All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
147 chapters
Chapter 129. Find him
Caen, Isona, and Dion gazed at the screen, wondering what Vega had to show them when a video started playing.In the video, a young silver-haired boy could be seen. The boy only looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old at most. The boy was wearing a basic robe, lying on a bed. Machines were connected to him.They observed the video and noticed how the boy seemed like he was being tortured. There were three more people in the room that looked like scientists. The video ended as the boy stopped moving as if he was dead. The Scientists left the room. Some maids came, wrapped the boy in sheets, and carried him outside.Vega removed his hand from the screen as the video ended. Gazing back at his people, he calmly asked,"What did you think about that video?""What was that video? Some scientists doing experiments on a kid, or was it torture?" Caen asked.He continued,"We already know humans are cruel. Nothing new. Why should we care if a kid was killed? Unless... There's something that
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Chapter 130. Next step
"Yeah, The Delta Force of AFP is assigning a lot of their members in Erygas. I believe that it should be for Shawn, Vega explained to Caen."If they think that Shawn might turn up there, then there might be a reason behind it. I need you and your team to go to Erygas and keep an eye there. If Shawn comes there, under no circumstances should he be caught by AFP."Dion also finished reading his file."I need to go to DRF? I get it. I will arrange everything," he commented, agreeing without any questions."Yeah. Shawn was tortured in DRF. He might go there for revenge. We can't ignore the possibility. Since that place will be a warzone if Shawn comes there, I need our strong forces to be there to help him. You will be on standby there." Vega nodded his head."This can be a good method to increase goodwill with him."Isona was pretty silent reading her file. She didn't say anything and simply nodded her head."Good. That's it for today. The file has everything you need to know to carry ou
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Chapter 131. Void Heart
Even though he had S-Rank abilities, it wasn't as easy. Despite having the same S-Rank Super Strength, his strength was nowhere near the level of his father. He didn't even have one percent strength of his father just because his control and experience were lacking. It was a newly gained power.Generally, he shouldn't have been able to use even a fraction of this power without training, but surprisingly he could. It was unclear why it was that way. Maybe because he had seen his parents use their powers previously when they trained. Or perhaps it was something else.Despite only having the fractional strength of his father, his Super Strength was way stronger than any normal human can hope to comprehend, which only showed how strong his Father must have been. That was why his father was called the Strongest Warlock. He was just in a different realm altogether.Shawn was still sitting in a forest, cooking a beast that he had hunted. There was still half a day of distance between him and
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Chapter 132 : Cruelty
Michaelis cowered in the alley, his eyes fixed on the machine's cold, metal body. Its laser eyes had already taken his parents, leaving their lifeless bodies in the street. Now, it had come for him and his sister, Sarah."Please, don't hurt us!" Michaelis begged, his voice shaking as he clutched Sarah's hand. "We won't resist, just spare us!"The machine didn't respond, its gaze fixed on them with an unblinking stare. Sarah trembled beside him, her eyes wide with fear."Michaelis, I'm scared," she whispered, her voice barely audible.Michaelis tried to sound brave, but his voice cracked. "I won't let it hurt you, Sarah. I promise."The machine took a step closer, its metal feet scraping against the pavement. Michaelis and Sarah backed away, but their feet felt heavy, as if rooted to the spot."Stop!" Michaelis pleaded, holding up his hands. "We're just children! We can't harm you!"The machine halted, its laser eyes flicking between them. For a moment, Michaelis dared to hope it would
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Chapter 133. Emissary
Above the chaos on Earth, above the death, screams and pains on Earth, above Earth itself.. a throne room made of countless sparkling stars, which in fact resembled the milky way galaxy, could be seen. Twenty-four beings which could stomp on the Asgardian gods, the Olympians and Egyptian gods like ants sat on chairs made of sparkling stars. Each of these twelve beings had six pairs of wings on their back."Holy! Holy! Holy! is the Lord God Almighty!"Their voice boomed out like thunder. These were twenty-four Elders of Heaven. In front of them were two higher beings.. one looked like a middle eastern young man with long wavy hair which reached his shoulders, he had an amiable smile on his face and his eyes depicted nothing but love and care. Beside him was one whom even the Elders dare not gaze upon. His face was the very definition of the 'Sun' for it shone like a thousand sun. He turned to the Elders."Lucifer's minions has turned my creation against themselves. The thousand years w
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Chapter 134. I am Death.
