All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
146 chapters
Chapter 60: Kindness of a Stranger
When Drake lands in front of the inn, the teleportation capsule drains most of his energy, leaving him weak and wobbly. He stumbles forward, feeling as if the ground beneath him was shifting. His vision blurs as he tries to take a step, and he ends up falling to his knees in the soft dirt behind a house.As he tries to push himself up, a soft chime from the Alpha Link System reverberates in his mind, barely audible through the haze of exhaustion.«Ding![Alpha Link System Notification][Warning: High energy consumption detected. Current energy levels are critically low.][Initiating emergency energy regeneration protocol. The regeneration rate increased by 10% temporarily.]«Ding!Drake barely registers the notification as his body sways. The teleportation device lies next to him, still warm from the recent use. He reaches out to grab it but collapses fully to the ground, his strength completely sapped.Just as the world around him starts to fade, he hears the sound of a door creaking
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Chapter 61: The Gathering Storm
Authors POV. Planets away from Aquamarine...In the sprawling metropolis of Lumis, the capital of the Commonwealth of Light, a different kind of gathering is taking place. The city is a marvel of futuristic design, with towering skyscrapers, floating platforms, and luminous streets. At the centre of the city, the Council of Light convenes in a crystalline tower that glows with an inner radiance.High Chancellor Elysia presides over the meeting, her presence commanding and serene. Her advisors, representatives from the various sectors of the Commonwealth, sit around a circular table, discussing the latest intelligence reports."We have received disturbing news from our scouts in the outer rim," says General Kael, a seasoned military leader with a stern expression. "There are signs of increased activity from the World Tree civilization. They are mobilizing, and their trajectory suggests they may be targeting Aquamarine."Elysia's eyes narrow. "Aquamarine? What interest could they poss
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Chapter 62 : A new player
[ALSTAR, 160KM FROM GERMINAL ORGANIZATION AND THE SIX NATIONS]In a manor, heavily guarded by men in japanese samurai style, a crisp sound of heel shoes knocking against the tiles could be heard in the inner hall.Akira Nakamura, clad in black spandex and armed with two katana swords, strode into the hall with confidence. The seven middle-aged men seated around the round table looked up, their eyes fixed on her with a mix of curiosity and respect.Akira stopped in front of the eldest man, her father, Kenji Nakamura, and bowed deeply."Otō-sama, konbanwa." (Father, good evening.)Kenji Nakamura, the leader of the Yakuza, nodded slightly, his eyes never leaving hers."Akira, konbanwa. What brings you to this meeting?"Akira straightened, her eyes locked on her father's."I've received intel that the Triads are moving goods through our territory. I request permission to intercept them, otō-sama."The room fell silent, the only sound the soft hum of the tea kettle. Kenji's expression rema
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Chapter 63 : Ambushed
The four trucks drove at a steady pace down the secluded road, Jian and the Triads members were on high alert. Suddenly, the lead truck burst into flames, blocking the road. The other trucks screeched to a halt, and the Triads poured out, shooting sporadically. They knew they had just been ambushed by the Yakuza."Incoming!" one of the Triad members yelled, as arrows rained down on the Triads.Jian leapt out of the truck, his two handguns at the ready. "Take cover!" He shouted to his team.The Triad members scattered, seeking shelter behind nearby rocks and trees. While Akira and her team charged forward, her sword flashing in the sunlight."Get down!" Jian Li yelled as he and his team returned fire.The battle was intense, with bullets flying and arrows thudding into flesh. Men screamed and fell, but Akira and Jian Li remained standing, their skills honed to perfection.Akira dodged a hail of bullets, her sword slicing through the air."You're good, but not good enough! Did you reall
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Chapter 64. Duty and Loyalty
Akira drove the truck into the Yakuza territory. She had to meet her father and make a mission report.Akira walked into the meeting hall, her eyes fixed on her father and the elders seated at the table. She bowed deeply, her hands by her sides."Otō-sama, I have returned," she said, her voice steady.Kenji Nakamura's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing."Akira, you're the only survivor?"Akira nodded, her eyes still cast down."Yes, otō-sama. The Triads misled us into thinking they were moving the crates to the Yagawazu warehouse, we made a change of plan at the last minute and ambushed them at the crossroads, I lost my team, but I managed to escape with the crates. Their Triads also suffered heavy losses as all their escorts were eliminated."The elders murmured among themselves, their faces grave. Kenji's expression turned stern."Akira, you know how important this mission was. Just tell me, did you complete it? Did you bring back those artefacts, and you're sure you killed every one
