All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
146 chapters
Chapter 31 : team work
"Drake!" Maya's urgent voice cut through the silence as she ran toward Drake. Maya and Kevin rushed to his side, their faces etched with concern."Drake!" Maya exclaimed, kneeling beside him and checking for signs of life. "Stay with us, Drake. You're going to be okay." Kevin placed a reassuring hand on Drake's shoulder. "Hang in there, buddy. We got you."Drake's vision blurred, and he could barely hear their voices. The alpha link system's interface flickered in his mind, displaying alerts and status updates. He was aware of the enhancements, the new strength and abilities coursing through his veins, but at that moment, all he could feel was the overwhelming exhaustion. The other fighters stood rooted in their places. They had seen Drake take down the hybrid leader and fend off the remaining hybrids with incredible prowess. Now, seeing him vulnerable, a sense of uncertainty crept in.Isalio broke the silence. "Kevin, take him to the room. Maya, keep an eye on his vitals. We need t
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Chapter 32: Amongst Us.
Drake lay in his room, feeling the strength slowly return to his body. The alpha link system had done its work, healing him faster than normal NPC recovery. Maya and Kevin had been diligent in their care, ensuring he was comfortable and monitored. Hours passed, and Drake began to feel like himself again. One morning, Drake woke up feeling significantly better. He sat up, his muscles no longer aching as they had before. The room was quiet. He decided it was time to get back to his duties.Swinging his legs over the side of the mat, he stood up, a bit unsteady at first but quickly finding his balance.He walked to the small adjoining bathroom, where a mirror reflected his dishevelled appearance, there were fading scars from the previous fights he had engaged in, and a long scar was visible from his collarbone to his waist. It was going to be a mark of honour for him, a strong man, he smiled as he admired them, his entire outlook had changed; Facial hair was now pronounced and his ent
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Chapter 33; The Mole Among Us
The three of them moved to a more secluded spot in the hideout to discuss their plan. The lack of advanced technology meant they couldn't rely on surveillance or digital records; they would have to use their wits and instincts."Here's what we need to do," Drake began. "We'll each take on different tasks to gather information. Maya, you'll check the medical records and speak to anyone who might have noticed strange behaviour. Kevin, you'll look into the access logs and see if anyone was out of place during the attack. I'll speak to key team members and gauge their reactions."Maya and Kevin nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew this wouldn't be easy, but their trust in Drake's abilities was unwavering. Drake's first stop was the training area, where he found Selene practising her combat skills. He approached her, keeping his tone casual. "Hey, Selene. Got a minute?"She paused, wiping sweat from her brow. "Sure, Drake. What's up?""I've been thinking about the
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Chapter 34: Zero's Past.
"Kevin, stay with Maya." He instructed. Drake's eyes narrowed with determination. He stood up, his gaze fixed on Riley, who was inching toward the exit. Without a moment's hesitation, Drake lunged at him, catching Riley off guard. Drake's powerful tackle slammed Riley against the wall, knocking the wind out of him. Riley recovered quickly, though, and pushed back, grappling with Drake. The two men exchanged fierce blows, each struggling to gain the upper hand."Why, Riley?" Drake demanded between punches, his voice filled with anger and betrayal. "Why did you do it?" Riley didn't answer, his face contorted with effort as he fought to free himself from Drake's grip. The struggle was intense, with both men using every ounce of their strength and skill. Riley managed to land a solid punch to Drake's ribs, causing him to stagger back momentarily. But Drake was relentless. Ignoring the pain, he charged forward again, catching Riley around the waist and lifting him off his feet. With
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Chapter 35: Zero's past resurfaces.
