All Chapters of RISE OF THE ALMIGHTY HEIR : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
224 chapters
What's Going on?
Author povWith nobody getting to know . The car and the clothes Eli got rid of them all . He told her not to worry and not …… Laura had lived with that guilt for so many years. The clean up was so good that one got a clue about it. Not until today. Laura for so many years tried to forget everything . She was able to suppress the guilt even when she didn't totally forget everything and now Eli was ready to dig the past up with the threat of reporting the incident to the police. He knew he was also going to a part of the fall but if Laura was also going down then he was ready to do anything. Obsessed?yes. Eli was obsessed with that and that obsession grew into something dangerous. Some he had no control. If he was dying in a fire and Laura was also burning beside him , he would lay down peacefully with a smile on his face and watch her die just like me was also dying. That much he was going to Do. When they were still together, he always said something. " The day I die I want to
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Capable of Nothing
Authors povWhat was coming for her was what she knew she won't be able to handle. Nicholas was next to her and it felt like she was in safe haven. Being in his arms filled her heart with much comfort and peace. If she could remain there for eternity then nothing was going to stop her.Laura had no idea how she fell asleep in Nicholas's arms. She remembered resting on his shoulders by the side of the bed now she was on the bed with him still resting on his shoulder. Nicholas didn't sleep throughout the night, he stood watch like a nursing mother making sure her child was okay overnight. So many hours yet his anger didn't subside. Watching Laura crying to sleep only fueled his anger. As early as 7pm , Laura woke up with the faint beep of her phone underneath the thick duvet by end of the bed. The way she jerked up showed how eager and tense she was through the night. The fever and headache she had throughout the night wasn't able to wake her up but the sound of her phone did that
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Eyes on Eli
Author povShe soon stood up and went to the bathroom hurriedly. She was unable to deliver last night, Eli wasn't going to take it lightly if she did the same again. She came out of the bathroom, and met a text message from Eli. Totally different location from the previous one sent the night before. Laura was in a hurry, she had just one hour to get the money to him.She was also tired of giving out money to him. Just like Marc said how? Also Long as she had the money, she was willing to give. She got dressed, black leather pants and a white collar shirt alongside a black leather jacket. She still had the bag of money in her wardrobe, so she brought it out and placed it on the bed. Opened the zippers with confirmation that the money was still intact. When she saw another bag ,a brown bag just like the one she had , only the color was different. Hers was a black bag. The bag dropped on the bed. Laura looked up and saw Nicholas standing in front one hand pocketed . "Here
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Author povLaura's eyes were still widely opened, did she read wrong?Eli ? Nicholas knew where Eli was ? How ? She was still staring at the phone when Nicholas came Into the room standing by the doorside when he Saw Laura with his phone. The looks on herself looked like one of a child that just saw a ghost . She still had some of the documents in her hands,some which she already sorted out. Nicholas had two explanations .; she either just found out about the truth or she knew about the teacher. Laura didn't say a word, she just had the phone in her hands, glancing at Nicholas with tired weary eyes. Nicholas stepped forward with no , looked at her and took the phone from her hand's. He took a look at it and saw the messages.No wonder she had that look on . Walked away from her with the cushion that had his lounge suit on. "Nicholas?.".. Nicholas stopped on hearing her voice . He didn't turn , Laura said nothing further waiting for some kind of explanation because she had to as
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A Coward Like Yourself
Author povAnother then walked again more cautiously as she was getting close to the door . Still looking around and carefully observing the environment. She spent about two minutes from the gate to the dock door. When she got there, she took a quick deep breath and braced herself up for whatever was to come . If truly Eli was there , then what was he doing in an abandoned warehouse house. Even if he couldn't afford an apartment Earlier, then what was he doing with so much money he collected from her .There was no way he didn't have an apartment she thought but maybe her thoughts were wrong too .The warehouse was stuck up with cartons, so many industrial cartons stuck one on top another. There were also a few barrels; iron barrels that smelled like gasoline lying on different corners of the room . The warehouse was deNicholasated with cartons into various parts . So many leads are just like a maze . She was unable to sort Nicholas just like how also the man that was with him. Sh