The Armageddon had torn earth into bits and pieces. Humans were now divided into two factions; 'The Believers' which comprised of Christians, Muslims and anyone who believes in God. Then there's those who call themselves 'The Acolytes', these people have thrown themselves into the arms of Lucifer, they had sold their souls to the Devil and accepted the mark of the beast (666).Recently Acolytes have been performing ungodly rituals to summon higher rank demons into the world. And right this moment, another ritual was about to occur.The occultic acolytes cackled with glee as they bound the family of three with rusty chains. The father, mother, and child struggled and pleaded, but their cries fell on deaf ears.Just as the lead acolyte raised his dagger for the sacrifice, the sky darkened, and lightning illuminated the dark clouds. Thunder boomed, making the ground tremble. The acolytes paused, sensing something was amiss.That's when they saw him - a figure clad in a black biker suit,
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Chapter 135. New Comrade
Michaelis spread his wings, feeling the familiar rush of wind as he soared into the sky. He pierced the clouds, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of distress. His superhuman hearing picked up a faint cry for help, a desperate plea echoing from a nearby mosque.Without hesitation, Michaelis swooped down, his wings beating fiercely as he descended upon the scene. He landed amidst a group of demons, their twisted bodies writhing like snakes as they attacked a group of Muslims praying in peace.The demons, fueled by malevolent rage, had already slaughtered several worshippers, their bodies torn apart by razor-sharp claws. Michaelis charged forward, his swords flashing in the dim light."Detestable Demons of hell.. I am here as a punishment of the Creator, unto you. On this day, I shall descend your foul souls into the bottomless pit," Michaelis declared, his voice like thunder.The demons cackled, their eyes blazing with hatred. "And who are you!?" one of them snarled, lunging at
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Chapter 136. The Challenge
Lucifer, the Morning Star, sat upon his throne, crafted from a single piece of glowing magma. His high-ranking demons, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus, stood before him, their eyes burning with fierce loyalty."The Angel of Death," Lucifer spat, his voice like a crack of thunder. "He's been a thorn in our side for far too long."Beelzebub nodded, his massive frame trembling with rage. "We've tried everything to eliminate this imposter., my lord. But he always seems to find a way to defeat us. He is neither Azrael nor is he Michael, yet he bears the powers of both."Lucifer's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with strategy. "I want to know who he is," he growled. "I want to know what makes him tick."Leviathan spoke up, his voice like a gentle breeze. "We've tried to gather intelligence, my lord. But this Angel of Death is a ghost. No one knows his true identity. Even before Baphomet was descended, this imposter said something confusing, more confusing than when Christians speak in ton
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Chapter 137. The trap is set
Lucifer's disappearance left the Creator and the Archangels with a sense of foreboding. They knew that Lucifer's determination to pursue his own path would lead to devastating consequences."We must act quickly," Michael said, his voice firm with urgency. "Lucifer will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.""I fear we are already too late," Gabriel replied, his eyes filled with concern. "Lucifer's influence spreads like a cancer, corrupting all in its path."*Meanwhile, on Earth, Michaelis, had just slaughtered the occult group who were performing their rituals, now, the Angel of Death, stood tall, his eyes fixed on his latest target - Vepar, a powerful demon who had been terrorizing a small town in the mortal realm."You're a hard demon to find, Vepar," Michaelis said, his voice dripping with malice. "But now that I've found you, you'll pay for your sins."Vepar sneered, his eyes glowing with malevolent intent. "You're no match for me, Angel of Death. I have the power of Lucifer beh
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Chapter 138 : Origin of Maximus
[Author's Note: The following three chapters depicting Origin of Maximus will be written in First Person POV][April 2022]I walked into the half-dark neon light room. There was a long table with three seats on each side. The room was so dark that I couldn't even see myself, let alone the other occupants. I took the only seat available and sat down.I knew why I was here, but they felt I was simply too immature and weak for this mission. I'm the leader of a small mercenary group. Although our number is something is to laugh at, but everyone of us is an elite amongst elites. We have taken way more dangerous mission than any mercenary group in the country.Flanked on my sides were high ranking men and women dressed in dark suits. I had been called to handle a few problem for them.“The Tharros militia are planning to send in reinforcements, we need you to infiltrate their ranks and incapacitate them.” a voice said.I couldn't see their faces but it didn't matter, all that mattered to me
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