All Chapters of Greatest Legacy of Awakened Talent: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 chapters
Chapter 11. Heavy Rain in the Forest
Noah went through the forest cautiously. He tried to keep a high alert so that he wouldn't get hurt a lot while walking alone in the middle of the forest, especially lest he be attacked by beasts.Screams of pain could still be heard, echoing off every tree in the forest. However, the intensity had decreased compared to when the cadets finished parachuting.There were several possibilities as to why the screams had subsided. Either the person was dead, or they had been rescued by their team members.Noah encountered several beasts with low abilities, such as goblin beasts, insect beasts, and snake beasts. It was easy for Noah to defeat them, especially when the young man already knew the weaknesses of the three beast.He lifted his head and looked up at the sky. The sun had already slipped to the west, a sign that noon was ending."I need to find shelter before nightfall," Noah muttered.Along the way to finding shelter, Noah collected a lot of firewood that he found along the way to
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Chapter 12. Creature Control
"I heard you managed to defeat Talon. Is it true?" asked Freya's teammate, Noah knew him as Allen."Aren't you from A class?" asked Noah.Allen shook his head. He was from C class, where C class had never had a sparring match with A class. However, news spread quickly among the cadets in the academy, especially about the best cadet being defeated by a loser cadet who couldn't even use magic.Noah had expected the news to spread like a virus through the air so even the cadets in C class would know that Noah had defeated Talon."It seems so." Noah was still standing at the cave entrance, and it was his turn to stand guard in the rain, still falling. The intensity of the rain was not as great as before; only a small trickle remained."No wonder you were able to kill those three beasts," Allen pointed out."I managed to defeat those beasts because I put my training and knowledge of their characteristics to good use. My victory against Talon has nothing to do with my victory against the be
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Chapter 13. Captivity By Lovers
Kira slowly pointed to the stream that flowed right before the cave. The girl explained she had seen a glowing object from within the stream, buried not too deep.Noah, hearing the explanation, felt relieved and calm. If they had gotten the pendant, Noah and Kira needed to continue hiding until the final exam time was over."I thought it was something else, but I was surprised to find out that it was a pendant," Kira replied, releasing her hold on Noah."Now, our job is just to find Susan's whereabouts." Noah returned the precious pendant to Kira, as Kira was the only one with a large backpack behind her back. Kira nodded, accepting the pendant and storing it safely."Did you see where she was?" Noah asked Kira, to which Kira responded by shaking her head.She and Susan parachuted from different planes, also because the screams kept filling the forest, made Kira undo her intention to look for Susan. It was pretty dangerous, according to Kira, if she had searched for Susan's whereabout
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Chapter 14. Last-Day Deal
***The next day.Noah woke up from his sleep, seeing the sunlight beginning to peek out and illuminate the forest. The young man glanced to the side and saw Kira fast asleep on the wooden hut floor, her tiny body wrapped in a blanket.A faint sound came from outside as Noah tried to slowly open the hut's door. The sound made Noah abandon his attempt."We need to find the rest of the cadet team immediately; perhaps they already have the pendant," says someone sternly, like a leader speaking to his men.Noah peered through the hut's window, seeing that the person in question was Caleb. Caleb's team was near the stream, with his teammates and a woman Noah was familiar with, Susan."It's Susan," Noah whispered.The young man poked Kira's leg, causing the petite girl to wake up instantly and look at Noah, who was vigilantly looking out the hut's window."What's wrong, Noah?" asked Kira."Shush!""Caleb's team is near the river," Noah replied.Kira was startled, sat up slowly, stepped clos
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Chapter 15. Rain of Suffering.
