Chapter 2

After performing the autopsy, Dr. Axel returned to his office, removing his surgical mask and medical gear.

He grabbed the chess set on his desk, kicking over one by one the black chess pieces—his enemies.

"Before attacking Maurer, I must first eliminate Daniel," Axel said as he knocked over the rook positioned behind the pawns—the defensive fortress protecting the king.

"But before eliminating Daniel, I must get rid of the small pawns in the front line first. Yes, I must attack Maurer's businesses that are now on the verge of collapse." He flicked the small pawns aside.

Smirking, he then removed the knight—the piece that defends the king. If the rooks and knights fall, nothing can protect the king.

"Then the queen, I will eliminate the most valuable piece in Maurer's life—his adopted daughter who is now Maurer's motivation. Just wait, if I can't destroy your business, then your adopted daughter's heart will be shattered," Axel declared.

"Game over, I won't kill you quickly, but slowly and painfully as payback for twenty-five years ago, Mr. Maurer."

After indulging in his chess soliloquy, the doctor made a call to arrange a meeting somewhere.

Axel smiled, envisioning his next move. He left the office for his intended destination.

Club Bobinio Milano.

Axel had arrived at the major club in the heart of Milan, Italy.

A man waited outside the nightclub, handing Axel a brown envelope.

"This is all I know," said the man Axel considered an informant—one of Maurer's trusted bodyguards, now in Axel's grasp.

"Please don't extort me anymore. I think this information is very accurate, and I can't provide any more. I'm afraid for my life."

Axel patted the man's shoulder. "You're safe with me, don't worry. You're under my protection, sir. Just keep providing information. If you intend to stop, I'll make sure you rot in prison. I still have the old woman's body from the recent murder," Axel threatened, making the man's body tremble in fear.

"But I eliminated that woman on Mr. Maurer's orders. If you want revenge, why don't you just arrest and imprison Mr. Maurer now? Why are you dragging me into this?" the man in the Panama hat asked.

"Because you're just a pawn to Maurer," Axel thought.

Axel shook his head. "I could do that. But it's not the right time yet, sir. And thank you for today's information." Axel patted the man's shoulder, smiling victoriously after getting what he wanted to know.

Once in the car, Axel opened the brown envelope. "Daniel, you'll be destroyed soon," he said, putting the papers back into the envelope.

Meanwhile, the man sitting with Axel in the car smiled happily. "Did you succeed in extorting him?"

Axel nodded. "Thank you, uncle. You're the best. You're helping Axel get revenge for my mother's death." Axel hugged the man he called uncle—Marco, Diana's brother, who had saved his nephew when Maurer, Axel's own father, wanted to eliminate his son.

"My life may not last much longer. Before I go, you must succeed in avenging my heart's ache over your mother's passing."

It turned out Marco had a brain tumor, so he didn't have long to live. He knew everything about Maurer. Before Axel became an adult, Marco had devised strategies and investigated Maurer, but he didn't want to take revenge for his sister's death himself. It would be more painful for Axel to avenge his mother's murder.

The sun had risen, and a new day had dawned.

Axel was ready for his next mission. After obtaining information about Daniel, he now intended to get close to Maurer's adopted daughter.

He waited in his car for the girl to leave the shopping mall, closely guarded by bodyguards.

He watched the lobby area, counting the bodyguards near Maurer's adopted daughter.

It didn't take long for the beautiful fair-skinned girl in casual clothes to emerge, carrying shopping bags and smiling at her purchases.

A few minutes later, three burly men grabbed the girl's arm. Axel smiled.

Maurer's bodyguards tried to fight off the thugs but were overwhelmed. The thugs managed to shove the adopted daughter into their car.

"Damn, useless bodyguards," Axel said, speeding off in his car.

He intercepted the thugs' car carrying Maurer's adopted daughter, causing them to crash into Axel's vehicle, flipping it over.

"Shit!" Axel emerged from his overturned car unscathed, having designed it to protect him in crashes.

"Get out!" Axel aimed his Glock 19 handgun at the three thugs, just to intimidate them without firing.

One thug exited the car. Without a word, Axel struck him, drawing blood from the bald man's head. One down. Two thugs remained.

Axel grabbed the second thug's arm and twisted it, causing him to scream in pain.

All three thugs were subdued. Axel yanked Maurer's adopted daughter out of the car. In a panic, she embraced her rescuer.

Axel smirked. A sedan arrived and took the three thugs away.

"Thank you, sir," the girl said.

Axel remained silent, not returning her embrace.

"My name is Aurel." She released the hug and extended her hand.

Axel hesitantly shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Aurel," he said flatly.

"What's your name, sir?" she asked.

"Axel," he replied stoically.

Aurel looked up, meeting Axel's piercing gaze for a few seconds before averting her eyes, blushing at the handsome man.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Axel."

Axel stepped back as a taxi pulled up. "I'm sorry Miss Aurel, I have to get back to work."

"Sir, your car is wrecked."

"It's fine, a tow truck will take it to a garage. Nice meeting you." Axel slid into the taxi.

Aurel beamed and waved as the taxi carrying Axel drove off.

He smirked victoriously after successfully encountering his target—the "queen" in Maurer's life.

At Linate International Airport

The sedan carrying the three thugs arrived, and they exited with suitcases.

"For living expenses, hand them to me. Thank you for your cooperation," said none other than Marco, Axel's uncle.

The thugs nodded. "Thank you, sir. You've done us a great service as well."

Marco, still in the driver's seat, nodded back. "Go ahead and board your flight. Maurer won't be able to catch you. Be careful, and let me know if you need anything."

"Goodbye, Mr. Marco."

Marco nodded, then drove off at a moderate speed while the battered thugs headed into the airport lobby to catch their flight.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, the former notorious Milan mafia boss stood rigidly before his bodyguards.

The bodyguards kept their heads bowed, none daring to look their boss in the eye.


He slapped one of them, who remained silent despite the stinging on his left cheek.

"Enough, Father. Aurel is fine, no one was hurt," the recently kidnapped girl pleaded.

"Daniel, investigate who dared to kidnap my daughter! Who dares mess with Maurer!" the man bellowed.

Daniel nodded. "You have twenty-four hours to bring me that man's head," Maurer ordered.

Aurel shook her head. "No! There's no need to kill, Father. I don't want any more violence, I beg you." Tears streamed down her face as she clasped her hands together.

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