All Chapters of The Billionaire Student After Breakup: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
103 chapters
Asher remembered clearly how Alicia smiled, as if what he saw was imprinted in his mind. That smile was so sincere and charming, making Asher's heart race every time he remembered it. Even when he was in a busy meeting room, the image of Alicia's smile still lingered in his mind, giving him quiet encouragement and happiness.The meeting for the hotel opening preparations went smoothly. The large meeting room was decorated with a big projector screen on one side, while large windows on the other side let in the bright morning sunlight. At the long oval table, executives and managers sat close together, debating and discussing passionately.Asher led the meeting confidently, giving directions and listening to input from his team. In front of him was a presentation slide showing the event schedule, guest list, and various logistical details. The atmosphere in the room was filled with enthusiasm and focus; everyone seemed eager to give their best for the much-anticipated hotel opening."W
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Asher left the office just as night fell, revealing the glittering city lights reflecting off the skyscrapers. The streets were busy with rows of passing cars, while hurried pedestrians mingled with those enjoying the warm evening. The sounds of honking horns and low conversations formed the backdrop of the dynamic nightlife.Asher stood in front of a luxurious restaurant located in the city center, waiting for Heinry Rudwick to arrive. This restaurant was famous for its elegant atmosphere and delectable menu, suitable for business meetings or special celebrations. Asher wore a neat black suit, ensuring his appearance was perfect for the evening.Soon, a shiny black car stopped in front of the restaurant. Heinry Rudwick gracefully stepped out of the car, wearing a classy gray suit. He smiled broadly when he saw Asher and walked closer."Mr. Asher, long time no see! Thank you for inviting me tonight," greeted Heinry in a friendly voice.Asher smiled and said, "Can you call me without t
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The opening day of the Celestial Haven Hotel finally arrived. The clear sky and fresh air accompanied this long-awaited event. The grand hotel stood elegantly in the middle of the city, exuding luxury with its elegant facade and stunning decor. In the main hall, high-profile guests began to arrive, dressed in their best attire, ready to enjoy this special occasion.Asher stood near the main entrance, wearing a neat black suit with a dark blue tie. He smiled warmly at each arriving guest, but his eyes were fixed on Aberon, who was also busy greeting important guests with skill.Aberon, with his charismatic appearance, moved swiftly among the guests, ensuring everything was running smoothly. Asher admired his father's charisma and authority."Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Stellee. Thank you for coming," Aberon said, shaking hands with an elderly couple known as prominent real estate entrepreneurs.Asher felt relieved seeing Aberon help manage the situation well. He stepped into the hall adorned
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The night that was supposed to be perfect began to show signs of disturbance when suddenly the lights in the main hall flickered, causing a small commotion among the guests. Asher, still standing on the balcony with Alicia, immediately noticed the problem. He looked towards Kailos, who quickly moved to address the situation inside."What's wrong with the lights?" Alicia asked with a worried tone.Asher shook his head, trying to stay calm. "I don't know, but I'm sure Kailos will handle it."However, the problem didn't stop there. A few minutes later, the sound system used for background music started to crackle and screech, making some guests cover their ears. Asher felt the tension rising around him. He knew that this issue could damage the reputation of the newly opened hotel.Asher immediately walked back into the hall, looking for Kailos, who was busy dealing with problems around. He found him near the stage, talking to a technician."Kailos, what's happening?" Asher asked urgently
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Asher arrived at the mansion at midnight, his body exhausted but his mind still racing with the events of the evening. His steps slowed as he saw Luciana, his mother, still awake.Luciana had changed into black satin pajamas that reached her ankles. Her graceful face looked calm but full of concern."Asher, you're finally home," Luciana greeted softly, her eyes filled with concern.Asher could only manage a faint smile, feeling the weight of his fatigue. Luciana approached, framing Asher's face with her hands, then led him to the living room. Asher’s exhaustion slowly dissipated with the gentle touch and presence of his mother. He followed her steps, walking slowly. Luciana’s graceful movements provided a sense of calm in Asher's mind.After sitting on the plush sofa, Asher looked at Luciana with curiosity. "Mom, you haven’t slept yet?"Luciana shook her head slightly, her smile warm. "I can't sleep until you’re back home. I know the project you're working on is a continuation of your
