All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
146 chapters
Chapter 50: Gathering Supplies
Drake left the briefing room with urgency. The mission ahead was crucial, and he needed to be at his best. He headed to his quarters to change into appropriate attire for the journey.Entering his room, Drake closed the door behind him and leaned against it for a moment. The weight of the mission pressed heavily on his shoulders. He knew that crossing paths with the Germinal Organization was a significant risk. As a wanted criminal by Germinal, he had to be especially cautious. The thought of potentially getting caught and sidetracked by Germinal forces gnawed at him, but he wouldn't let fear dictate his actions.He walked over to his closet and selected his gear: a reinforced tactical suit designed for maximum mobility and protection, lightweight yet durable. He strapped on his combat boots, holstered his weapons, and secured a utility belt around his waist. Every piece of equipment had a purpose, and he made sure everything was in its place.As he adjusted his gear, frustration bubb
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Chapter 51: Almost spotted
As they walked through the bustling supply market, Drake's hand still firmly holding Maya's, the sights and sounds of the lively environment enveloped them. Merchants shouted their wares, adventurers haggled over prices, and the aroma of food and spices filled the air. It was a chaotic symphony, one that Drake navigated with ease and familiarity.They approached a stall that caught Maya's eye. It was filled with various gadgets and trinkets, items that could be useful for their mission. Maya's gaze lingered on a small but intricate mechanical device, something that could potentially be used to enhance their communications system back at the base."Look at this," she said, letting go of Drake's hand and stepping closer to the stall. She picked up the device, examining it with interest. "This could be useful."The merchant, a rotund man with a shrewd look in his eye, watched her closely. "Ah, you have a good eye, miss. That there is a rare piece. Very valuable."Maya raised an eyebrow,
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Chapter 52: ZERO
As soon as the glider touched down smoothly on the landing pad, Drake and Maya quickly began unloading the supplies. The rest of the fighters, alerted by the sound of the landing, came out to join them. There was a sense of camaraderie and efficiency as everyone pitched in, forming a chain to pass the supplies into the storage room. The atmosphere was lively, filled with the buzz of conversations and the occasional laugh.Drake was busy lifting a heavy crate when he noticed Kandra approaching. Kandra was a tall, muscular fighter with a perpetually stern expression. Ever since Drake had arrived at the base, Kandra had been one of the few who seemed uncomfortable with his presence. Drake could sense the tension whenever they were in the same room, a silent rivalry that had yet to come to a head.As they moved the last of the supplies into the storage room, Kandra stepped forward, blocking Drake's path. The room fell silent as everyone sensed the impending confrontation."Drake," Kandra
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Chapter 53: Out in The Open
"Well, well, what do we have here?" the soldier said, his voice dripping with mockery. "We were searching for Alyssa, and look who we stumbled upon instead. Hello there, Zero."Drake felt a chill run down his spine at the use of his old codename. It had been a long time since anyone had called him that. The realization hit him hard—his past had finally caught up with him.The soldier's words drew the attention of the other Germinal soldiers, who turned to face Drake. The scarred man stepped forward, his eyes glinting with malice. "You thought you could run, Zero? Thought you could hide? We've been looking for you for a long time."Drake clenched his fists, he knew that he had been exposed; who would have thought that all this while after playing dumb he was affiliated with the same Germinal organisation he had pretended not to know of; the whole rush of emotions felt all too foreign to him, he couldn't place it. The shadow base members stood frozen in shock, their eyes wide with di
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Chapter 54: Bypassing Authority
In the dimly lit room once occupied by Riley, the air was thick with dust and the scent of neglect. It had been months since Riley's passing, and the room had remained untouched as a silent testament to his memory. Shadows danced on the walls, cast by the flickering lights overhead, creating an eerie, melancholic atmosphere. One of the members of the shadow base, Liam, was tasked with cleaning and clearing out the room. As he moved through the space, his mind wandered, thinking about Riley. He had been a skilled fighter and a trusted comrade, someone who had given his all for the cause. The room was filled with remnants of Riley's life—old books, training gear, and personal trinkets that held little value to anyone but Riley himself.Lost in thought, Liam nearly missed the small, strange device lying on the floor, half hidden beneath a pile of old clothes. He bent down and picked it up, turning it over in his hands. It was sleek and black, with a single button in the centre. The desi
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Chapter 55: Permission Granted
Lieutenant Marcus made his way back to the communication room, his mind racing with the implications of what he had just done. The dimly lit corridors of the Germinal Organization's underground complex seemed to close in around him, amplifying the sound of his footsteps. He could feel the lingering fear gnawing at the edges of his resolve. Disobeying direct orders was not something he took lightly, and the thought of the possible repercussions weighed heavily on his mind.As he entered the communication room, the technician looked up expectantly. "Did you inform the commander?" he asked.Marcus shook his head. "No. We're going directly to the general with this."The technician's eyes widened in surprise but he quickly nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Marcus took a deep breath and approached the console. He dialled the secure line to General Muerte's office. The screen flickered to life, displaying the Germinal Organization's emblem as the connection was established.
