All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
146 chapters
Chapter 21: Out in the Open
Drake crouched over on the ground, in a few seconds the pain had left him instantly. He was ready to receive another hit from the other fighter before Isalio ordered the fighter to stop and declared the fight over, Drake stood up slowly, wobbling his legs and limping as though he had sustained serious injuries to his body. The other opponents that surrounded them all looked at him. "So he's really weak" "He could not even put up a fight against Kandra and got beat up" "seems he's no fighter" "Pathetic " "Oh, I'm sure he can hear us." Drake could hear everyone perfectly well and they made no effort to even whisper, 'dumb people' he thought to himself, if this was Isalio's strongest fighter then this organisation was on the verge of extinction; because only he could clear them all and the only one he would have difficulty facing was Isalio himself. "Are you doing okay, Drake" Kevin came to support him to walk to an empty mat where he could rest, he nipped the inside
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Chapter 22: Killing a Hybrid.
«Ding! [Alpha link system notification][Player has gained new stats][ +5 Stealth+3 Tactical Awareness+4 Charisma+2 Adaptability+6 Endurance] These were his rewards for earning the confidence of Isalio. Drake had almost nothing to do as he lay in the room and looked up in the sky. He had no personal equipment yet, he thought to look around later or ask Isalio if he could keep any equipment of his choice. The others thought he was in his room recovering from the fight he had with Kandra. He had to spend a certain amount of time here, enough time for any weak person who just got beat up by the strongest fighter. 'Oh damnit!' he groaned and shot up from the bed, he didn't have this kind of time to sit down. He needed to level up!A soft knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. He straightened up, instinctively reaching for the knife he kept under his pillow, but relaxed slightly when he remembered that he was in a safe place. "Drake? It's Maya. Can I come in?" Who wa
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Chapter 23: Mecha-maru.
It was yet another day again, Drake woke up as the morning sun filtered through the window; he got up and rubbed his sleepy eyes, washing up in the bathroom and changing into appropriate clothing. Drake went to scan the library next. The room, a sanctuary of knowledge amid the war's chaos, was filled with shelves that groaned under the weight of old books, tomes, and manuscripts. Drake walked into the library, intent on absorbing as much information as he could with the system. His recent battle with the hybrids had shown him the importance of being not only physically strong but also strategically smart.The library was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of paper as other operatives leafed through books. Drake approached a section dedicated to war strategy and machine crafting. He walked through shelves looking for books; genres ranging from art to fictional stories, wondering why they were inside the game, he reached for an ancient-looking tome titled "Art of Warfare and Strate
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Chapter 24 : maya
Maya, still awestruck by the speed and skill with which Drake had crafted the Energy Blade, couldn't wait to show Isalio. She knew that this level of expertise could be a game-changer for their organization. "Wait a moment while I go get sir Isalio.” Without hesitation, she ran out of the room."Isalio, you need to see this," Maya said, her voice barely containing her excitement. "Drake has done something incredible in the old storage room, come with me."There was a brief pause before Isalio's voice crackled. "Lead the way."Within minutes, Isalio and Maya appeared at the doorway of the unused room. His eyes narrowed as he took in the clutter and disrepair of the space, it brought back memories to him, his brother used to sit in the middle of this same room; fixing machines until he was taken away from him, and he fisted his palms at the thought. Maya motioned for him to come closer, leading him to where Drake stood, the Energy Blade still glowing faintly in his hand."Drake, show h
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Chapter 25: The Calm Before the Storm.
The first light of dawn seeped through the cracks in the old mechanical house, casting a dim glow on the array of mechanical parts and weapon prototypes scattered around Drake's workspace. The air was thick with the scent of oil and metal, a now familiar aroma that Drake had recently found to be oddly comforting. He had spent all of the night refining and crafting new weapons without any hint of exhaustion, determined to ensure the team's success in their next mission. Drake wiped the sweat from his brow and surveyed his work. Laid out before him were various new weapons: plasma rifles, EMP grenades, and energy blades. Each one had been meticulously crafted, incorporating the latest advancements in hybrid combat technology.«Ding! [Alpha Link System Notification] [ -Weapon Creation Complete] [- Plasma Rifles:] [- Damage: +30] [- Range:+25 [- EMP Grenades] [- Effect: Disables electronic components within a 20-meter radius - Duration: 5 minutes - Energy Blades: - Damag
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Chapter 26: Man V. Beast.
