All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
146 chapters
Chapter 70 : Cheat
When Clyde got out of the building, he found Clarissa waiting for a cab. He walked up to her. He sighed in his heart. He could not believe his marriage ended just like that.He understood Clarissa's worries; women liked the typical strong alpha rich men. Men strong enough to shield them from harm, and also rich enough to provide their needs. He was strong no doubt, but he wasn't rich (at least in this fake life of his). This was the reason Clarissa left him. He beared no animosity towards her, despite what the old man inside the courthouse had said.“Clarissa, I wish you the best in life. I hope you find someone who will love you as much as I do, and who will take good care of you. You truly deserve to live a good life.” Clyde said with sincerity. He truly love Clarissa, if things were in his power, he would have told her about his real identity a long time ago, but sadly he couldn't not anything about it. So right now he was trying to soothe her feelings and show that he understood h
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Chapter 71 ; Collision
Clyde couldn't believe Clarissa dumped him for an ugly cow. The problem wasn't him not being lovable or caring or not doing his best.. no, the problem was Clarissa had already been cheating on him because she simply was just a materialistic woman who saw nothing but money. Clyde couldn't believe this! He now knew exactly why Clarissa suddenly asked for a divorce; Clarissa was cheating on him, and when Seth couldn't bear to keep it a secret anymore, Clarissa then demanded for a divorce.. it all made sense now! He had been cuckolded without even knowing. When did it start? How long has they been having sex behind his back? Three months? Four months? Anger and hate welled up in his heart for these two in front of him. Clyde looked at Clarissa's smiling face as she blushed and held Seth's arm as if it was a bag full of trium.. perhaps it was. His mind immediately flashed back once again to what the middle-aged man had said.“I once had a wife who didn't see me as a nice fit for her. She h
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Chapter 72. Risk
I've never felt so happy standing closer to Rihanna than I did right now. Her smile and laughter was so genuine, she acts so genuine, friendly and nice that it wasn't for Sebastian's body being corrupted with Black magic, we wouldn't have been able to know if she actually did anything bad to us.I felt so relieved and happy. Maybe this was the mission Lana was talking about, her mission was probably to make Sebastian and I get closer to each other and it was working.Ever since she pushed open our bedroom this morning, Sebastian has been so loving, especially since she told him that she knew that we were meant for each other."You're smiling brightly," Her voice interrupted me and I turned to face her, my smile spreading."Of course I am. I'm just so happy."She smiled and patted my hair lightly. I felt a little tug and it felt like a strand of my hair left my hair but it was probably her nails.Ever since she tampered with black magic, the repercussion was her nails and the color of
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Chapter 73. Force
I looked at Rihanna intently waiting for her reply. She kept switching glances as she tried to avoid the question “Can we go dancing tonight?” She asked, clearly trying to avoid the question “Rihanna, I'm not a baby who can easily get distracted by crazy stuff like dancing. I asked you a question, why don't you want to tell me?” I asked “I heard Lana told you not to bug me about that…” “That was when you were still crazy but now we're becoming close and you're becoming more open, you can tell me” I urged but she didn't budge “I promise not to let anyone know about you telling me…” “Not even Seb?” She asked and I nodded. Her eyes still held doubt but I saw a glimpse of tiredness in her eyes…if I just pressed on, she might spill. “Rihanna tell me, tell me please…I'll do whatever you want if you tell me” she finally gave a faint sigh and said; “Well…you are…” “Hey babe what are you doing here?” Sebastian cut in from behind us. I sighed in frustr
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Chapter 74 : Why now?
