurel's hands which had many blisters. The blood bag hanging on the IV pole, almost two bags of blood have entered Aurel's body, however, there is no sign that Aurel will wake up soon."Please, Rel. Wake up, Azkira has been waiting for you all night, what should I answer later?" Axel gently rubbed the top of Aurel's head, his hair felt sticky because the liquid blood mixed with sweat dried there, the handsome man took a deep breath while burying his face between the mattress and Aurel's pale-looking arm."You must survive, I will help you to catch that psychopathic man who has made you like this." Axel said again amidst his sobs, he wiped away the water that had escaped his eyes when he found Aurel in this terrible condition. He looked back at Aurel's face, the beautiful face now looked terrible with many gaping wounds. Axel clenched his fists furiously, anger building up.The next day, the doctor with the thick glasses met Axel.Knock knock kn
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chapter 157
157Aurel woke up from his banana, he pressed his head which felt throbbing, his eyes closed for a moment trying to remember the previous events, when he was unconscious. Slowly, Aurel opened his eyelids and vaguely saw a man sitting next to his bed, he was so shocked that his heart skipped a beat when he realized it was the psychopathic man who made him unconscious. Her body shook violently when she was sure that the man in front of her was not her hallucination, aurel could not move at all, her body seemed to be locked, as if all energy had just disappeared, after realizing that she was in danger, how could she not, the trauma in her had not yet healed. But, she was already shocked by the presence of that man at her bedside. Her lips tried to open word by word. However, the sound that came out of aurel's mouth was only a murmur. The psychopathic man turned his head, he looked at Aurel with a smile frozen on his terrible-looking face, with the man's smile adding to the fear that wa
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chapter 158
Chapter 158/1060KAurel turned his head to the right and left, as the day had turned into night, now the lights along the streets of Milan were twinkling with various colors."Please! Let go of me!" Aurel begged in a soft voice barely audible, the expression on his face was very sad. The psychopathic man only turned his head briefly while grinning maniacally behind his mask, his left hand then discarded the mask covering his mouth and nose area."Uughh!" Aurel groaned as he was shocked by the psychopathic man's overly scarred face."I'll let you go, but... lie!" The man then chuckled in a discordant voice."You're going to love this place we're going to, baby. We'll be happy there, which is why you're so attractive." The crazy man reached out his hand to touch Aurel's face, but Aurel quickly dodged, his gaze getting even more violent towards the psychopathic man. Both of his bound hands immediately brushed off the man's large hand which had a gaping wound, but the man seemed to have n
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chapter 159
Chapter 159/1220KWith steady steps filled with anxiety, Axel followed the security in front of him as a guide. Cold sweat the size of corn kernels flowed from his forehead to his neck, his breathing was labored, occasionally he exhaled harshly."Where is the mortuary? Why is it so far away?" asked Axel impatiently, while smoothing his hair that almost covered his face, because it was already a little long."In a minute, doc, around the corner is the room." Pointing the security guard towards the front where the hallway curved to the right, Axel looked at him intently, without answering he only accelerated his pace.Brak! Axel, who was already impatient, opened the door of the special cctv room violently, making the officers inside jump in surprise."What's going on?" they asked, confused. Their gazes were fixed on Axel who had just entered."Quickly look at today's footage throughout the room." Axel said while turning the cctv officer's chair to look at the computer again."B-well."
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chapter 160
Chapter 160/1400KAurel staggered backwards away from the psychopathic man with a shuffle, the bed sheet rolling up on itself. His heart was racing with his irregular breathing. He repeatedly gulped down his own saliva. Occasionally Aurel turned his head and looked around the room. He tried to find an opening to escape, but all around the room was transparent glass apart from the door."What do I do God," Aurel's mind was getting more and more frightened, his body tremors also now increased drastically."I've told you repeatedly, please! Don't resist or rebel. I don't want to hurt you any further, what's your name, beautiful?" asked the psychopathic man while wiping his face with a handkerchief. Now his handsome face is clearly visible, although there are some gaping wounds on the cheeks, but it does not reduce his good looks. But unfortunately, his behavior and nature were not as handsome as his face."Let go! I beg you, there are children and husbands waiting for me at home," Aurel
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chapter 161
161"EATLAN!" because he had run out of patience, the psychopathic man forced Aurel to open her mouth, until the seasoned fish also entered Aurel's mouth. The beautiful woman tried to swallow the fish that had entered, her tears falling, she seemed to be very depressed because of this. "Eat this too!" Again, the man handed her the steak; it was slimy, and still had a bit of blood in it. "You like slimy and bloody things? This is delicious, you should try all of this food. Without exception, because ... I want you to be energized tonight, baby," said the psychopathic man.After forcing Aurel to eat the food that had been served, the psychopathic man gave Aurel a red box with a ribbon on it. He smiled showing his rows of neat teeth. Perhaps. For some people, the crazy man looks very handsome. However, to Aurel he was very, very scary! And, disgusting! "Surprise for you, baby," he said.He opened the red box right in front of Aurel. Aurel was shocked to see a ring with a very exagger
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