After getting the pendant, Caleb returned to his team with a happy feeling. With only three hours left before midnight, Caleb considered staying in the field.Susan was still slumped over, unable to do anything but cover her face with both hands. She sat with Kira beside her, but Susan didn't see any anxious expression on Kira's face."Why aren't you as anxious as I am? We're going to fail this Final Exam, you know," Susan revealed.Kira responded by shaking her head slowly. Her eyes were still forward, looking at Noah's back. Kira didn't feel worried because Noah had a plan for this."Because Noah doesn't want to fail in his ambition to become a Beast Slayer. Just to be clear, he has a plan." Kira moved her head and focused her attention on the side, looking at Susan, w
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Chapter 16. Societal Norms
The rain stopped in the forest, and some cadet teams walked together to arrive at a large field in the middle of the forest. They already knew it was the last checkpoint before the cadets were picked up."Kira!" called Freya, arriving at the field and seeing the short girl near Noah.Kira turned her head to the side, then waved her hand to Freya. A smile spread across Kira's face when she saw Freya had survived this exam. Freya and Kira hugged each other.Allen, who was in the same group as Freya, walked towards Noah and his team members. When he arrived near Noah, Allen couldn't hide his shock at Caleb's condition."Wh-What happened to him?" asked Allen, shocked."A crowd of beasts attacked him. We couldn't help because of t
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Chapter 17. Explosion in City Center
Noah let Kira fall asleep without waking her up. One by one, the cadets arrived at the Main Hall of the London Cadet Academy in various conditions.Some were tired, fit, sleepy, and injured. Only those with minor wounds were allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony; those with significant wounds were immediately taken to a London hospital.Noah glanced back, seeing Freya and her team members arrive. They were seated at the back with a board bearing the team number 12. Freya smiled and waved as she locked eyes with Noah.The mentors sat in a reserved area at the upper podium, with chairs numbered according to their mentoring team, and Natasha was seated among the other mentors.After everyone had gathered, the head of the London Cadet Academy arrived along with a
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Chapter 18. Battle At The Academy of Cadet
Noah and the others left by running on the sidewalks of the city streets. No one wanted to take them to the London Cadet Academy. Even if they took the bus, it would take a longer time due to the heavy traffic.From Noah's and the other's eyes, they saw people scattering to escape the center of the chaos. The distinctive roar of the beast could be heard in Noah's ears just before he arrived at the spot."What the hell is going on? Why would there be a horde of beasts invading the city?" asked Freya, shocked with a pale face and wide eyes.Noah and the others arrived at the intersection that led to the academy. Their eyes witnessed fires and black smoke billowing out of the windows.As Noah was about to walk closer, a Beast Slayer soldier in a black uniform stopped him and his friends."Do not come near the area! It's dangerous for civilians," the soldier emphasized.Noah squinted, seeing the soldiers walking out while carrying the injured ca
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Chapter 19. Regenerating Blood
With a single swing of Natasha's powerful lightsaber, the light of Natasha's blade managed to slice through the beast's body in a diagonal shape. The dangerous shadow beast roared loudly, its body vaporizing as if it was preparing to blow up."Theo, use your fog to contain the beast's explosion!" Natasha ordered, Theo said yes.Natasha took Theo's place to save the instructors who were entangled in chains. Theo was seen gulping down his wine, activating his skill, and spraying the wine forward.The mist appeared so thick that it filled the place. Visibility became limited. Noah could not see the center of the hall carefully.Seeing Theo's talent skill reminded Noah of his small battle with Theo while in the Artemis residence. Theo explained that whatever happened inside
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Chapter 20. Susan's Decision and Samuel's Trust
Noah glanced to the side again, clearly seeing that Natasha The Artemis and Colonel Samuel were staring at him. It made Noah feel awkward, and he shifted his eyes back to Freya and Allen."About the order from Colonel Samuel. What is it?" asked Noah, returning the question he had interrupted earlier."Oh, he said that since we're the only ones here, he wants us to go to the main headquarters immediately to do the administrative stuff," Freya explained."That's right. It's more efficient and effective than sending soldiers to our house," Allen continued."You two should go first, I'll go to the hospital to visit Caleb and Susan first," announced Noah.Noah walked over to Kira, who was still trying to open the displacement port
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