Drake, Maya, and Kevin stood before Isalio in the command centre. The weight of their revelation hung heavy in the air. Isalio, with a stern expression, listened intently."We discovered that Riley was an imposter. He was working for an organization called Germinal." Drake began. Isalio unconsciously shot up from his sitting position and slammed his hand through the wall. "Germinal? Are you certain?"Drake nodded, maintaining his composure after being momentarily shaken by his outburst. "He confessed it before... before I had to stop him. He was here to infiltrate and sabotage us."Drake stood, his heart pounding. “What’s going on?”Maya felt a surge of panic but tried to keep his composure. “We were just trying to understand what’s going on. There’s so much we don’t know.”Isalio's gaze softened slightly, but there was still a stern edge to his voice. “I understand your curiosity, Drake. But there are things about Germinal that are better left alone. This isn’t just about uncovering
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Chapter 36: Drake the Destroyer
Drake sat cross-legged on the rough mat, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the cold, damp walls of his room. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each more troubling than the last. He had managed to deceive Maya and Kevin, concerning the name "Zero." But he knew better. Zero was not just a name; it was his original name, the one he was transmigrated into; from a past he had tried desperately to leave behind. As he contemplated the precariousness of his situation, the Germinal organization loomed large in his thoughts. They were relentless, their network of spies growing ever more intricate in their efforts to hunt him down. He couldn't afford to leave the hideout yet; the risk was too great. But he couldn't remain idle either. He had to make himself useful to Isalio and the shadow organization, the only ones who had offered him refuge and a chance at redemption.'hey, system!' He called out for his companion. 'What are my added stats and comp abilities, I want t
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Chapter 37: Rescue Mission.
Hila's POV Hila paced back and forth in her quarters, her mind racing with the intricacies of the plan she was about to set in motion.It had been weeks since Zero's escape and she was still yet to go through with her rescue operation, all eyes were on her and her team since she snuck him out of the base, it was even hard to breathe freely in the past few days but the tension had calmed a little; creating a perfect opportunity to go through with the plan. As a high-ranking officer within the Germinal Organization, she had access to some of the most advanced quantum technology available, a resource she would need to exploit fully if she was to save her sister, it would be very difficult for her to infiltrate the night owl but it would be easier if she would be taking advantage of the organisation's resources.On the surface, she continued to play the role of a loyal commander, ostensibly overseeing the search for Zero, but in reality, every action she took was calculated to free her
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Chapter 38; Hila's Plan-1
Hila sat alone in her quarters, the faint glow of the desk lamp illuminating the blueprints and documents spread out before her. Her mind was razor-focused on a single objective: rescuing her sister from the Night Owl faction. This mission was too personal and too critical to involve anyone else. She trusted no one but herself, her mission to rescue her sister from the Night Owl faction required more than just courage; it required meticulous planning and precise execution. She had to gather as much information as possible about the Night Owl base to devise an effective rescue plan. The base was full of danger, and any misstep could be fatal.Late at night, when the base was at its quietest, Hila slipped out of her quarters. She wore a dark, form-fitting suit designed to blend into the shadows. Her steps were silent, her movements calculated. She had one objective: find and download the base's blueprints and security details.The Germinal Organisation's base was heavily fortified, wit
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Chapter 39- Hila's Plan -2
Hila arrived at the designated facility with a dual purpose.The facility, located in a remote area, was heavily guarded but not impervious. Hila's status as a commander of the Germinal Organisation granted her access. She moved through the gates with an air of authority, greeting the guards and supervisors with a nod.Once inside, Hila was met by Dr. Larkin, the facility manager. "Welcome, Commander Hila. We've been expecting you for the inspection," Dr. Larkin said, shaking her hand."Thank you, Dr. Larkin. Let's proceed," Hila replied, her tone remained professional.They began with a tour of the facility. Dr Larkin pointed out the key areas: the main control room, the research labs, and the security hubs. Hila took mental notes, marking potential locations where she could plant a bug.As they reached the control room, Dr. Larkin explained, "This is the heart of our operations. From here, we monitor and control all activities within the facility."Hila nodded, appearing genuinely i
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Chapter 40: Visiting Alyssa.
Hila sat in her quarters, her heart heavy with anticipation and dread. The Germinal organization had finally granted her permission to visit her sister, Alyssa, at the Night Owl facility she had carefully masked her true intentions, to gain this opportunity. Hila knew she had to make the most of it.Before her departure, Hila meticulously reviewed her plans. The blueprint of the Night Owl facility lay spread out on her desk, annotated with notes and strategies. Her tablet, loaded with data she had obtained using Doctor Calebite’s bug, displayed a series of security protocols she had to bypass. She couldn’t afford any mistakes.Hila packed a small bag with essentials, including a hidden communicator and a few small tools that might come in handy. She also included a vial of a sedative, a contingency for emergencies.As the sun began to set, Hila was escorted to her glider by a squad of Germinal troops. The journey to the Night Owl facility was long and winding, passing through remote a
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