"Not many, Your Highness,"the hunter replied. “During every Months of the Demons there will only appear two to three mixed species demons,otherwise Longsong Stronghold would be in huge trouble."“Well, you seem to be very observant, " Roland ordered the man to stand up and asked,“what's your name? You don't look like a man from my Kingdom of Graycastle.""Half of my lineage hails from the Mojin Clan, the townspeople call me Iron Axe."Mojin Clan, the people from the Shamin Kingdom, located southwest of the barren lands,it was said that they were the descendants of giants. Roland searched within his brain for any memories related to the Mojin Clan and realized that Iron Axe did not use the name his clan called him by, rather using the name given by the people of Border Town, and apparently he did not want to have a relationship with the Shamin Kingdom. As for why,since it was obvious that he was from the southwestern border of the desolate lands, he estimated, that there were a series
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Chapter 75. Worker
The weather had been bad all week, and the sky was always gray. Karl van Bate's mood was just like the weather: gloomy to the extreme.As he walked down the wet stone street, people greeted him from time to time-Karl ran a school in this town. Unlike the Kingdom of Graycastle, where only the children of noble could go to school, here he taught r the children of ordinary people.Therefore, he had a very high reputation in Border Town. "Hey,Mr. van Bate, good morning. ""Sir, is my son doing all right?""When are you free, Karl? Let's go fishing together."Usually, Karl would always smile and respond to them, but today he just nodded, never saying a word.He had just witnessed Anna's hanging, so in his eyes there was a crack in the once-perfect world-or this crack had begun to form since his departing from Graycastle, but he deliberately turned a blind eye.He used his busy work to numb himself, and to a certain extent,he even used the innocent smile of the students to mend this crack."U
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Chapter 76 : Reward
Fred wrapped her up like his Boss had ordered and carried her out of his room. Sassy was still sleeping exhaustedly in his arms while he carried her away from the boss's room, down to her room.He rounded a corner when he saw Angela striding towards them, her heels clicking hard on the ground. She took one look at them, and her eyebrows shot up."What's wrong with that bitch?" She asked as she strode closer, her forehead knitted in a frown as she eyed the sleeping Sassy. "Boss had a session with her," Fred answered in a calm tone."She passed out? What session are you talking about? " She asked in awe. "Was she flogged or something? Was she tortured for killing my man's son?" She further asked while hoping for her to be flogged mercilessly."It wasn't any of those, Mistress Angela." That had Angela frowning again. She took a good look at Sassy who was wrapped up in a sheet, her face peaceful in her sleep. She's more like a sleeping beauty.She searched for whipped bruises, but could
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Chapter 77 Gritting
The moment After Shalie left, Sassy made her way to the bathroom and had her bath. Then, she was dressing up.Her thoughts went back to reading. Since she isn't restricted to moving around now, maybe she could search for any library around the clan. It's been so long she read, she has missed it terribly.With that thought firmly on her mind, she was putting on her not-so-good-looking dresses given to her by her supposed king when the door suddenly flung open.Mistress Angela strode in like she owned the place, with two hefty guards standing behind her.Sassy bowed her head to the woman in stood fiercely in front of her. The aura emitting from her body wasn't a nice one.Angela walked closer to Sassy, her eyes filled with so much loath for her. She just couldn't conceal it. She didn't say a word to her. Instead, she turned to the guards."Guards, seize her." She ordered as she turned and moved out of the room.Before she could process the command, the two guards quickly grabbed hold of
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Chapter 78. Veka
Zanky kept pacing back and forth in his room, his both hands crossed behind him as he continued soothing in anger.The sight he had seen earlier was still vividly in his head. He can't couldn't get that image out of his head. Sassy fully naked with Rayman.“ I told you before now, Zanky. That girl isn't who you think she is. I saw how you were having a soft spot for her, you rarely want to be with me all because of her. If you had killed her to avenge your son's death, she wouldn't have done this. She wouldn't have gone ahead to sleep with your guard! She disrespected you so much, Zanky and she has to pay for it!” Mistress Angela who was seated on the couch with her legs crossed above the other, as she uttered in anger.Her words made Zanky sooth in anger more. It made him want to strangle Sassy to death. That bitch made a fool out of him and he is going to make her pay!Silence descended on them as everyone was lost in their own thoughts. After a while, a knock sounded at the door.I
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Chapter 79 : Alpha link
“Test subject number 24. The subject lasted for two minutes and forty-five seconds after the administration of Valkyrie. Time of death: 4:22 AM.”'I should be the only one at home. Who's talking?'Drake opened his eyes, only to be blinded by light. The familiar hatch of his VR capsule was no longer there, instead, he was facing a white ceiling. The walls that surrounded him were also white and reminiscent of cold, hard metal. They felt like something straight out of science fiction. The room resembled an intensive care unit, and Drake lay atop a cold metal table, barrel-chested and wired to all sorts of machines. His back was freezing.Drake noticed there was a group of people in white coats surrounding him, and they were looking at him as though they had seen a ghost.'I thought I just accepted a levelling request? Where am I?'«Ding!Alpha Link System initialized. Host selected; Drake Michaelson of East View New Jersey. Welcome.»«Ding!Alpha Link System activated. Transferring unpa
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