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Chapter 65 : Choose
Jian Li spent the next few hours gathering intelligence on Akira's whereabouts. He knew she was a skilled fighter, but he also knew she had a weakness - her loyalty to the Yakuza. Although he didn't want to kill Akira as she had spared his life, he knew he could not back away from a mission. The moment he turns his back on his family will be the moment he ceases to exist.He tracked her down to a small bar on the outskirts of town, a known Yakuza hangout. This was his chance. Jian took his two best handguns, and a key to his powerbike and left the manor on his PCJ 600 powerbike.Jian Li stopped at the bar, he only called for two extra guys as a backup. This was supposed to be a stealth mission. He approached the bar cautiously, his gun hidden beneath his jacket.As he entered the bar, he spotted Akira sitting in the corner, her eyes fixed on him. She saw him being a bit fidgety as if he was steeling his resolve for something, that's when she knew he was there to kill her, but she didn
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Chapter 66 : Truth or Lies
Jian Li walked into the Triad manor, his mind still reeling from his encounter with Akira. He couldn't shake off the feeling that his whole world was about to be turned upside down.As he entered the courtyard, a Triad member approached him."Jian, your father summons you." The Triad said and went off. He hadn't even bothered greeting Jian or helping him park his powerbike. Jian knew he had more or less lost his respect in the eyes of these Triads' low-level members. In a Mafia organization, only strength matters. Kindness and goodness, are all seen as weaknesses.Sigh!Jian nodded, his heart sinking. He knew he had to be careful what he said to his father. He made his way to Victor Li's office, his mind racing with thoughts of Akira and the Yakuza. When he entered the office, his father looked up from his desk, his eyes narrowing."Jian, I hear you failed to finish off Akira Nakamura even when you had it in front of you." Victor Li said, his voice cold.Jian bowed his head. "I apolog
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Chapter 67 : A call for help
Akira sat in her brother's office, her mind racing with the impossible choice she faced. "Taro, I don't know what to do. Father wants me to lure Jian into a trap, but I can't do that. I owe him my life."Taro's expression was sympathetic, but his eyes gleamed with ambition. "I understand, sister. But you must think of the family's interests. Father's orders are not to be disobeyed."Akira nodded, but her heart was heavy with doubt. She didn't know that Taro was secretly planning to betray her and that his advice was merely a ploy to gain her trust.Meanwhile, Jian Li was facing his dilemma. His father, Victor Li, had ordered him to kill Akira, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He had saved her life once, and he couldn't repay that debt by taking her life now.As Akira and Jian struggled with their loyalty and duty, the tension between the Yakuza and Triads continued to escalate. It was only a matter of time before the conflict exploded into violence. Akira knew that if she was t
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Chapter 68 : Clyde
Unknown to Clarissa, the gifts she called trash were the top-notch, best of best, out of this world, items that money could buy.It's difficult for a layman to believe or even fathom the fact that a billionaire will leave a life of luxury, and then decide to settle in the slums. What kind of life will that be? But Clyde did it.. he chose this life for a reason.Clyde had gotten a gold card with a black diamond engraved on it, this card was only for the wealthiest in the Zizou Empire. This gold card had no spending limits and could contain billions of trium (the currency of the Zizou Empire. One Trium is equivalent to One dollar. In the modern world, Clyde will be one of the richest men there is).Another gift he had prepared was the state-of-the-art smart wristband, which after facial recognition will allow Clarissa access to learn about his real identity as the lord of the Zizou Empire's military forces. Clyde's identity was known only to a few. Even in the military, only a handful o
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Chapter 69 : Divorce
Later that evening, Clarissa and Clyde were on their way to the government agency that deals with residential marriage and divorce, they were going there to get a divorce. Clyde had tried to make her see reasons but Clarissa was adamant and demanded a divorce.On the way, Clarissa kept on mopping about how Clyde had been unable to give her the kind of life she deserved. Even after a year of marriage, she had nothing to show that she was married to a 'Man'. She had talked to Rachael while she was at her home. Rachael had pointed out the fact that ever since she was married, not only had she been left behind by their classmates, but her societal hierarchy had plummeted to rock bottom. She had agreed to it when Rachael had laid out these facts in front of her.“How can you be so useless, and yet you expect me to remain with you!? I'd say 'in your dreams' but then again, I'm not sure if you even have dreams.” Clarissa spoke harshly to Clyde as they both sat in the cab which was conveying
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