All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
146 chapters
Chapter 11- Too late to escape
Drake kicked Doctor Calebite's lifeless body and spat. " Yoh, you like that? I guess you belong to the underworld anyway. All you know is wriggle your way through human brains. Ass hole!"As he walked past the lab where Doctor Calebite's body lay, his interface blinked.[Undiagnosed figure approaching. Kindly stay on guard]He pressed a button on his Mecha arm summoning a sharp blade to sprout immediately.> [You have activated a new mode. Will you like to continue? Y/N]" Fucking yes!" Drake screamed. The interface blinked again. It showed a red light. Drake pressed again and again. " Holy shit! What's wrong with you man? I need to get away before those dimwits show up again"[Ding!][System is running low. Current percentage is 5%. Kindly recharge to continue quest][Ding!][System is 4%. To function properly, you need to recharge] Drake kept pressing the button. He rushed to through the many doors that led to the main exit from the facility and got on to the
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Chapter 12- Trying again
Not like this! It couldn't end this way! Not after all that he had endured and his proper planning to escape the facility and rid himself from the clutches of the Germinal Org. "Urghh" he groaned in pain as heat from the ropes seated his flesh, he could literally smell his flesh burning. "Tape that darn mouth!" The voice commanded and soon after some guards came and gruffly slammed tape on his lips, obstructing his protests. The blurry figure grabbed his jaw and turned his face to look at him. "No need to waste whatever little strength you have left in you, it's all over now Z-E-R-0" He threw his face away and walked away towards the supply room where Doctor Calebite had stored his medical equipments and supplies. 'Come on think!' he racked his brain for an escape plan, the system had shut down and needed to charge. That was it for him. It was all useless, all the ideas that he got were useless against his unmoving body. He would have tried talking to the guards but his mou
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Chapter 13: Valkyrie Effect.
Drake stepped over the lifeless body of Marcus, a lackey of the evil scientist who had been obsessed with cutting open his head. His breath came in ragged gasps, his muscles still thrumming with the temporary energy that the Alpha link system had provided him.The sterile, fluorescent-lit lab was now a battlefield, littered with the remnants of shattered equipment and broken machines.He wiped drops of blood from his forehead and turned his attention to the storage room. He knew that Marcus's lackeys were hiding there, probably cowering in fear after witnessing their leader's brutal end. Drake could pick up the faint sounds of their whispers.As he approached the door, his grip tightened on his weapon; a blade. The door creaked open, revealing two men huddled together in terror. Drake's eyes locked onto his targets, and with a swift, decisive motion, he dispatched one of them. The other fell to his knees, hands raised in a desperate plea."Please! Don't kill me!" the man begged, tears
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Chapter 14: The Burgundy Haired Woman
"Hila.." he moaned as he stood up quickly and poised a defensive stance. "What are you doing here?" "Well, that's unfair... It's supposed to be my line" She rushed towards him and gave him a rib-cracking punch square in the chest. ........Commander Hila sat in the lead transport vehicle, her eyes fixed on the horizon. The convoy moved steadily towards the Night Owl, the other test subjects securely transported in the vehicles behind her. She tried to focus on the mission, but her thoughts kept drifting to her sister, held hostage by the Germinal Organization. The image of her sister's fearful face haunted her, a constant reminder of the urgency and stakes of her situation.Her personal communication device buzzed, pulling her from her thoughts. She glanced at the screen. It was a routine update from the laboratory, but something felt off. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was forgetting something crucial."Commander Hila," came the voice of Lieutenant Marcus over the comm.
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Chapter 15: The Truce.
The unexpected declaration momentarily disrupted Hila's concentration. She faltered, her fist freezing in mid-air. Surprise flickered across her face as she processed his words, but only for a second. She quickly regained her composure and resumed her assault, her strikes now tinged with a hint of curiosity and frustration.The laboratory was a fighting scene showing the intense struggle between Commander Hila and Drake. Hila's movements were precise and calculated while Drake tried to match her brute strength, Hila was highly trained and efficient in her combat prowess. Their fight had spilled into the main research area, where glass containers filled with unknown substances lined the walls, and complex equipment owned by the dead doctor Calebite. "Hey, System!" Drake called for his system amidst the battle heat. Ding![Alpha link System is active] "Show me Hila's stats"[Of course]---Name: Commander Hila AtredesTitle: Scourge of the SkiesRank: Supreme Fleet CommanderLeve
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Chapter 16: Again as Allies.