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The L Word
Author povNicholas leaned on the table with his two hands on the powders. "I'm willing to let you go , totally free as a bird" IF." he said with a raising hard tone. " if you hand over all the evidence you have and I will pay you handsomely. Since you know so much, I'm sure you know how rich I am. Or I could just kill you ; no money, only a straight ticket to burn in hell . So which is which. "What was Nicholas saying? He wants to kill him? Laura was thinking and wishing she could go out and tell him not too. With how badly she wanted to see Eli die ,she was willing to let Nicholas stain his hands with the blood of such a devil, no way. What assurance was he also getting that if he collected the evidence and paid him off he wouldn't come back with more demands in future with fresh evidence. The whole thing was really Giving Laura a hard time." Fuck you you bastard " Eli yelled to his face with his bloody saliva. Nicholas gave him a resounding slap with the powders in his h
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Victory at Last
Author pov"She will die soon, not how I pictured the perfect death but she will die okay. I can leave you to catch up if you want". "ELI!!!!!" Nicholas yelled Standing up and rushing to him not caring about the gun or anything else. He was speaking of death to his beloved. Speaking of death to Laura.ELI knew not when Nicholas pounced on him with a punch that threw the gun away from him. He dragged him closer by the collar of his already Rumpled dress. How dare you? He yelled out to his face. Nicholas's head was shaking with veins coming out from different sensitive parts. His eyeballs burged out, as he spoke with all strength left in him, saliva flew out from different corners of his mouth."How dare you?"Eli's cheeks were on Nicholas's wrist. Squeezing the cigarette out of his mouth He wasn't able to utter a word. Seeing so much hanger In Nicholas's eyes. Nicholas pushed him to the table, he fell flat on the powder, Nicholas punched him so hard, harder than the first p
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Author povThe Fire was spreading out fast. So fast that almost everyone had caught fire. The screaming Eli was mute now. Nicholas rushed over to The already lifeless Laura. Pulled her up with the last strength in him.He carried her on his shoulders, tiredly, in pain but also walked fast to make way out. Immediately they got out of the Dock doors,just a few steps away ,the place blew up. Immediately . The force pushed him a few steps away but he still held on Laura. So strong and determined to save his love;his life he called her.Eli was dead along with the evidence he claimed to have had . Died to never return. He saw sure burning In hell now. Laura was moving. Her pulse was weak. Yet Nicholas didn't stop talking to her. "Please stay with me, please". Two days since the warehouse incident, Eli was finally out of the way. He got what he deserved In the worst way possible. He probably would have still be chilling and enjoying the money Nicholas was willing to offer but
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Minutes Left
Author povThere is always a silver lining in every cloud. Her love for Nicholas was the silver lining. Nicholas on the other hand knew what he felt for Laura now . Seeing her in so much pain awakens a feeling in him. A feeling he never felt in his entire life as a grown man. When he thought he was going to lose her,he felt his whole world would come crashing at his face. Nicholas took a break off work , as long as Laura was still not fully recovered, he wasn't ready to leave her all by herself. Of course there were a lot of workers available to take care of her, but he wanted to do it himself. Laura was finally better, she was fully recovered with the help of Nicholas. Nicholas did nothing to help her recover,the medications did ,but the thought of having him around her during the healing process made it faster .So she thought. Nicholas resumed work. He was also better. Everything had gone back to normal except from their feelings which grew stronger , the way they spoke,
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The Rich
Author povLaura was taken Aback by everything she saw. She was unable to believe it . Her mind wanted to believe it but her heart couldn't. No , she couldn't have seen the right thing. Maybe she read the wrong document or she read wrong. She picked up the file on the floor, slowly and patiently. Glance through the first page like she did earlier, it was the same thing. She flipped through the first, the second and the third. With every glance through each page came a different kind of chest pain. Her mouth was out of Saliva. Her eyes were slowly closing but she tried to keep them open. She dropped the papers On the floor again. She was sure now of what she had read. She didn't make any mistakes, no she didn't . In Fact she read everything correctly .Her whole world came crashing In just a few hours. She wanted to scream and shout, she wanted to pull the tablecloth and rip the dress off her body. She wanted to quench the fire on the burning candles. She wanted to turn
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