With every passing second, Drake's health points were ticking down. He could feel his stamina waning, each breath becoming a laborious effort. The hybrid leader, sensing its prey's momentary weakness, pressed its advantage, lunging at Drake with renewed ferocity."Stay calm, Drake," he muttered to himself, focusing on the creature's weak points.The hybrid leader swung again, and this time, Drake deflected the blow with his energy blade, sparks flying as metal clashed against metal. He countered with a series of rapid strikes, aiming for the creature's damaged joints.Despite the pain and exhaustion, Drake fought with a desperate determination. He ducked and weaved, using every ounce of his training to stay one step ahead of the hybrid leader's attacks. But the creature was relentless, its strength and speed pushing Drake to his limits.A particularly savage swipe from the hybrid leader knocked Drake off his feet, sending him crashing into a pile of debris. He struggled to rise, his
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Chapter 27; Infiltration.
Drake woke up back at the base, his eyes opening slowly to the dim light filtering through the curtains. He blinked a few times, his vision blurry, before the room came into focus. He recognized the familiar surroundings—his room at the base. As his senses sharpened, he felt a dull ache all over his body and noticed the tight bandages wrapped around his torso and limbs.Beside him, Maya was slumped on the floor, her head resting on the edge of his bed. She had probably fallen asleep while tending to his injuries. A bowl of water and a cloth lay in her hand, now motionless. Her face looked pale and exhausted, her hair dishevelled from hours of worry and sleeplessness.Drake attempted to sit up, wincing as pain shot through his body. He groaned softly, trying to piece together what had happened. The memories came flooding back in fragments—the hybrid leader’s attack, the desperate struggle, and the moment he had blacked out. He remembered Isalio’s fierce battle with the hybrid and Maya’
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Chapter 28 : The Hybrid Onslaught
Drake lay back, staring at the ceiling. He knew Isalio was right, but the thought of his friends fighting without him gnawed at his insides. The memory of the hybrid leader’s near-fatal attack played over in his mind, the creature’s grotesque form and terrifying strength. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed to be out there, fighting alongside his comrades.Ignoring the throbbing pain in his side, Drake swung his legs over the edge of the cot and stood up, wincing as he moved. The system’s healing had given him strength faster than any normal recovery, and he felt almost ready to take on the hybrids again. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do.He moved to the storage locker in the corner of the room, his movements slow and deliberate. Opening it quietly, he grabbed a small dagger and slipped it into his belt. He glanced around the room, making sure no one was watching, and then stepped out into the corridor.Drake moved silently through the hall
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Chapter 29 : «Ding!
[Player has 3 minutes left] He needed to act fast, he could already sense that the hybrid leader had locked its focus solely on him. Isalio hadn't spotted him yet as he was immersed in his battle and was on the lookout for his other fighters. Maya and Kevin were struggling, if they continued to fight alongside him they would only slow him down. "Kevin! Maya! Stand back, this is my battle". Drake hooked his battle stance as he also looked into the Hybrid's eyes. "We can't leave you to fight this thing alone" Maya disagreed with him, her newly found care for Drake was beginning to irk him. "You would only slow me down Maya" he glanced at her shortly and gave Kevin a short nod, he understood. "Go find another toy to play with, this one is mine" he gave a psychotic grin. Making the duo shiver as they left him to do his thing. 'Alpha link system!' he summoned in his mind. [Alpha link system is active] 'I need my lightweight mechanical arm, I have found the perfect dummy to
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Chapter 30 : getting new rewards
Drake stood panting, towering over the hybrid leader he had just defeated. The battlefield was a grim panorama of destruction, the air thick with the scent of blood and the acrid tang of burnt metal. The hybrid leader, lay at his feet, lifeless and twisted. The battle had been brutal, pushing Drake to the very limits of his endurance and skill.As the adrenaline began to subside, Drake felt the familiar surge of power as the alpha link system activated. «Ding! [Mission complete!] [The Alpha Link System will now Reward the player] Drake's neural interface lit up, showcasing the rewards of his hard-fought victory. The system awarded him stat points and integrated the hybrid leader's most formidable parts into his cybernetic framework. The enhancements were both physical and cognitive, providing a significant boost to his overall capabilities. [Stat Points:] [Strength: +20 Agility: +15 Endurance: +25] [Enhanced Optics System: Multi-Spectral Vision: Allows the player to see
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