All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
146 chapters
Chapter 41- Mission Success.
She began by donning her combat suit, a sleek, black ensemble designed for stealth and mobility. Every piece of equipment she strapped on had a purpose: a compact but powerful pistol, a set of lock-picking tools, and a few small, high-explosive charges. Finally, she clipped on a utility belt filled with various gadgets and a small, encrypted communication jamming device for bypassing the Night Owl's security.Hila took a deep breath, steeling herself for the task ahead. She couldn’t afford any mistakes. She checked her gear one last time, ensuring everything was in place. She slipped out of her quarters, moving silently through the darkened corridors of the Germinal organization’s base.She avoided the main hallways, sticking to the shadows and using her intimate knowledge of the facility to navigate around the patrols and security cameras. Her training and experience paid off as she moved with the grace and precision of a shadow, unseen and unheard.Reaching the perimeter fence, she
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Chapter 42: The cabin, Rosa
Later that night, as Hila and Rosa sat by the fire discussing plans, Rosa suddenly looked serious. "Hila, I need to tell you something. There’s been increased activity in the area lately. I think Germinal might be expanding their reach."Hila frowned. "You think they’re getting closer?"Rosa nodded. "It's just a hunch, but we need to be prepared. I’ve set up some early warning systems around the perimeter. If anyone gets too close, we’ll know."Hila felt a chill run down her spine. The safe house had always been a sanctuary, but now it seemed even this place might not be beyond Germinal’s reach. She looked at her sister, sleeping peacefully for the first time in months.Over the next few minutes, Hila and Rosa worked tirelessly to fortify the safe house. They reinforced the windows and doors, set up additional traps and alarms around the perimeter, and stockpiled more supplies. Hila knew they couldn’t stay hidden forever, but she was determined to buy as much time as possible for Alys
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Chapter 43: Hila's Determination..
................ She moved quickly and silently to her desk, where she had hidden her portable device. It was time to cover her tracks. With ease, she connected the device to the secure network, her fingers flying over the keyboard.She accessed the security footage from the night of Alyssa’s rescue, meticulously erasing all traces of their presence. Each frame was replaced with looped footage of empty hallways and unoccupied rooms. It was as if they had never been there.Just as she was finishing, an alert flashed on her screen. An alarm from a surveillance drone that had followed her from the Night Owl. Her eyes almost missed it, but she thanked her stars she saw it. Panic surged through her veins momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure.She accessed the drone’s data, tracing its commands. It had been transmitting real-time data back to the Night Owl facility. Hila's jaw tightened. She isolated the drone's memory files, deleting all stored footage. She then issued a com
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Chapter 44: General Muerte
The office of General Muerte was a fortress of authority and intimidation, a dark sanctuary where power was wielded with ruthless precision. The room was shrouded in perpetual twilight, the heavy drapes drawn tightly over the tall windows, allowing only the faintest hints of daylight to seep through. This dim ambience was punctuated by the occasional glint of light reflecting off the array of ancient weapons and advanced quantum technology that lined the walls—each a testament to Muerte’s numerous victories and conquests. Behind a grand, intricately carved desk sat General Muerte, a figure whose mere presence could command silence and obedience. The desk, a relic of a bygone era combined with modern enhancements, was adorned with meticulous stacks of reports and documents, all organized with military precision. Muerte himself was an imposing figure, his broad shoulders and chiselled features giving him an almost statuesque quality. His eyes, sharp and unyielding, were the eyes of a m
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Chapter 45: Incognito Search.
Muerte, a formidable figure with sharp, calculating eyes and a scar across his left cheek, sat at his desk, fingers steepled as he contemplated the latest developments.He pressed a button on his intercom. "Send for Lieutenant Marcus," he commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority and urgency. Lieutenant Marcus, meanwhile, was in the war room back at the laboratory base, reviewing the latest surveillance footage and status reports with his team. When a young officer approached him, saluting sharply, Marcus looked up, his brow furrowed with concern."Lieutenant Marcus, General Muerte has requested your presence in his office immediately."Marcus's eyes widened slightly. It was unusual for the General to summon someone personally, especially without prior notice. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind. Had they discovered something new about Zero’s disappearance? Was there a new threat? Or had he somehow failed in his duties?"Thank you, Private," Marcus said, nodding. H
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Chapter 46: Where is your loyalty?