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Chapter 56
The soldier continues his taunting, his voice a harsh whisper in the tense air. "Look at you, Zero. Reduced to hiding in a pit with these misfits. Did you really think you could escape the Germinal Organization forever? You're better off dead like you were meant to be, but luckily for you, we were given the order to bring you back alive." He spat. As he spoke, his eyes flick to Maya. Without warning, he lunges and grabs her gruffly, pulling her close and pressing a knife to her neck. Maya's eyes widen with shock and fear, her breath catching in her throat. Drake feels his heart pound in his chest, a sudden surge of rage threatening to overwhelm him."Let her go!" Drake shouts, stepping forward instinctively.The soldier tightens his grip on Maya, the blade pressing harder against her skin. "Ah, ah, ah," he sneers, eyes glinting with malice. "One more step, and she gets a new smile. Here's the deal, Zero: you come with us silently, or she dies right here, right now."Drake's mind race
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Chapter 57: Sound of Silence.
Maya steps forward, her concern evident on her face. "Are you okay?" she asks softly, her voice the only sound breaking the stillness. She reaches out, her hand almost touching his arm, but she pulls back at the last moment, uncertain.Drake nods, his eyes scanning the faces around him. "I'm fine," he replies, though his voice is strained. The weight of the confrontation and the revelations about his past as Zero hung heavily on him.Apart from Maya, nobody says anything to him. The Shadow soldiers avoid his gaze, their silence louder than any words could be. Isalio, who he wanted to hear something from the most, stands off to the side, his expression unreadable. He watches Drake but doesn't approach or offer any words or questions whatsoever.The silence is deafening. Drake feels the isolation creeping in, a familiar feeling from his days on the run. He knows that his past has cast a shadow over his present, and the trust he had started to build with the Shadow soldiers is now strain
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Chapter 58: Good-byes
Kandra took a deep breath, his expression hardening as he looked at Drake. "Drake," he begins, his voice firm and resolute, "I appreciate your honesty, but we can't allow you to help with the preparations any longer." The room is thick with tension as Kandra and Maya stand facing each other, their disagreement pulling the attention of everyone around them. The recent invasion by the German soldiers has left everyone on edge, and now the argument is centred on what to do with Drake.Kandra's voice is the first to break the silence. "He needs to leave," he declares, his tone resolute. "Drake's presence here puts us all at risk. The Germinal Organization found us because of him."Maya steps forward, her eyes blazing with anger. "You can't just throw him out, Kandra. Drake has been nothing but loyal and helpful since he got here. We need him."Kandra scoffs, shaking his head. "Loyal? Helpful? He’s a wanted criminal! By keeping him here, we're painting a target on our backs. We’re endange
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Chapter 59: Not Good-byes
Drake stands outside Kevin's door, his hand hovering over the doorknob. He hesitates, his mind racing with thoughts of their friendship and the memories they've shared. The decision to leave is already made, but the emotional toll is heavy. He takes a deep breath, trying to steel himself for what he knows will be a difficult goodbye.Finally, he turns the knob and steps inside. The room is exactly as he expected—cluttered with scattered equipment and half-finished projects. But there's one thing missing: Kevin. The room is empty."Kevin?" Drake calls out, his voice echoing slightly in the stillness. There's no response.He walks further into the room, looking around for any sign of his friend. On the desk, he sees a small note scribbled hastily. Picking it up, he reads:Drake, meet me at the workroom- KevinDrake sighs, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. He had to explain himself and make sure Kevin understood why he lied and why he had to leave. Kevin had always been emotion
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