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Asher descended the carved staircase, his steps steady yet hurried. The aroma of fresh coffee greeted his senses, but that wasn't what was on his mind at the moment. Before heading to the office, there was something important he needed to address.In the dining room, Wilson, the loyal butler and right-hand man of his late father, was preparing breakfast, assisting the other servants. His hair, slightly graying, added a wise aura to his calm face. Seeing Asher approach, Wilson paused his activities and greeted Asher with a warm smile."Asher, good morning. Have you had breakfast?" Wilson asked in a gentle yet attentive tone.Asher shook his head, his eyes reflecting concern. "Morning, Wilson. There's something I need to talk about. For some reason, I haven't felt at ease lately. I want to arrange for some security. I have a feeling something isn't right."Wilson furrowed his brow, his expression turning serious. "I understand, Asher. Security is always a priority. I suggest Joseph as y
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Asher continued to work with unwavering determination, even though the day was filled with pressure. The meeting about the stalled real estate project with Mr. Jonathan was heated. The discussion shifted to the opening of the hotel, which initially did not go well. The atmosphere grew tenser when his uncle, William, deliberately brought up the previous night's events."So, Asher," William said with a sneer, "how are you going to handle the fallout from that disastrous hotel opening? The guests must be talking about it."Asher stared sharply at his uncle, his eyes full of determination. "We have addressed all the issues and ensured that such an incident won't happen again. Our focus now is on providing the best service to our guests."William smirked, satisfied with sowing a bit of doubt in the room. Asher restrained himself from responding further, choosing to remain calm.After the meeting ended, Asher loosened his tie and leaned back in his grand chair. His eyes gazed far away, refl
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Sure enough, Asher received an invitation from the university where he had studied. He was invited as an honorary guest at the graduation ceremony for the class of 23 at his university. The invitation was conveyed that morning, just as Asher was putting on a formal black suit. Kailos had informed him about the invitation, slipping the information in between his routine daily reports.Asher stood in front of the large mirror in his room, staring at his own reflection. He looked impeccable, but his mind was still wrestling with various problems. Behind him, Joseph stood ready, waiting for further instructions."Sir, I have important information regarding the disruption during the hotel opening yesterday," Joseph said seriously, breaking the silence.Asher turned to look at Joseph attentively. Joseph handed over several documents to Asher. "These are the details of the two people involved in the disruption. They are still employees at Dixon Enterprises."Asher took the documents and read
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Asher arrived in his office, his gaze immediately fixated on the two people summoned to account for their actions during the chaotic hotel opening event. The room was filled with a suffocating tension, making the air feel heavy. Asher's steps were firm, each one echoing off the marble floor, adding to the already pressurized atmosphere.Christian and Aaron, the two individuals, sat in chairs facing Asher's large desk. Christian, with his blonde hair tied in a man bun, kept his head down, trying to avoid Asher's gaze. Beside him, Aaron, who was thin and pale, looked anxious, his eyes constantly shifting from the floor to Asher's face.Kailos, who had planned to leave the room, was halted by a single gesture from Asher. "Stay here, Kailos!" Asher ordered in a low but authoritative voice.Kailos nodded and stood near the door, awaiting further instructions. Asher approached the two traitors with a gaze so piercing it seemed to penetrate their souls. Christian and Aaron felt cold sweat tr
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"Always there for you." Somehow, that sentence made Asher feel awkward. He cleared his throat, trying to ease the strange feeling that crept into his mind. His eyes tried to avoid direct eye contact with Alicia. This was the first time Asher had received attention and gentle treatment from the opposite sex. In the past, most of them had looked at him dismissively.Meanwhile, Alicia smiled slightly, enjoying the moment. There was a sense of joy in her heart as she teased the quiet Asher. Since getting to know Asher and understanding who he was, Alicia had felt a strange affection growing for him.Alicia moved to tidy up the remains of Asher's lunch. Then she looked back at him. "Are you hot, Asher?" she asked, noticing Asher's flushed face."Huh?" Asher was stunned, unsure of how to respond. The loosened tie felt unhelpful, and the atmosphere seemed even more stifling. It wasn't because he was hot, but because he was flustered."Isn't it cold? It's winter now," said Alicia, moving her
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