Lieutenant Marcus stepped out of the transport vehicle, his boots crunching on the gravel as he made his way back to the base. The journey from the Night Owl had been long and silent, giving him quite the time to ponder on the disturbing revelations and daunting tasks ahead. His thoughts were a chaotic whirl of scenarios, possibilities, and unanswered questions.The base's stark, utilitarian buildings loomed ahead, a stark contrast to the Night Owl's clandestine and ominous atmosphere. As Marcus walked through the gates, the familiar sights and sounds of the base brought a fleeting sense of normalcy, quickly overshadowed by the gravity of his mission.His first stop was his quarters. Marcus needed a moment to gather himself, to process the General's orders and the implications of Alyssa's disappearance. He sat on the edge of his bed, running a hand through his hair, replaying the conversation in his mind.The General's words echoed ominously: "Find Alyssa. Root out any traitors. And b
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Chapter 47: Relax.
The tension in the room was palpable. The long mahogany table, usually a symbol of unity and strength, now served as a barrier between opposing viewpoints. General Muerte sat at the head, his expression stern and contemplative. Around him were the key members of the Germinal Organization’s board, each with their concerns and suspicions about the recent disappearance of Alyssa.The dim lighting and the muted hum of the air conditioning did little to alleviate the heavy atmosphere. The board members exchanged glances, some wary, others resolute. The stakes were high, and any misstep could lead to disastrous consequences.General Muerte broke the silence, his voice steady and authoritative. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to address a critical issue. Alyssa, Commander Hila’s sister, is missing. This incident has the potential to destabilize our operations if not handled with the utmost discretion.”Colonel Graves, a grizzled veteran with a reputation for bluntness, leaned forward. “Ge
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Chapter 48: Anomaly?
Hila’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening slightly in genuine surprise.She knew that no such anomalies should have been logged; she had been meticulous. She managed to keep her voice steady, though the flicker of alarm was momentarily visible.“Anomalies, General? I was not aware of any such issues. My jurisdiction is the laboratory facility, not the Night Owl. My presence there is strictly to visit my sister.”Muerte’s eyes narrowed slightly, catching her reaction. “Yes, that’s correct. However, given your visit coincided with these anomalies, I thought it prudent to inquire.”Hila felt the weight of his scrutiny intensify. “I understand, General. I can assure you that I did not notice anything out of the ordinary. If there were anomalies, there may be technical issues.”Muerte nodded slowly, his gaze unwavering. “Perhaps. But you understand, Commander, we must investigate every possibility. Security is paramount, after all.”“Of course, General,” Hila replied. “I’ll cooperate
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Chapter 49: New orders.
Drake's POVDrake stood at the entrance of the Shadow Base, taking in the changes that had occurred during his absence. The base had undergone significant upgrades, and its new outlook was a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. Drake had played a crucial role in the rebuilding efforts, lending his skills and strength to ensure that the base was not only restored but also fortified against future threats; most of which would come from the Germinal. The Shadow Base now boasted reinforced walls and upgraded defences. The exterior had been fortified with a combination of steel and composite materials, making it nearly impervious to both physical and energy-based attacks against future hybrid attacks. Advanced surveillance systems were installed, providing 360-degree coverage and ensuring that no movement within a mile of the base went undetected.The interior had been revamped as well. New training facilities equipped with the latest technology allowed for mo
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Chapter 50: Gathering Supplies
Drake left the briefing room with urgency. The mission ahead was crucial, and he needed to be at his best. He headed to his quarters to change into appropriate attire for the journey.Entering his room, Drake closed the door behind him and leaned against it for a moment. The weight of the mission pressed heavily on his shoulders. He knew that crossing paths with the Germinal Organization was a significant risk. As a wanted criminal by Germinal, he had to be especially cautious. The thought of potentially getting caught and sidetracked by Germinal forces gnawed at him, but he wouldn't let fear dictate his actions.He walked over to his closet and selected his gear: a reinforced tactical suit designed for maximum mobility and protection, lightweight yet durable. He strapped on his combat boots, holstered his weapons, and secured a utility belt around his waist. Every piece of equipment had a purpose, and he made sure everything was in its place.As he adjusted his gear, frustration bubb
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