All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
219 chapters
The hot coffee spilled on his shirt and on the hardcover of the documents. Laura immediately dropped the cup to the ground, the file also on the ground. The burns of the coffee was unbearable. The coffee already soaked into his shirt, singlet and his bare skin. " Why are you so clumsy?" He yelled at her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."She immediately started to dust off the wet coffee from his shirt hurriedly. The look of Concern and fear of hurting him is the unintentional crime she just committed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Nicholas looked down at her shirt and his eyes caught beauty. Her shiny hair that shines brighter with the ray of sun reflecting on her. Her lips kept moving with the words " I'm sorry " . Her tiny hands that had the diamond ring on his chest. Her cleavage and the locket placed on it . Nicholas was lost in everything. Her morning face was even more attractive than her Sexy dress up face. Her ears, the silver earrings that sparkled and r
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She regained consciousness an hour later. Slowly opening her eyes to the Ray of sun reflecting on her face . Her head was aching, the last thing she remembered was her standing up and feeling dizzy .She was on the bed with a strange man. His stethoscope was enough to tell who he was .Nicholas was standing by the bedside with his two hands in his pocket. When she blacked out, he was there to catch her on time before falling to the ground. The man finished examining her ... .unlocked his briefcase and packed up something of his instrument;thermometer, the stethoscope and his sphygmomanometer. "She needs rest , she is going through stress . Ensure she uses her medication too."He packed up and left .Laura tried not to make contact with Nicholas ."Use your medications and get rest like the doctor said ".He was already at the door about to go out . "He also said I'm going through stress remember.""I heard that perfectly." "What ab
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When she was done, she had her bath and went back to bed. For a week now, waking up, having her coffee,getting breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed and of course having Petite arguments With Nicholas was her daily dose of a complete day .Neither Tony nor Helen knew about her health. Laura had no idea what was going on with her too .One minute she is okay and the next she is lying helplessly on the bed. Still insisting on avoiding the hospital. She watched the sun rise and go down everyday through the window. She was waiting impatiently for Nicholas to come back. She wanted to confront him with the truth.Not like she didn't like it , she loved it . Immediately Rey came back from work that evening, she had gathered all the strength she had left In her to fight about something so petite. Trust Rey wouldn't let her down with his sharp words and counter attack. "MR Nicholas MACPHERSON, the amazing businessman with Excellent coffee knowledge, welcomed home
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"Mr Macpherson, we got to know that JENNA ORGE was your fiancée before you got married to Laura Olives. If you still had eyes for her, why did you get married to Another woman? " "Why did you think it was important to get married to another when you still have eyes for your ex ?" "Is this something you have always done? Assaulting women? And masquerading to the media like a perfect man?" All these questions Nicholas was bombarded without giving the chance to defend himself. "Does your wife enjoy being Assaulted? Is she not good in bed ? Was that the reason you decided to try Jenna out again? " A man asked from behind all the journalists. He was also one . The question infuriated Nicholas so much, he could use all the insults and derogatory questions against him but he would never accept a word against Laura. How dare you ? Nicholas Yelled out. "I will not accept statements against my wife"... "You c
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"What Is this I'm hearing?" He had a paper; newspaper With him. "You couldn't do your dirty job alone, you had to drag your name through the mold?" He pointed the papers to Nicholas's face . "You have money, you can get any woman you want ,yet you decided to assault one? Not just any woman, Jenna. The same woman you didn't find interesting and worthy anymore. You fool". He threw the papers to the floor angrily . Laura couldn't believe what His father was saying." HE HAS MONEY AND CAN GET ANY WOMAN BE WANTED " Really? She didn't interfere with anything they were saying. In this case she was just an outsider listening to a father and his only son. "Fix this , I will not have you ruin the name I have built for so long. " Nicholas didn't say a word. There was so much tension between the two men. The father was filled with rage, the son was filled with so much built up anger and undigested fury from the conference hall. When He was done, he s