Hila had successfully hid Drake in her secret room, ensuring the security measures were engaged and that they were well-hidden from any potential search parties. Drake, still catching his breath from the hurried escape, looked at Hila with a mixture of confusion and gratitude."You'd be in trouble if the organisation finds out that you're hiding me here, why are you doing this?" He knew why, but he wanted to hear it from her. "Well I don't even know what I'm doing at this point, and I know a lie when I hear one." She pulled an armchair and plumped into it. Hila turned to face him fully, her stern demeanor softening slightly. For a moment, her steely facade slipped, revealing a hint of vulnerability and warmth. She studied his face, taking in his chiseled features, his piercing eyes, and the way his hair framed his face --He was undeniably handsome, a fact that had escaped her notice during the months they had trained together."You may not realize it, Drake," she said slowly, cho
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Chapter 17: lost to darkness
As the sun dipped behind the towering spires of the city, casting long shadows over the sprawling metropolis below, Hila stood on the highest balcony of the Skykeep, a fortress suspended in the heavens. Her heart raced with nervous anticipation as she peered into the gathering dusk, her keen eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of movement.The weight of her decision pressed heavily upon her as she waited for the perfect moment to execute her plan, the key was to unlock her glider that was docked in the 7th Hangar, the Glider is fast and equipped for stealth. If he used the east exit he would get out safely.She remembered the look in his eyes in their last moment reflecting a mixture of determination and sadness. She knew that by aiding his escape, she was committing an act of treason that could cost her everything.As Drake made his way through the fortress, the tension was palpable. Every step he took echoed loudly in his ears, each shadow seemed to conceal a potential threat
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Chapter 18: New Friends!
Drake woke up from the crash, his head still throbbing with pain from the impact. He gritted his teeth struggled to open his eyes, and found himself in an unfamiliar environment, he was lying on a mat in a traditional room with a warm cloth covering his body, he raised his clothes and noticed the unfamiliar fabric on his body. He took a look around in curiosity, where was he? The secret room was dimly lit, with a warm, inviting light. The exposed brick walls had a mix of polished concrete and colourful rugs creating a cosy atmosphere, a very comforting setting in the game; how come he had never come across this setting? He became confused and tried to get up, a sudden pain flashed through his body at the action of nerves hitting against the pain, Drake sat up slowly, every movement sending waves of agony through his body. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself and assess his physical condition. He gingerly touched his forehead, feeling a hardened surface. When he pull
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Chapter 19: New Mission
Drake was left alone in the room to recover, he had successfully made them think that he had lost his memory and he could remember nothing but his name; though a fact surprised him he was healing faster. 'Hey system, show me my stats' Ding![Name: Drake MichaelsonRace: Human/Carbon-based (Yellow)Model: NPC (Countdown to version 1.0 launch: 146 days 9 hours 33 minutes)Level: 30 (Has surpassed current game advancement level, can still proceed with advancement.) Main class: Engineer (Advanced)- Level 30/50 Sub-classes;Civilian: level 21Agent: level 9 (0/25,000Strength: 21Dexterity: 30Endurance: 50Intelligence: 40Mystery: 30Charm: 30Luck: 21Unassigned stats: 30Energy: 120 [Level 3]Level 1 (10) – [Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Endurance +1, Max Stamina +20]Level 2 (50) – [Strength +3, Dexterity +2, Endurance +5, Max Stamina +50]Level 3 (100) – [Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Endurance +5, Max Stamina +100]Health point: 300/400 (undergoing recovery phase)Stamina: 450/500E
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Chapter 20: Victory!
Faceoff? Drake was unsure.Hey System! I can't possibly defeat Isalio in a Face-off now, I'll be blown out. Drake said to the alpha link in his head.«Ding![You have to, it's a new mission.]Drake stared hard at Isalio, wondering about his strength level and stats. He could defeat others easily due to his level but not Isalio, he was a general and was probably way stronger than him and besides he was still recovering from the crash."Ah, I see you are scared" Isalio said bringing Drake back from his deep thoughts."I am no harm to you or your crew" Drake said avoiding eye contact."Who are you?" tell me who you are and I'll reconsider the faceoff, Isalio said with a stern look and not the comfortable smile he had when Drake first met him. Which organisation do you work for?"I would have told you if I knew, I honestly don't know," Drake said taking a step back. Isalio lunged forward towards Drake grabbing him roughly by his shoulder, "Who do you work for? Is it the germ org?"."Germ
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