Doctors Axel's Revenge
Doctors Axel's Revenge
Chapter 1


A man sat at his desk, holding an old, faded wedding photo from the nineties.

His face was flushed, his eyes misty as he gazed at the bride's portrait in the photo. Suddenly, memories from twenty-five years ago flashed through his mind.

Back to 1995, when the man, who held the title of the most vicious mafia boss in Milan, Italy, was slaughtering his own wife.

He wiped the blood still on the knife with his fingers, his thick lips curling into a sneer as he looked at the bloodstained sharp object.

"Diana, you thought... you thought you could just run away like that. Oh, no! That was not going to happen." The man in the Panama hat, the most vicious mafia boss, swung his hand again, plunging the sharp object straight into Diana's heart—his own wife, the blood-soaked woman lying helpless in front of him.

Blood spurted, splattering the face of the man in the black suit. Let's call him Maurer. He roughly wiped the blood off his face.

When the knife pierced Diana's heart, her body shuddered violently. The woman was on the verge of life and death. She could still feel the excruciating pain of the knife plunging into her. Yet, she couldn't fight back; her body was too weak.

"Hahaha...!" The man's laughter rang out loudly, overjoyed to witness the final moments of his wife's last breath.

After Diana was truly gone, the knife was tossed aside carelessly. "Say goodbye to the world, Diana... Diana, the woman who once filled my days, you broke the rules I made, and today is when you must return to where you came from."

The blood flowing from Diana's body gushed heavily, the thick, deep red liquid pooling on the white floor.

Maurer's strong hand grabbed Diana's wrist, dragging her lifeless body towards the back of the mansion.

All the servants there could only bow their heads, none daring to help or confront the man. Each closed their eyes as Lady Diana was eliminated by her own husband.

"Everyone knows! If anyone breaks Mr. Maurer's rules, I will destroy them in a tragic way!" said the man in the black suit, the man named Maurer Djadiningrat.

Everyone nodded in understanding, while his wife's body continued to be dragged by Maurer, leaving a trail of blood stains on every inch of the floor he crossed.

"Find out where the baby from my wife's affair is, and I will destroy that baby without mercy!" Mr. Maurer said, his piercing gaze and hard jawline making those around him feel terrified by his deadly stare.

"If anyone helps my late wife hide that damned baby, I will skin them alive! And I'll make sure they scream in pain as I peel every inch of their skin off." With each step he took dragging his wife's corpse, the memories of the past made Mr. Maurer's heart ache. There was no remorse; Mr. Maurer felt relieved when his wife was truly dead by his own hand.

"I had fertility issues, but you got pregnant with that baby. You betrayed our marriage, Diana."

"A meal for you, Bobi! I think you're lucky today; you get to eat two people at once," Mr. Maurer said as he threw his wife's corpse.

He tossed her body right in front of Bobi, Mr. Maurer's pet lion kept behind the house—his favorite animal.

The beast savagely devoured Mrs. Diana's body parts, starting from her head down to her limbs, until only bones remained. The lion then regurgitated Mrs. Diana's skull.

"Meet in hell," he said with a bitter smile, glaring at the two human skulls lying in a row. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. After witnessing his wife's corpse being entirely consumed by the wild beast, Mr. Maurer chose to return inside the house.

"Servants! Clean up the human skulls in Bobi's den. Then give Bobi a drink." Mr. Maurer ordered.

The clacking of his dress shoes accompanied Maurer's steps; no one dared look at the tall man's face as he passed them, all bowing their heads.

"Daniel, find that baby within twenty-four hours, or I'll break your legs!" Mr. Maurer commanded, stopping midway on the staircase and turning towards Daniel, one of his right-hand bodyguards.

"Y-yes, sir," Daniel replied. A chill ran through him at the thought of his master breaking his legs.

The cold-faced man disappeared behind his bedroom door, collapsing his sturdy body onto the bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Back in the present day, the man clutched the wedding portrait tightly in his hand.

"I am the baby you wanted to eliminate, here on a mission to take your life, Maurer!" he cried out, his breath heavy, his anger boiling over as he imagined his father murdering his mother in such a tragic way.

The sound of approaching footsteps startled the young man sitting at his desk. The arrival of two other men interrupted his reverie.

"Doc, there's another murder case. The doctor is requested in the examination room. Two police officers are already there to assist you." The nurse entered the young doctor's office. He was a strapping man with a strong jawline, thick eyebrows, and a prominent nose.

"Doctor Axel, did you hear me?"

The young doctor was startled, tossing aside the wedding photo he had been holding.

"Yes, I'll be right there." Doctor Axel tried to rein in his emotions.

He glanced at his wristwatch. "Another murder case, it seems like there have been a lot of criminals this year."

The handsome doctor walked out, heading to the examination area. Two police officers were present, along with a corpse lying in a pool of blood around the abdomen.

He carefully began unbuttoning the corpse's shirt, revealing an elderly woman whose death was suspected to be a homicide. The body was found intact, indicating she had only passed away a few hours prior.

There was a stab wound in the abdomen area. Doctor Axel began analyzing the corpse before him. A kitchen knife was found near the body, and the police had brought it as evidence.

"A very deep wound. Who could be so cruel as to murder a helpless old woman like this victim?" Doctor Axel shook his head in disbelief, unable to comprehend the situation.

An elderly woman who should have been cared for was instead brutally murdered.

He examined her head and limbs. There were no other serious injuries, only the horrific abdominal wound.

"I found that knife near the crime scene, Doc," one of the investigators said.

"Okay, let me examine it first."

The doctor began his work meticulously. He furrowed his brow as he analyzed the victim's abdominal wound. If the knife found was indeed the murder weapon, the width of the wound did not match the knife.

"I'm not convinced this is the murder weapon. This knife is 33 cm wide, but the victim's wound is only 24 cm wide." The forensic doctor noted the discrepancy, re-examining and measuring the depth and width of the stab wound. But the result was the same—the wound was 24 cm wide, meaning the object found by the investigators was not the weapon used to kill the victim.

"It's clear this object is not what caused the victim's death. I've studied forensics for many years."

The two investigators nodded, trusting Axel's expertise and experience.

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