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"I was scared to speak up, Nicholas Nicholas ain't no man any woman should be with. Some people were curious to know why we broke up,I broke up with him because I couldn't take it anymore. He laid his hands on me and forced himself on every chance he got .This might be my last , I don't know what he is going to do next ." After that tweet she made, she disappeared. Which further made the whole internet point fingers at Nicholas for having some to do with her disappearance. Some people even went as far as tagging Nicholas and telling her to leave the Marriage. Jenna was playing and she did that pretty well. She hit him where it hurts. Not just tarnish Nicholas's image but also dragging Nicholas with him.The news reached every nook and cranny of the city. Helen got to know so did Tony and Lucy. Ruth was so busy facing her life problems that she didn't have time for anything but to wallow In dally sorrows. Those were the only family Nicholas had. When
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What If she found Jenna and everything turned out to be one big truth ,what them.? What was she going to do? How was she going to face herself knowing that Nicholas really did it . No, Nicholas can't do that, not to any woman. If he wanted to then he would have done that to her a long Time ago . He could have taken advantage of her since but he didn't. She kept brooding , doubting and clearing doubts. Nicholas was already off so early, these days he was always off early. Earlier than he used to leave. Investigation was still going on to find out the real truth of the issue. If it were left to the public, Nicholas would have been prosecuted immediately after the footage was released. The media was still in search of Jenna to hear her whole side of the story .Just a tweet and the footage weren't enough. THEY needed to hear from the horse's mouth before anything. Well the horse wasn't ready to speak. Nicholas's business was in jeopardy, calling here and there, confer
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Nicholas didn't want Laura to get herself involved in whatever was going on. He could bear the derogatory statements against him but he couldn't bear it when it came for Laura. How she defended him, how she trusted him ,everything she did got to him but he couldn't allow her to get so deep .He couldn't bear her name being dragged Alongside him and Laura wasn't willing to give up anytime soon that he was sure of. Laura wasn't willing to give up everything so soon, even when she knew finding Jenna now would be a really tasking job, she was still ready to take the task. For Nicholas's Reputation she was ready for the worse. Nicholas didn't want her to get herself involved with anything .He wasn't willing to accept that he cared for her and he felt something. He just kept using the contract and authority against her. Laura was stubborn . Nothing he was willing to do or was going to change her mind till she was sure she achieved her goal. Laura was in d
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"Why should I? What could the wife of the Billionaire Nicholas Macpherson want from a common prisoner like me? Huh? I think you are forgetting that your husband stole my freedom away from me and I'm here because of you . You madam you .Just get out." He stood up and was about to leave ."I can get you your freedom ". " You heard me right Steve, I will get your freedom back. Only if you help me "Steve looked at her. What could it be that she wanted so badly that she was willing to get my freedom?"You do know your husband won't agree to my freedom right?" He asked her. "My husband has nothing to do with this . Are you willing to listen or not?" "What is it you want? "He sat back down. "Good. I want all the information you have to provide about Jenna. Her houses, hideout and possible relocation area. ""Relocation area? Are you serious? How am I supposed to know that?""You are her lover aren't you Steve? I'm sure you all have gone
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"Oh my Goodness, what an Amazing surprise. Please do well to come on Mrs Macpherson."She gave a wide smile. A smile that Pissed Laura off." You are so welcoming, thank you ". The two of them were pissing each other off with her rather sarcastic comments and pretentious behaviors. Laura walked in and walked around the large living room surveying everything and anything she could find. The house was lovely. Laura couldn't lie. From the outside look, the house was just a normal Bungalow but the inside? The inside was Luxury. A mini-mansion. The Simple yet sophisticated decoration. The silver shining chandelier, the glass tables, the bar, the High ceilings, layered lighting, minimalist furniture, the white sofa with clean-lined and complex design works, and the GNicholas throw pillows. The colors spoke of warmth and comfort. Indeed a work of art."I bet you like it. Let's cut to the chase, what do you want Laura?"."And oh please have a seat". Jenna offered.
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