All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 141 - Chapter 147
147 chapters
Chapter 139. Reborn as Terror
Ratatatata!Zip! Poof!Gunshots rang in the air as my team and I engaged in a firefight against the Tharros militia troops. Someone must have leaked out information as it seems these guys were waiting for us, and we walked right into an ambush.“I fucken knew this will happen! Never trust the Vorgath government! Bunch of saboteurs!” Risky cursed as he swooped down beside me to dodge a bullet. I had a hunch something like this will turn up, but I didn't expect it to reach such an extent. These Tharros militia group actually brought a battalion to deal with just seven people.. Who the hell comes with three hundred soldiers to deal with seven ex soldiers!“Father! Shall we retreat!?” Erik's voice sounded via the airpod we use.“Negative! Proceed as planned. I will draw their fire, Starlet you do the same, the rest of you plant those bombs in the places we've marked.” I said and moved towards a few soldiers who were busy with setting up for the mortar attack.“I will start by taking out t
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Chapter 140. Revelation
[28th December 2024.]This was the big day. Today's the day my soulmate and I become officially a couple. I couldn't be more happier. I went to the wardrobe and brought out the Italian suit which I had bought just for this day.“Max, dress up, everyone's ready except you.” My Mom shouted from the balcony.“I'll be through soon Mom.” I shoved my excitement aside and wore the suit, combed my hair, and rushed off to the balcony.“Are the cars ready?” I asked Mom.“Keep smiling like that and our soon to be inlaws will think you have a facial disease.” my Mother berated me with a smile plastered on her face.“My boy is finally becoming a man.” she squealed as she cupped my face. Mom was dressed in a silk-satin sky blue evening gown, with a V neckline. This dress code was brought by a very good friend of mine, Queen Esther. “You look gorgeous Mom.” I said, while she blushed.“Stop making this old lady feel young.” she said while smiling.“Hurry up y'all, we're gonna be late.” Erik my son s
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Chapter 141. Plan of attack
I walked into the half-dark neon light room.There was a long table with three seats on each side. The room was so dark that I couldn't even see myself, let alone the other occupants.“BOSS!!” The dark room echoed with the voices of my killer-wolves elite assassins.I created the Killer-Wolves after my Hunt in England, it was formerly called Wardogs Organization, I handpicked and trained the members myself. We've been through countless suicide missions together and they fear nothing and no one. After the Bornu state mission, we upped our game with the millions we were paid with. Now we're amongst the top tier mercenary guilds.“Be seated.” I said as I took the seat which looked more like a throne than an ordinary chair.“I'm sure you all have heard of what happened.” I said, and they all kept mute, waiting for me to continue.“I don't desire pity. I simply want the location and photos of my prey. This hunt is mine and so are the preys.” I said while oozing out darkness magic.“Boss, w
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Chapter 142. Dance of death
*Ratatatata!!**Click click Boom!!*AKs and shotguns kept going off, but they had little or no effect against me. I cleaved the policemen like they were pieces of paper. I was about to head off to the detention room when my danger sense tingled, I sidestepped and placed my back against the wall.*Ratatatata!!* A cop with an Ak blasted the place I previously stood. I spun around and threw a shokuren (ninja star) at him.*Puuok* a bullseye, right on the forehead.“Now these pests have been taken care of, let's go see our prey.” I said as I leisurely strolled towards the detention room.As I got there, I could sense more than one lifeforce, and I could also smell gunpowder, lots of it, and fear. I smiled, it seems not all the pests have been taken care of. I took out three shokuren, held it on my left hand, while my katana on the right hand. I smashed the door down and threw the three shokuren forward while I did a cartwheel to dodge the bullet rain. The shokuren struck a cop on the fore
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Chapter 143. The Executioner
-““Forty policemen were found dead, witnesses say they saw a man dressed in black spandex with two black swords, riding a black power bike. The police suspects this man to be the assassin, and a very skilled one at that. The corpses of the forty police officers were in a grotesque state that it shouldn't be shown to the public. They were butchered like animals. The target of this assassin seems to be a college professor, Mr Emmanuel Olewike. The Commissioner of Police has sworn to find this assassin who calls himself Black Heart.””-I turned off the TV, tossed the remote on the couch and left the room for the bathroom. Hollow Reaper had already gotten me info on the next target. Another college professor, Mr Stanley Kubrick. I don't plan on creating a scene, I'll just kill him in his office.As I turned on the shower, I thought back to the day of my wedding, I could have sworn things were finally going to be perfect for me, only for Fate to fuck it all up for me.*Ring*I heard the do
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Chapter 144. AdditionI’m
“You should leave before someone comes in” I said to the frightened girl. I sighed and then chose to leave the office. She grabbed my arm as I began walking past her. I turned around and stared at her with stern eyes.“Please take me with you. I want to be just like you” she said with sparkly eyes. Okay, that wasn't exactly what I was expecting to hear from her when she grabbed my arm. “You are a murderer, you will pay for your crime.” Yeah sure. “Wait till the police arrive, you can't just leave.” Yeah sure. But the phrase “Please take me with you” and “I want to be just like you” never crossed my mind. My heart softened a bit as I could vaguely guess what she's been through at the hands of school lecturers to harden her heart this way. Sadly I don't think my path is the one she should follow. What she needs is genuine love and care, not blood and knives.“Sorry to bust your bubbles, but I can't” I replied and tried to shake off her hand from my arm, surprisingly it didn't budge.“Pl
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Chapter 145. Checkmate
The four of us had just walked into the station when a police officer came to meet us. I was wearing a black facemask which covered half my face from the nose down to my jaw, and so was Hollow Reaper.“Can I help you Sirs?” the officer enquired unsuspiciously.“Yes officer. My friend here is deaf and dumb. He was robbed on his way home from work. We're here to see the chief to make a personal complaint.” Risky said as he palmed 1,000 notes on the officer's hand. The officer felt the notes and noticed it was a good sum. He grinned.“Right this way gentlemen.” He acted like a valet and guided us towards the chief's office.“Sir. There are three gentlemen who wish to speak with you in private.” The officer said as he poked his head into the office.“Okay. Let them in if they're really important.” his voice boomed from inside the office. The officer nodded and opened the door wide enough for us to go in. Then he saluted the chief and left.“Take a seat and tell me how I may be of help to
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